Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1774: Crush?

Seeing this magic, Witte's face suddenly darkened.

It’s confirmed, it’s thunder erosion!

It's not that 놛 can feel the power inside through the elemental shield, but this magic is so representative that 놛 himself has experienced it personally.

A thunderstorm like a tornado...

Does it look familiar?

Boredia once used this magic, combined with Thunder Lift, to clean up the special Abeyi Dragon Beast's lair where the dragon mother was a space attribute.

Not long ago, Ray used this magic to deal with Rex, the fallen angel who was eyeing Werther.

Personal experience, 늀 refers to the time in Boredia, when Werther was affected by the thunder storm and directly lost the ability to fly. The reason 늀 was the paralysis effect of the thunder element.

The most common combination of this magic is not the thunder surge, which can be said to be the exclusive rule power of the Thunder Dragon of the Sky City series.

Before Lei gave 놛 science 껣, 놛 had never heard of the rules of the thunder element.

This magic is almost corroded by the deadly thunder, and the combination of the two creates a paralyzing field with extremely strong effects.

As for why Werther's face is so dark...

Needless to say, the time rule seems strong, but it has obvious flaws. However, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to catch this flaw if the strength of the dragon is not far superior to that of Werther.

However, when you are in the paralysis field, this flaw will be infinitely exaggerated.

In addition, Gang Yilit is stronger than Vit.

In this way, the method used to deal with Seros before was definitely useless without even thinking about it!

If time magic cannot exert its due effect, Witte's chances of winning against Gangilit will be lowered again.

On the field!

Dinnit didn't have Witte's vast reserve of magical knowledge, but she didn't need it. The tingling feeling in the air made her realize what the rules of the thunder element that Yilit had understood were.

In this way, Gangyilit's fighting method can be basically determined. Ninety-nine percent of it is a frontal attack type.

I had not taken action before, just because I was confident that the Caesars could not break through their defense.

But Dinnit's magic aimed at vitality can ignore some of the defenses.

This gave Gang Yilit a sense of urgency.

After realizing this, Dinnet immediately became vigilant, and at the same time, he worked harder to expand the twisted jungle around him.

However, under the suppression of the Thunderstorm, the expansion of the Twisted Jungle has become more difficult than ever.

On the other side, after releasing the thunder storm 껣, Gang Yilit considered that 꿯 was about to take action, and that was the right step!

With elemental amplification and domains already in place, it is natural to have a set of defenses.

눓Dragon Armor (90)!

However, unlike the normal dragon armor, Gangilite's dragon armor is based on steel strength and has a metallic gray-white color as a whole, which makes Gangilite look more like a mechanical puppet.

Only the dazzling golden eyes revealed on the opponent's metal face armor represented the identity of the giant dragon.

With everything ready, Gang Yilit's eyes fell on the twisted jungle ahead, although slowly, but still expanding.

Then, as an earthy yellow magic circle lit up again under 놛's feet, 놛's seemingly extremely heavy body sank directly under 눓.

눓The dragon enters the abyss (89)!

Seeing this scene, Dinnit 뀞꿗 tensed up, and Gangyilit's attack began.

Afterwards, Dinnett's body merged into a dead tree next to him.

Although Mu Shi is only a high-level magic with sixty-nine nodes, with the support of Dinnit's own strength, it can exert extremely effective effects.


At this moment, with a loud noise, Gang Yilit appeared at the edge of the twisted jungle. Then, when 놛 opened his mouth, there was a silver-white torrent surrounded by purple thunder.

This is the breath that belongs exclusively to Gunyilit, the steel blade thunder flow!

The mutated 눓 element, 껩늀, is the force of steel condensed into countless thin blades. The blades are gathered together under the action of the thunder element and ejected in the form of breath.

The basic principle is similar to the crystal breath of the crystal dragon, which is a dual attack of elements and physics.

However, this is much stronger than the crystal breath of the crystal dragon.

The steel blade thunder flowed down, and the edge of the twisted jungle was like being stuffed into a huge meat grinding machine, and instantly turned into ashes all over the sky.

Under the action of the thunder element, all the toxins contained in the dead wood and vines were completely eliminated.

However, just as the Steel Blade Thunderbolt was preparing to continue deep into the Twisted Jungle and expand its victory, all the dead trees and vines around it started to move.

The dead wood and vines were entangled and twisted together, turning into a huge dead wood spike.

The spikes directly blocked the steel blade lightning flow in a head-to-head manner.

At this scene, the eyes of the Werthers who were watching suddenly lit up.

Although it can be seen that this seemingly stalemate scene was achieved by Dinnett expending a lot of elemental rules energy.

However, blocking means having the ability to attack.

It also means that Gangyilit is not as strong as he thought, and he cannot fully crush a dragon of Dinnit's level!

What's more, facing Dinnit, Gang Yilit 껩 has already shown the fighting style that 놛 is good at.

This allowed the Wittes to make a psychological preparation.

On the other side, Gang Yilit saw that his breath was blocked, so he stopped breathing and turned to step hard down.

One after another, the mutated metal rock spikes (84) stretched out from under him, and then, under the control of Gang Yilite, they invaded the twisted jungle.

This was clearly intended to push Dingnet's jungle territory out.

And facing Gang Yilite's magic, Dingnet had no other choice but to organize the twisted jungle to fight back.

This was a frontal assault!

No matter what you set, I will just do my best to clean it up. If you don't let me clean it up, then you must stand up and fight me head-on.

Dingnet's original plan was to hide in the jungle and wait for an opportunity to launch an attack.

But Gang Yilite directly pushed to the forefront of the magic confrontation.

Not to mention that Dingnet had to use magic to resist Gang Yilite's attack, even if he didn't use magic, at this distance, Dingnet's breath could not be hidden from Gang Yilite.

So, Gang Yilite directly launched an attack towards the area where Dingnet was.

He used all kinds of magic at will, and the steel force that was mutated had some properties of metal. When it was in blocks, it was blunt, when it was in pieces, it was sharp, and when it was in points, it was piercing...

The free transformation of the form, combined with many elemental magics, derived a variety of attacks.

Dingnet could only passively deal with these attacks, and he didn't even have the energy to continue to expand the twisted jungle.

On the contrary, under Gang Yilite's continuous advancement, Dingnet had to actively shrink the area of ​​the twisted jungle in order to better control this area.

At this point, the situation was almost the same as the battle between Witt and Linsda.

Although it was not a crushing victory, it was definitely at a disadvantage!

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