Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1739 The raging fire!

Hearing Witt's words, Linsda's eyes narrowed slightly, then he took a deep breath and began to chant.

The old rules!

First amplify, then defend.

Under the natural element amplification (65), a layer of green fluorescence lingered on the dragon tail behind Linsda.

Then, a green magic circle appeared under his feet.

Then, under the effect of woodification (74), Linsda's limbs and body all grew a layer of brown wood, and the claws on his limbs grew a root-like structure that penetrated deep into the ground.

This was the first time that Linsda showed this posture in the Dragon King Challenge.

He knew very well that in front of Witt, only a head-on confrontation would give him a chance of winning.

Therefore, he directly gave up the flying ability that the dragon was proud of, and rooted himself deeply in the ground to gain stronger defense, recovery, control and attack.

Growth, spread, activation, all three natural element rules were called upon.

Rooted in the earth, he barely gained an ability similar to Caesar, that is, an endless supply of natural element rule power.

In this case, when Linsda began to chant Savage Growth (76), even the ground in the area where he was located began to shake violently.

Then, towering trees rose from the ground, and thick vines spread through the forest. However, in the blink of an eye, the northern land battlefield where Linsda was located was replaced by a dense jungle.

Linsda disappeared into the dense forest.

After the forest area appeared, it paused for a moment, and then the thick vines rushed out of the forest area and attacked Witt frantically.

Countless vines drilled into the ground and then jumped out from another place. The ground quickly collapsed during the vines' movement, revealing more vines hidden underground.

Witt watched this scene and slowly put on the Element Amplification (65) and Lava Armor (78) to show respect.

Then, Witt, against his will, released the control of his own temperature.

In just a moment, an extremely violent high temperature spread out from Witt's body in all directions.

The ground under Witt's feet quickly turned black and then began to melt.

On Witt's body, due to the high body temperature, the gaps between the silver-white dragon scales began to show a bright yellow color like lava.

The whole dragon was like a light turned on inside.

Of course, other dragons could not see these changes. They could only see that the lava armor that was originally solidified on Witt's body now had a bright yellow dragon scale mark.

It was as if there was a stream of lava flowing on Witt's body.

There was a golden glow in Witt's golden eyes, surging like a tide.

Then, Witt silently activated the high temperature rule.

The temperature around Witt increased several times again. Some dragons in the audience seats closer to the stadium felt like they were being roasted, and vaguely seemed to smell the smell of burning.

Such a terrifying high temperature made the three dragons in charge of the element shield look sideways.

This temperature is far beyond that of ordinary red dragons.

Of course, they did not forget their duties. The elder waved his claws, and a cool breath dispelled the heat in the audience seats.

This made those dragons who were thinking about whether to change their positions calm down.

This is the case outside the field, not to mention inside the field.

Witt has not used magic yet, just a rule, and the attacking vines have become dry, and some details have even spontaneously combusted.

However, since the attack has begun, Linsda will not stop because of this small change.

The vines rushing towards Witt began to gather and twist together, turning into a thicker vine, and the target was still Witt.

But Witt remained unmoved, just standing there, quietly watching the attacking vines.

As the vines approached Witt at a rapid speed, the surface began to dry, char, and fall off, and then continued to grow and spread under the influence of a green element rule force.

However, as the vines approached Witt, they became thinner as a whole.

When it really came to Witt, it was no longer as thick as one of Witt's claws.

I saw that the thin vines resisted the high temperature and finally pierced Witt's chest, but there was no ripple.

The moment the vines touched Witt, they turned into flying ash.

Witt watched this scene quietly, then his mouth curled up, his eyes shone with golden light, and a huge red magic circle expanded from under his feet.

The earth shook again, and lava broke through the earth's shackles and flowed freely on the southern land field.

In just a few breaths, the vine roots laid by Linsda disappeared silently under the lava field formed by the lava eruption (73).

"I'm here!"

I don't know if he was talking to himself or reminding Linsda, after Witt said this lightly, the lava under him began to surge.

In an instant, a lava wave tens of thousands of meters high rose under Witt.

Noticing this, Linsda, who was hiding in the dense forest, suddenly shrank his pupils, and then countless vines rushed towards the Starry Night River Bank.

When the lava wave arrived, a large and dense vine net had been woven on the edge of the northern bank of the Xingye River.


The lava wave tens of thousands of meters high directly crossed the Xingye River and hit the vine net heavily.

Some lava fell into the Xingye River, and a large amount of water mist rose in an instant.

After the water mist dissipated a little, it was seen that the Xingye River had been cut off by the lava, and the vine net was crushed after a slight stalemate.

In just a few breaths, the lava invaded the forest area.

Billowing smoke and dust emerged from the stadium, almost covering the entire stadium.

But this did not affect Witt's attack.

Riding the lava wave, Witt came to the northern land stadium occupied by Linsda.

The moment he landed, another red magic circle opened.

On the ground full of charred vines and trees, accompanied by a violent tremor, lava erupted again.

Facing Witt's continuous attack, Linsda could only maintain the magic of Savage Growth (76) with all his strength, controlling the vines and resisting Witt's attack.

Fortunately, the North Land Arena was 놛's home court, and the power of the two elements of the rule was not much different, so Linsda barely blocked Witt's lava.

However, Witt's own high temperature forced Linsda to consume more of the power of the element of the rule to resist.

The situation seemed to have stabilized, but the question was, would Witt let the situation continue to stabilize?

Of course not!

The phrase "aggression is like 뀙" has already explained the characteristics of 뀙. In this battle, 땤 Witt obviously used 뀙 magic to attack.

Therefore, Witt would naturally not let his offensive momentum slow down!

A huge, complex red magic circle quickly expanded from behind Witt, and even more violent flames burned on Witt's body, and the temperature around him soared again...

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