Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1772: Defeated, defeated spectacularly!

Equally matched...

Is that really the case?

On the surface, it looks like this, but Ona knows it in his heart.

He had never understood why Caesar said he would never fight Leandre again after fighting with him for a few times.

Now he understands.

This guy is much more terrifying than they expected.

Not only in strength and speed, but also in combat experience.

In the battle, Leandre is like an extremely precise fighting machine. All his movements are flawless, which is the result of countless fights.

In addition, as the battle progresses, a layer of red flames emerges from Leandre's body.

Ao is not unfamiliar with this magic.

The Fire of Life (91)!

When this magic appears, Leandre's offensive rhythm becomes more fierce and more unscrupulous.

Moreover, the rich combat experience enables Leandre to judge whether he should get more results at the cost of injury in a very short time.

However, Ao, who is also under the fire of life, cannot do this. This is impossible to imitate. He can only slowly accumulate ability through blood and fighting.

In this case, the two sides gradually widened the gap.

Leandre's body is constantly recovering from injuries, while Ao's defense magic is gradually collapsing because the elemental rule power cannot keep up with the consumption.

In addition, Leandre seems to be gradually getting ahead. His image has gradually changed in the battle, and the rules of strength and speed are gradually revealed in him.

To put it bluntly, his image is approaching the form of Vitt's war dragon.

However, Witt is a four-legged dragon, while Leandere is a two-legged dragon, so his image is more like Witt's stamina, and more domineering than Witt's own war dragon form.

The change in form makes Leandere's movements smoother and the power he shows is more terrifying.

So, is Leandere using Ao to improve himself?

Of course not!

Obviously, Leandere did not use his full strength at the beginning.

As the battle progressed, Ao's performance gradually won Leandere's recognition, allowing him to gradually show his true level.

Is Ao happy?


The more Leandere shows, the more he learns.

The more exciting this battle is, the less regret he will have after losing.

That's right, Ao has a premonition that he will lose.

In other words, even he himself did not think he could win from the beginning, and the reason he persisted until now was just because of his personality.

As I said before, he wanted to leave with a bang!

However, his heart was happy, but his body was in pain.

As his own defensive magic collapsed, Leandre's power needed to be borne by Ao's body.



A thick dragon tail attacked, and the accumulated injuries on his body made Ao react a little slower, and he was hit directly.

Accompanied by a loud explosion, the Earth Dragon Armor (90), the most powerful defense on Ao's body, burst open.

The remaining power poured onto the lava armor.

Although the lava armor blocked it, Ao's face changed drastically.

Not good!

The lava armor couldn't stop Leander's next attack, and Ao quickly escaped into the ground, preparing to put on more armor.

But in this situation, how could Leander let Ao go?

He stepped hard, and the huge force instantly tore the ground apart. Ao, who had just escaped into the ground, was directly shaken out.


There was another sound, and Leander quickly turned around, and the dragon tail behind him hit Ao with an overwhelming posture.

The lava armor on Ao's body shattered directly.

Ao's own dragon scales were also shattered.

Ao felt a force coming, his eyes went black, and his body flew out uncontrollably.


There was another series of dull collisions. Ao's body bounced on the ground several times before it stopped.

Ao shook his head with stars in it and tried to stand up, but Leander appeared in front of him and looked at him quietly.

Ao's movements paused for a moment, then he let out a long breath and fell to the ground.

Then he began to breathe heavily.

It was not only Ao who was breathing heavily, but also the dragons in the audience who had forgotten to breathe because of the fierce battle.

At this moment, they all relaxed.

Because the battle was over.

Then there was a cheer that resounded throughout the audience.

It was obvious that they had not waited in vain for half an hour before.


After Ao's breath stabilized, he smiled and said to Leander.

The top four, only two steps away from the Dragon King.

However, Ao was stunned afterwards.

Because he saw Leander standing there, his eyes were wet.

"Finally, I finally felt that I was participating in the Dragon King Challenge, not the small arena in the battle zone... Finally..."

Ao's mouth twitched and he tried to stand up.

"Is it that serious!"

Leander sniffed.

"Seven rounds, I really waited for seven rounds to wait for such a decent battle, you say, is it that serious!"

"It's just a battle. If they don't want to, I will fight with you in the future."

Hearing this, Leandre's eyes widened instantly.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Ao didn't hesitate at all.

Defensive counterattack is a tactic, close combat is the core, and burst is the key to victory.

Needless to say, he has been practicing tactics, and he has a goal for burst, which is that Witte promised him elemental surge, and the only way to improve is close combat.

And this thing requires a dragon that can fight with him for years.

Isha ​​is one, but Isha alone is definitely not enough.

Although other dragons don't hate fighting, they are not keen on fighting.

It's okay for a short time, but they will definitely avoid him for a long time.

Witte always runs away, and when fighting, he is also sneaky and seldom uses his full strength.

In this way, isn't Leandre the best candidate!

Coincidentally, the opponent is best at close combat.

"A bosom friend!"

Just when Ao was thinking about these things, Leandre put his claws on his shoulders, his eyes lit up.

Ao's injuries were not light, and he fell to the ground after being hit by Leandre.

"Sorry, sorry, I was too excited. By the way, it's time for us to go down. Uh... can you still fly?"

Leandre's tone was eager.

He had previously seized the opportunity to join Desidero, wasn't it just for the dragon in Desidero's dragon nest!

Because there is a stable fighting partner, or even a group of stable fighting partners.

And now, Ao came to him, how could he not be excited.

In the end, Ao still refused Leandre's help, and dragged his injured body back to the audience.

In the audience, Witt looked at O'Leandre excitedly, then turned his head to look at O'Leandre not far away, preparing to heal his wounds.

"Are you going to use Leandre as a sparring partner?"

"What's wrong?"


Witt looked at O'Leandre with pity.

"Nothing, I hope you can bear it."


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