Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1816 Sky Arena!

Not finding Foss, Werther targeted Lei.

After many years, when he came to the "Brother's Table" again, Witte just looked at the plaque and was filled with emotion.

I remember when he first came here, he was still a baby dragon!

However, when his eyes moved slightly and fell on the store door, his face couldn't help but fall.

"No, you're not here either!"

The store door was closed, and there was no scent of other dragons inside.

늀Just when Werther thought that Lei 꺗 had run out to pursue his "food route", he suddenly caught a glimpse of a giant Lei 꽮su dragon flying in the distance.

"Hmm... it must be Lei!"

Werther was a little unsure.

After all, the distance is too far, and the Sky City does not allow mental exploration.

Werther could only judge from the calmness of the opponent's flight that he was definitely not his student.

But Witte was not sure whether there would be new thunder dragons joining the Sky City during his absence.

With the existence of Lei Hai, this possibility is not small.

Fortunately, the opponent was very fast and the target was indeed the "Thunder Dragon's Dining Table". Coupled with the several dragon eggs held in the opponent's claws, Werther finally determined that this was thunder.

"Witt, you're back!"

Lei Zaobao noticed Werther, came close, and said hello with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm back, and I plan to take a look around. Although I've been back several times before, I haven't remembered to feel the changes in this empty city.

By the way, how many Eramovi dragon beasts are you planning to raise? "

As he spoke, Werther's eyes fell on Lei's paw, and Werther recognized the dragon egg inside.

"I always have to find a way to solve the problem of leftover food. I don't know if it was due to the influence of the Abyss War. I have been back for so many years, and I only recently found the haunt of the Eramovi Dragon Beast.

It is still quite far away from the empty plain.

By the way, do you want it? "

As he spoke, Ray stretched out his paw in front of Werther.

Witte looked at the dragon egg in Lei's paw, and the vague memory gradually emerged in his mind, but unfortunately, there was only a paragraph of text description, and Witte didn't even remember the appearance of the Eramovi dragon beast he raised.

"Forget it, you know, I can't stay idle, so it's Celine and the others who are raising me, so I won't cause trouble for them."


With that said, Lei opened the store door and said, "I hope there are male and female ones in here, otherwise, I will have to go look for them elsewhere.


Why don't you come in and sit for a while? "

As 녊 said this, Lei suddenly noticed that Witte did not follow him, so he looked over with some confusion.

Werther chuckled.

"Ah, I just walked around casually to see who else was there. If I want to chat, I will have plenty of time in the future. You should be busy with things in the store first!"

As he spoke, Werther raised his paw toward the distance.

Some dragons have already noticed that the "Brothertosaurus Dining Table" opened the door and came over here.

Ray peeked out his head and grinned.

"Okay, come over when you have time. If there are new dishes, you have to try them out. After all, there are many ingredients and condiments that are not available here. I need to research alternatives."

"I know, I know!"

"By the way, if you want to see the changes in Kongkong City, I suggest you go to the former Young Dragon Management Office and the current Kongkong Arena. It's very good!"

"꽭empty arena..."

Witte raised his eyebrows, said goodbye to Lei, and then walked towards the tenth block.

As can be seen from the name 늀, the 꽭空 Arena should be the target of the Free Arena in Free City.

But he built the alchemy magic circle at the Young Dragon Management Office, and Viter knew better than anyone else the limits of what the arena there could withstand.

And Scott is very stingy!

Even though he later earned a lot of magic crystal coins through the arena of the Young Dragon Management Office, he never came to Witte to renovate the alchemy magic circle there.

So, Candice took action?

With this thought in mind, Witte came to the Young Dragon Management Office (hereafter called the Sky Arena) again.

As soon as he arrived, a flash of wonder flashed in Werther's eyes.

Compared with the previous one, the area of ​​the 꽭 Sky Arena has been expanded to 꿁눁 times. Of course, the style has not changed, it is still the original circular arena style.

In the center of the arena, there is still the stone sculpture of Gu Luo.

However, in front of the entrance outside, the stone sculpture that originally belonged to Werther was replaced by a small stone sculpture from Guluo.

Werther didn't think anything of it.

It's not a young dragon management office anymore, so naturally it doesn't need a stone sculpture of the dragon that dominated all young dragons when it was a young dragon.

When he got close, Werther couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

He is now sure that the Sky Arena definitely does not just belong to the Dragon Gang.

As a legendary alchemist, he could recognize the alchemy magic arrays buried in the wall just by looking at the elemental fluctuations. They were all mithril magic arrays.

In such a huge arena, even if he sold all the dragons of the Dragon Gang, he wouldn't be able to get so much mithril.

If it weren't for Kongcheng's capital injection, the Dragon Gang wouldn't be able to complete this building.


The city-state of wind and thunder has both the powerful movement of thunder and the freedom that wind wants.

Therefore, there was no arena in Kongcheng before, only some small arenas for dragons to resolve their grievances.

Unexpectedly, now they have taken the initiative to build an arena.

Of course, the Sky City is just an injection of capital. Witt can feel the creative power with the breath of Candice, and confirm that it is indeed Candice who made the move.

With a touch of curiosity in his heart, Witt entered the Sky Arena.

The interior is still the same as the original Young Dragon Management Office. There are four arenas in the east, south, west and north, but they are much larger, and the protective shields are also the top-level, providing limited competition for legends.

As for wanting legends to let go of their hands and feet to fight, so far, there is no such level of protective shield.

This is also why the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast requires three legendary high-level referees.

Of course, it is not to say that there is no such level of defensive magic array.

It’s just that the protective shield used in the arena is not the same concept as the defensive magic array.

In short, this level of protective shield naturally attracts a large number of dragons who come here to fight and watch.

On the wall behind is a familiar "advertisement".

As Witt watched and sighed, he suddenly froze. There were two familiar figures on the Western Arena.

"Oh, Leandre, so..."

Witt's eyes wandered around the audience, and sure enough, he soon saw a familiar figure.

As if thinking of something, Witt grinned and squeezed towards the other party's position.

A dragon was startled by Witt's action and was about to glare at him, but as soon as his eyes fell on Witt, they immediately became clear.


Isa looked at the two dragons on the arena, her face slightly gloomy.

"Hey, Ao was taken away!"


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