Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1809 Your teacher has a poor sense of direction!

As for the fourth item of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, Witt said that it was not as important as he imagined.

What Witt wanted was nothing more than a result and an attitude.

It was about the dragon race's view on the abyss.

As for the content of the fourth item, Witt was ready to watch it as a joke. Whether it was the new dragon species, or various comparative discoveries or inventions, these were not that important to Witt.

As for the new dragon species, it was nothing more than determining the name of a dragon species.

As for the discovery or invention...

The Ten Thousand Dragons Feast was held every four thousand years. Four thousand years sounded like a long time, but in fact, it was a bit short for the emergence of new inventions and discoveries.

Since the development of the dragon race, whether it is magic, magic circle, potion, or alchemy, it has reached a fairly high level.

To be honest, it is normal to outlive one or two generations of dragons to make breakthroughs in these fields.

Of course, there are new discoveries in the magic circle.

The one is Janis, Witt's teacher.

Moreover, this discovery is enough to raise the magic circle to the same level as the ancient dragon text.

But unfortunately, the teacher did not come.

Watching the fourth item start, one dragon after another climbed onto the platform where Uranus was originally lying, loudly introducing their new discoveries and new inventions, and Witt sighed helplessly.

"What a pity, the teacher didn't come!"

Hearing Witt's words, Celine looked at him helplessly.

"Jannis...ah, I remember that I did hear her say that she wanted to come to this year's Ten Thousand Dragons Feast to show her research results.

I don't know if she has found Desidero."

Hearing this, Witt's mental power swept through the reverse scale space, and a silver dragon scale that was well stored.

"The dragon scale left by the teacher has no movement, obviously it hasn't come yet."

"I heard you talking about Janis?"

At this time, Karen controlled the floating island and came to the sky above Witt and others.

"If you are still wondering whether Janis has returned to the dragon's nest, then I advise you not to have too much hope."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then looked up at Karen with some doubts.

"Teacher Karen, why do you say that?"

"Hey, you know that Janis is actually a road idiot, and a very serious one, the kind that can't even tell the direction."


At this time, all the dragons from Desidero's dragon nest gathered here.

Hearing this, all the dragons were stunned.

When Janis left, they had already reunited, so when Janis proposed to look for Desidero, they all thought it was normal.

After all, they have grown up and need Janis's care.

Unexpectedly, there is no problem on our side, but Janis seems to have some problems.

Witt looked at Violet more consciously.

"How come I've never heard the teacher say that? Besides, during that period, I made an alchemy device specifically for Violet to prevent her from getting lost.

If the teacher is directionally challenged, she should have pointed it out at that time."

Hearing this, Karen's eyes flashed with a strangeness.

"You're talking about this. Actually, although we all know that Janis is directionally challenged, she is the only one who always thinks that she is prone to deviating from the direction during the flight.

She never thought that the direction she chose was wrong from the beginning.

And Janis firmly believed so."


Hearing this, Witt felt his scalp tingling. It turns out that directionally challenged people are the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that directionally challenged people think they are directionally challenged!

Suddenly, Witt realized something.

"So, the teacher left the dragon's nest to look for me after I left it, and she got lost for hundreds of hours before finding my trace..."

That's right!

Witt suddenly thought of the way the teacher looked for me.

Maybe the teacher looked for me, and Poredia looked for the teacher, and then took the teacher to look for me.

Thinking about it this way, when we were in the Endless Sea, we met the ice creature left by the teacher, but we didn't see her dragon. There was no other reason at all.

It was just because the teacher knew that if we flew north from that location, we would reach Fast Continent.


"Teacher Karen, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, how could I have let the teacher go to Desidero alone? And why didn't you stop the teacher in advance?"

Hearing this, Karen waved her paw casually.

"Your teacher is very unlucky. I was thinking at that time, what if your teacher wandered around and wandered in front of Desidero!


Although it seems that this method is a bit unreliable now.

But don't worry, your teacher is weak and will not encounter any danger.

At most, he will wander around outside for a few more days.

As for saying it earlier..."

Speaking, Karen looked at Witt speechlessly.

"Please, you are her student, how can I think ahead? As a student, you don't know your teacher at all."

"Then now..."

"There is no way. When your teacher comes back, or appears in front of Desidero, there will be news."


Werther was silent for a while.

Its 놛龙껩놆 is both funny and a bit worrying.

But as Karen said, it’s useless for us to think more. This is all in the past. Who knows where Werther’s teacher has gone.

"Have I been here before?"

In the endless sea, Janis looked at a small island in the distance, with a flash of doubt in his eyes.

"It seems that I flew off the mark again. Which direction did it fly from last time?"

Muttering, Janis glanced around, and after some thought, she gave up thinking and chose a random direction to fly.

"The teacher is actually a crazy person", in the fourth project of Wanlong Feast, can only be regarded as a small episode, no matter how small it is.

Various new inventions, discoveries, identification of new dragon species, birth of new magic, etc.

These things were a lot of trouble due to Julong's "super high" work efficiency.

That's right!

Just 놆꾉 six 뎃, 놊놆꾉 six days.

After all, discussions of this type of opinion will inevitably involve different viewpoints.

Different viewpoints will involve other things.

Although these will eventually evolve into a battle between dragons with the same views, these processes may be omitted in the meantime.

꾉Six 뎃's time is already very short.


How could he endure such a long wrangling...

Of course I got involved!

For example, the fourth item was originally about the topic between dragons and the abyss. In this six-month period, Witte, including but not limited to, prevented the mutant silver dragon from being established and prevented a fire element dragon from being established. The beast's innate magic is named in the form of "Fire Dragon..."...

During this period, Werther personally fought for several rounds, just to win the right to speak.

I really complied with those words, and when things involved me, I really couldn’t bear it anymore!

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