Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1805 Information about the continent of Fevers!

Witt was a little panicked.

After all, his luck has always been bad. Even though he is a good dragon, he can be judged as an evil dragon by Eaton's false judgment will.

Then, in the City of Death, it is not impossible that he will not be selected by Yak.

Thinking of this, Witt hurriedly shook his head.

No, no, some things are more likely to happen the more you think about them.

Anyway, with Celine here, when he can't do it himself, he can give the token to Celine. Celine's luck has always been good.

Thinking of this, Witt's focus shifted from the body of the Holy Dragon Yak to the City of Death.

"Isn't the City of Death a gathering place for bone dragons and undead dragons? How come you live in the City of Death?"

Hearing this, before Sen could say anything, Ayisha took the lead in speaking.

"The City of Death is indeed as you said, a gathering place for bone dragons and undead dragons, gathering nearly 90% of the bone dragons and undead dragons in the dragon world.

But the City of Death is a city-state, and it will not refuse the joining of other dragons, including flying dragons and dragons.

Even, like other city-states, the City of Death also has the largest number of flying dragons, followed by dragons, and the largest number of dragons.

Moreover, as the city-state with the largest area, the most dragons, and the strongest power on the continent of Fevers, the City of Death has three dragon legends alone.

In addition, there is a legend of the flying dragon clan and a legend of the dragon clan.

There are legends living there.

This alone is something that other city-states on the continent of Fevers can hardly achieve.

Even during our travels, we have not seen a city-state with such strength.

In my opinion, the three "mosts" are not limited to Fevers. The continent of Favers is probably the most famous of these three in the entire dragon world.

In addition, as far as I know, there are eight open legends on the continent of Favers.

One of them is in the City of Death, and the other three are Enomos of the Titan Dragon Clan among the dragons. He is known as a walking legend or a walking city-state.

Enomos is six kilometers long, with mountains, rivers and lakes on his back. There is a small city-state named after him. Although it is a small city-state, it is also known as the safest city-state.

The only pity is that if the dragon goes to that city-state, it needs to shrink its body.

The other two legends are Efloven and Iwe.

The former lives in the City of Waters, the source of all streams, and is a water element dragon.

The latter is a lone walker, living in the southern ice field, and is a white dragon. ”

“Tsk tsk…”

Hearing this, Witt couldn’t help but smack his lips.

It is worthy of being the largest continent, and the number of legends is not more than that of Fast Continent.

Moreover, this is only the open one.

It is hard to say how many legends there are in the dark.

After all, most dragons break through in the dragon-free zone when they are about to become legends. Not many dragons know whether they succeed in breaking through or not, whether they live or die.

Therefore, it is normal for a dragon that has been tracked for tens of thousands of times and other dragons think it is dead to suddenly jump out and show the strength of the legendary level.

Especially those lone dragons are more likely to have this situation.

"What about the legends of the City of Death?"

Thinking about those things in his mind, Witt asked again.

He must be traveling to the continent of Sairos. The more information about this continent, the better, especially for such a strong man at the top.

Ordinary dragons definitely don't know as much as Ayisha and others.

These three dragons are intelligence.

Since it was already mentioned here, Ayisha naturally had no intention of keeping it secret.

"It is said that there are legends in the City of Death, but only four have been confirmed.

The first is the apparent ruler of the City of Death, Onotoev.

Like Libby in the City of Freedom, he also manages the City of Death personally.

His race is the Exploding Rock Dragon, with affinity for both elements, and he has mastered the laws of both elements, and he is extremely powerful.

Occasionally, you can see this person at large-scale events in the City of Death.

The second is Loran, the patriarch of the Wind God Pterosaur clan, and Vern, the patriarch of the Mountain Dragon clan.

These two are not often seen.

You also know that the lifespan of flying dragons and dragons is limited. Even if the legends are passed down, the legends of the two clans still need to devote most of their time to cultivation in order to reach a higher level before the end of their lifespan.

And the fourth is Edwina of the Bone Dragon clan.

She has existed longer than Onotoev, and she died. The City of Death was originally under her control. Later, after Onotov broke through the legend, Edwina took the initiative to hand over the City of Death to him.

And she herself lived in seclusion in the Bone Dragon and the Undead Dragon Saint.

As for the first one..."

At this point, Aisha glanced at Sen, and then continued: "It is the Holy Dragon Yak in your story. However, as time goes by and the Thousand Covenant continues, the Holy Dragon Yak is more mysterious than the other four legends.

After all, no dragon has seen him except the dragon with the token.

And the dragons who claim to have seen him are also true and false.

The dragons in the City of Death gradually began to doubt whether the so-called Holy Dragon and the so-called Thousand Covenant really exist.

If it exists, is this person just a legend?

For most dragons, they believe more in the former, that the Thousand Covenant is a big lie.

For those of us who have had the honor of seeing that person, we are more concerned about the latter, that is, whether this holy dragon is a legend or a higher-level existence.

Of course, those of us who have seen the holy dragon will not take the initiative to clarify these rumors.

After all, if necessary, that person would have appeared by himself.

That person doesn't care about these, and we dragons who know the truth can't do anything. "

Hearing this, Witt's eyes flashed with excitement.

Not only because he knew the truth from Aisha, but more because of his expectations for the continent of Fevers.

The legend of walking, the gathering of bone dragons and undead dragons, the promise of a thousand, in addition to the rumored source of all water in the continent of Fevers, the city of waters, the source of all streams...

Not to mention reporting and visiting friends, just listening to these, Witt wanted to fly to the continent of Fevers immediately.

This is the largest continent in the dragon world, and there are too many novel things.

In comparison, the continent of Fast It is indeed a bit mediocre. Apart from the Dragon Feast and the Great Icefield, there is nothing else that attracts dragons.

Of course, this is for Witt.

In fact, for dragons from other continents, the Fast Continent is also mysterious and full of novel things, such as the Sky City of Thunder and Wind, the Free City that produces a lot of Space Stone, and the Hot City with a mountain as its city...

How to describe this?

Although it is not appropriate, if you have to describe it in one sentence, it is that domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers!


Okay, it is indeed not appropriate, but the meaning is similar.


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