Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1795 You are my student!


Witt's sudden appearance startled Violet, and then a hint of joy suddenly appeared on her face.

"You came too fast... It's so hot. Looking at your state, you were not fighting before!"

As he said this, Violet felt a little guilty.

Looking at this state, his teacher's opponent should not be simple.

"You... You won't admit defeat!"

Hearing this, Violet's eyes still did not move away from the dragon opposite, and he said lightly: "I asked you to take them out to play, not to take them to explore the world.

Is it necessary to run so far?

As for the game...

It's nothing, it's just the finals, I'm not angry."

Speaking of far, he didn't run so far when he took Mo Xi out to break through.

Hearing what Witt said, Violet's face froze, her neck shrank, and then her eyes rolled, and she hurriedly explained: "It's not that I was having too much fun and accidentally ran here. It's not my fault."

"I'll deal with you when I go back..."

As he said this, Witt threw Bu and Betty, who he brought from an island not far away, to Violet's side, and then swung his dragon tail, directly creating a space crack.

"Now, leave here!"

When Witt said this, his eyes never left the dragon opposite.

The dragon opposite was just watching from a distance.

Villet was stunned for a moment.

"No, I..."

"This is the Endless Sea, who will protect them?"


Villet was silent for a while, and then her claws turned into an elemental ball, protecting Bu and Betty inside.

"Teacher, please be careful."

"Don't worry, it's not your turn to care about me yet. Going back honestly is the biggest help to me!"

Hearing this, Violet said nothing more. She looked back at the abyss dragon. While remembering the other party's appearance, a light flashed in her eyes.

The quick-witted Violet has realized that her teacher knows this dragon.

Thinking so in her heart, Violet did not hesitate and plunged into the space crack.

When she appeared again, let alone the breath, she could not even see a dark cloud in the distance.

Betty's eyes were filled with worry.


"Believe in the teacher's truth."

That's what she said, but Violet spent a little time to identify the direction and flew towards the Fast Continent.

She didn't even put away the various states she had used to fight before.

Violet, who was flying at full speed towards the Fast Continent, had an idea in her mind, to settle Betty and Bu as soon as possible, and then take the other dragons to find his teacher.

The space rift closed, and Witt looked at the dragon opposite, suddenly sighed for a long time, and then put away all the states on his body.

"Long time no see, Finger!"

That's right!

The abyss dragon in front of him, which had transformed from a black dragon, was the student he had helped before, the student who had suffered all kinds of hardships since birth, Finger!


He was responded to by a silence.

Witt didn't care, and while flying towards Finger, he said: "I know that your experience as a young dragon will make you have an extremely fanatical pursuit of strength.

But I still didn't expect that you would be in such a state when we meet again."

"Fifteen thousand years…"

A low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"Old… teacher, I finally found you!"


This time it was Witt's turn to be silent.

Fifteen thousand years...

This is a number that Witt, who is less than a thousand years old, has no concept of.

After all, for him, he has been separated from Finger for only about a thousand years.

This is not as long as he was separated from Celine and the others before.

However, when Finger said this number, Witt really felt the length and heaviness of this time span.


Witt exhaled a long breath, then turned his head and flew away from the Fast Continent.

"Let's leave here first!"

Finger's scarlet eyes looked at Witt, who was defenseless against him and even had his back to him. After a slight pause, he followed.

"So you have been looking for me all the time!"


"After I returned to my own timeline, I went to find you. Just a few hundred years ago, I got news about you in the Secret Realm of Water, but unfortunately, you were not there."

Finger listened to Witt's words and looked at Witt's back flying in front.



Because you called me teacher for the last time, as a teacher, how can you not care about your students.

If you hadn't called me teacher for the last time, I really wouldn't have had to look for you again."

Witt looked back at Finger and said casually.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why shouldn't I be afraid? You are my student, and I taught you all your magic."

"I touched the abyss, why don't you hate me?"

"You are my student, so what if you touched the abyss? You are just pursuing the power you want. In my opinion, there is no difference from you at that time."

"What you taught me...

Never put your hope on the kindness of your enemy...

I have obtained the power of the abyss. You still think I am the same Finger, but I am not.

Since you have been to the secret realm of water, you should know that I killed them!

My mother, my brother...

I killed them and turned their bones to ashes!

Facing such a me, you still turn your back? "

"You are my student, I know you better than you do. You said that you are no longer the Finger of the past, so why do you do what I tell you?

As for killing my brother and mother...

Is it serious?

Let alone that they abandoned you first, just based on my understanding of you, unless they kill you first, you will not kill them. "

"I will!"



There was another long silence. There was the sound of their flapping wings and the breath of Finger around. No dragon beast dared to approach the area where the gray snow was flying.

"Because of my teacher? "

Witt looked back at Finger and nodded.

"Because of that teacher, my teacher once said that in this world belonging to dragons, teachers and students have a very close relationship.

It represents inheritance!

When I taught you the blue ice magic, you were the dragon I chose to pass on this magic and carry it forward. "

"I didn't pass this magic on."

"It doesn't matter!

This is normal.

My teacher expected me to learn all her knowledge about magic circles and continue to study it in depth, but I finally gave up.

Like you, I failed the teacher's expectations because of my pursuit of strength.

But it doesn't matter, I found another student.

It was that young dragon, and I taught her all the teacher's expectations and my own dreams.

Inheritance, there is transmission and inheritance, so it is called inheritance.

It doesn't matter if there is no one now, I will find one later.

It doesn't matter if you can't find it, just record the knowledge and build a ruins to leave for future generations.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to do these.

When you become stronger, the blue ice magic will be passed down with your name, and this is called carrying it forward. ”


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