Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1775 Defeat!

Outside the field, Witt looked at the scene in the field and shook his head helplessly.

"The battle is over!"

The fighting method used by Gang Yilite to fight against Dingnet is actually the same as the fighting method used by Witt to fight against Linsda, except that the form of power is different.

This fighting method is used to remove fixed domains.

Attack with strong force, constantly erode the domain, and at the same time, fix the domain holder in a fixed position, so that it cannot play the flexible advantage of the domain.

And this fighting method is also a conspiracy in the open.

If you don't care, I will destroy your domain. If you care, then you have to fight me. There is no third choice.

When the domain gradually shrinks and the dodge space is small to a certain extent, a round of strong attack can basically take down the opponent.

Of course, success or failure still depends on the strength of both parties.

After all, a fighting method is just a method, and its function is to connect one's own offensive methods into a whole and maximize one's own strength.

But if one's own strength is not strong enough, no matter how one exerts it, the result will be difficult to change.

The so-called fighting method can only play the best effect when the strength is similar. At other times, the most important thing is strength.

Dingnit's strength is far lower than Gang Yilite, and the fighting method will become a point of exploitation by the opponent, but there is no way to do this.

Using a systematic fighting method will be predicted by the opponent's next action.

But if you don't use a systematic fighting method, you can't exert your own fighting power, which is even worse.

You will definitely lose, but the battle will not end immediately. Now it depends on how much damage Dingnit can cause to Gang Yilite.

Of course, if there is a trick, although the probability is pitifully small, it is not 100% impossible to win.

And the situation on the field is similar to what Witt expected.

As Gang Yilite pressed forward step by step, Dinnett's territory became smaller and smaller, and the space available for her to dodge became smaller and smaller.

So, the question is, can Dinnett see the situation clearly?

Of course she can see it clearly!

But the problem is that if she guards this jungle, she may still have a chance to attack. Giving up this jungle is equivalent to giving up all the previous positions.

With a posture that is even worse than when she just entered the field, she is facing an opponent who has strengthened himself several times.

Do you bet everything on the moment when Gang Yilite launches a general attack?

If she seizes that opportunity, this battle is not impossible to continue, but the premise is that she has to withstand Gang Yilite's general attack.

If you can't bear it, the battle will end directly!

Looking at Gang Yilite who was pressing forward step by step, Dingnet hesitated for a moment and finally chose to take a gamble!

But it was not a gamble on that one move, but she took the initiative to attack.

Just when Dingnet was thinking about this, Gang Yilite stomped on the ground fiercely, and it was another explosive rock spike!

Thick and sharp metal spikes suddenly emerged from the ground, aiming directly at the twisted jungle in front. For a while, the sound of dead branches and vines breaking, the sound of elements colliding and blasting, and the sound of metal breaking and hitting were endless!

But at this moment, a dark green magic circle suddenly unfolded, instantly covering the remaining twisted jungle.

The twisted jungle covered by the magic circle, after a slight pause, grew wildly in an instant, and the entire jungle turned into an extremely thick vine surrounded by dark green poisonous mist, and whipped Gang Yilite fiercely.

Crazy Whip (96)!

Facing the full-strength attack of Dinnet, Gang Yilite's eyes fixed, and a yellowish-brown magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet, and then the ground began to ripple like water.

This scene was familiar to all dragons.

Rock Stream (93)!

The difference was that Gang Yilite's rock stream was not only metallic silver-white, but also composed of countless fine blades, which was similar to his steel blade lightning stream.

It just didn't have the lightning element.

However, after all, it was a forbidden spell with nine nodes, and its power far exceeded his breath.

The rock stream rushed towards the giant vines that were attacking. At the moment of collision, different elements collided with each other, and a huge elemental riot broke out.

The elemental riot generated an elemental tide, and several waves spread to the entire battlefield.

Because of the all-out effort, all the natural elements of the twisted jungle were extracted. After the collision, there was no elemental power to protect the twisted jungle, and it turned into ashes in the power of the elemental tide in an instant.

But at this moment, the ground not far from Gang Yilite suddenly swelled up, and another huge vine whipped towards Gang Yilite.

It was also a crazy whip, but without the blessing of the twisted jungle, the power was much reduced.

The ground under Gang Yilite's feet quickly lifted up, and a huge metal explosive rock spike stretched out and blocked him.


After a loud bang, the explosive rock spike exploded, but the vine dissipated into a diffuse green light spot.

However, a strong sense of weakness came from Gang Yilite.

It was Dinnett who jumped out from the ground on the other side, and the long-planned Life Deprivation (97) immediately fell on him.

But just as she successfully weakened Gang Yilite and prepared to evacuate temporarily in order to follow up with Dinnett, a purple lightning suddenly burst out from her body.

Her body froze in place.

Although Dinnett responded quickly and used the power of elemental rules to clear away the power of thunder elemental rules with strong paralysis effect, before she could make more moves, a new lava flow fell on her body.

Dinnett used all her strength to activate the power of elemental rules in her body and injected it into the defensive magic on her body, while her whole body was "pressed" to the ground by the lava flow.

After a while, the lava flow dissipated, and Dinnett lay powerlessly in a huge pit. There was no intact place on her scales, and the whole dragon turned into a huge blood gourd.


Gang Yilite let out a long breath, feeling the weakness coming from all parts of his body, and then looked at Dinnett in the pit, with a smile on his face.

"Very good fight!"

Dinnett climbed up with difficulty, and sighed with regret after hearing this.

"The gap is still too big!"

Although the voice was a little weak, it was very clear. Obviously, the injuries on Dinnett's body were just scary, but in reality, they were far less serious than they looked.

"Haha, I look forward to your growth!"

Gang Yilite chuckled, then spread his wings, dragged his heavy and tired body, and flew towards the audience.

Dinnett waved his wings, and with the remaining elemental rule power in his body, he barely flew up.

When he arrived at the audience, as soon as he landed, Dinnett noticed Billy's worried eyes, and smiled and said, "Don't worry, the injury is not that serious."

As he said, Dinnett turned his head and looked at Witt again.

"How do you feel?"

Hearing this, Witt chuckled and said, "You performed quite well."


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