Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1735 You are an unlucky guy!

What is Olido thinking?

Actually, it's not that complicated. He is just thinking whether to tell Witt that he is an old unlucky guy.

After all, there is no big difference between knowing and not knowing about this kind of thing.

When it's time to be unlucky, even if you know it, you can't escape it.

Moreover, Witt is actually quite self-aware.

I remember Witt mentioned before that he was a little unlucky. At the beginning, when Witt asked him to get the dragon scale, wasn't it to prevent him from encountering another dragon and sucking away his good luck!

Although in his opinion, the black mist on Witt's body didn't look like he had any good luck.

However, Witt didn't have a specific concept of how unlucky he was.

"Hey, Oledo, I noticed it just now. Why are you staring at me?"

Just when Oledo was thinking about these things, Witt's voice suddenly rang in his ears. As soon as he came to his senses, he saw Witt's face in front of him.

Subconsciously, Oledo shrank his head back. Seeing that Witt and the dragons were looking at him, he realized that he had just thought about something.

After thinking for a while, Oledo looked at Witt.

"Do you feel that you are unlucky?"

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and then rolled his eyes.

"Needless to say, from my experience, I'm always unlucky and open the door to bad luck, so unlucky!"


Celine couldn't help laughing when she heard what Witt said.

Witt turned his head helplessly and looked at Celine.

"Celine, this is not funny."

After that, he turned his head and looked at Aolidao, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"What's bad luck? I'm used to it. In comparison, I'm more curious. Why do you ask?"

Aolidao grinned.

"Actually, I've been hiding something from you. By the way, haven't you ever thought about it? Since I can see that my dragon scales are absorbing your bad luck, can I see the bad luck on you?"

Witt's heart moved.

"You mean, you can clearly see the bad luck on us, and you specifically asked me, that means I have a lot of bad luck?"

Olidao glanced at the top of Witt's head.

"How should I put it... bad luck soaring into the sky... dark clouds covering the sky... In short, it is worse than your body."


Witt was stunned in the same place, and it took a long time for him to react and laughed dryly.

"That... you must be kidding me!"

"Caesar's dragon scale cracked because it touched your bad luck while absorbing the bad luck of the surrounding dragons."


Witt opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

But the other dragons "subtly" moved their bodies away from Witt.

Witt glanced around speechlessly.

"Don't think you can hide yourself. There's a circle around me all of a sudden. It's hard for me to pretend that I didn't see it. If anyone moves again, I'll lie down next to you!"

The dragons instantly became obedient.

Obviously, with the support of Ollidao's words, Witt's words were quite lethal.

Seeing this, Witt rolled his eyes and turned to look at Ollidao.

"Are you really not lying to me?"

"Is it necessary?"

Ollidao looked at Witt speechlessly.

"I noticed this when we met again, but I just didn't know whether I should tell you. I was struggling with this just now.

However, since you asked, I will tell you.

Anyway, I have already reminded you, believe it or not, but for this kind of thing, it doesn't make any difference whether you believe it or not.

Luck is such an illusory thing that even a dragon like me who has a rule of fate cannot control it. Seeing it is already the limit.

If you want to change it, I advise you not to think about it."

Witt's face was dark, and his mind was confused for a while. Not to mention other dragons, even he himself didn't know what he was thinking.

However, there was one idea that was quite clear.

That is...

It turns out that he is really an unlucky guy!

Suddenly, Witt's eyes lit up. If he was the unlucky dragon, the other dragons would focus on him, but if everyone around him was unlucky, then it didn't matter that he was unlucky.

Thinking of this, Witt raised his head and pointed at Celine.

"How's Celine's luck?"

"On the forehead, there is a small black spot with a dragon scale."

"What about Oh?"

"On the forehead, there are dozens of small black spots with dragon scales."

"What about Isa?"

"A little bit."


Witt pointed at one dragon after another, and the unluckiest Leandre only had black spots covering his entire forehead.

"What about Billy?"

Witt pointed at Billy reluctantly.

Billy's face was full of disdain, and the other dragons were similar. When Witt began to ask one by one, they realized what Witt was doing.

But the more he asked, the worse Witt's mood became. It turned out that among so many dragons, Witt was the only unlucky one.

As for Billy, the other dragons were so unlucky, so there was no reason for him to be the same as Witt.

However, while Billy was waiting, Olli stopped.

Billy was stunned for a moment, then his face changed.

"Isn't it possible that I am the same as Witt?"

"That's not the case."

Hearing this, Billy was relieved.

"However, Witt's bad luck always comes to you. If you don't want bad luck, you have to stay away from Witt."


The dragons were silent for a while. Can it be like this?

For a moment, the dragons were ready to move again.

Hearing this, Witt slowly stood up, then walked to Billy, with a bright smile on his face.

"Billy, we are good brothers, you won't believe this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Billy raised his head high.

"How could it be? We hatched together. I will never believe this kind of thing, but...

I suddenly remembered something. A few years ago, Antash wanted to discuss something with me, but I forgot. Good brother, you should believe that I will not abandon you!

Wait for me to come back."

After that, Billy turned around and flew away.


Witt looked gloomy and watched Billy leave. He was already thinking in his heart how to make Billy suffer the most without killing him.

"Hey, what about me? Have you forgotten me?"

Just then, Kailin's voice suddenly sounded.

She looked at Oli with curiosity.

"How is my luck?"

What is the meaning of "after all the difficulties, there is always a way out!"

Witt's eyes lit up instantly.

In terms of bad luck, who can be better than Kailin? This is the Endless Sea and the Ice Field. She was lost for hundreds of years and trapped in the Forsell Continent for several years. She is a real unlucky person!


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