Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1721 Ni's opponent!

Now the Dragon Clan is just gradually returning to the distant past.

Before the Dark Ages, Dragons did not have a Dragon Nest.

Dragons are basically lone rangers.

Grouping has always been regarded as a cowardly act by Dragons.

This point has not changed much even to this day.

The Dragon Clan is respected because he is one of the ten great Dragon Nests behind him. The only way to get Dragon recognition is to be strong.

Therefore, the decline of Dragon Nest is not actually linked to the decline of the Dragon Clan.

The decline of Dragon Nest represents that the aftermath of the Dark Ages is slowly fading, and most dragons are starting to walk alone again.

In fact, the Dragon Nest Dragons are similar.

After the legend, Dragon Nest Dragons rarely stay in Dragon Nest to practice peacefully. Most of them run outside and wander around until they have wandered enough or their lifespan is almost over, then they will remember their Dragon Nest.

Therefore, the Dragon Nest Era may end one day in the future, but the Dragon Era will not go away.

Moreover, even the Dragon Nest Era will not go away so easily.

None of the three major tribes, Dragon, Earth Dragon, and Flying Dragon, want to experience the baptism of the Dark Ages again, especially the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, some dragon nests may disappear, but the top group of dragon nests will never disappear, just in case some flying dragon tribes have ideas again.

After a chat, Ni Yuan's nervousness gradually recovered.

Or to be more precise, Ge Kai comforted her and made her no longer focus on winning or losing.

During the dragons' chat, several battles passed, and finally, the dragon scales on Ni's claws dimmed.

The dragons stared at each other, and then turned their heads to look at the war monument.

Then, the dragons looked at Ni with full sympathy in their eyes.

"It's a civil war, and the target of the battle is from the mysterious dragon nest Caesar!"

Seeing Caesar's name, Ni showed a hint of helplessness on his face.

Then, she turned to look at Caesar.

"I will try my best!"

This meant that Ni thought she was no match for Caesar.

Of course, it wasn't that she didn't have confidence. Before the Dragon Feast began, the warlike Ni dragged Gekai and mingled in the battle zone.

Caesar was also restless.

So, they had competed in the battle zone several times.

Ni was never able to beat Caesar.

Of course, since they were in the battle zone, Ni and Gekai had undoubtedly been ravaged by Leander.


Should she be thankful that she didn't meet Leander?


Witt watched the two dragons enter the field, and habitually began to analyze the two dragons' abilities in his mind.


Like Moshi, a blue crystal dragon.

For Ni, Vit has more answers.

The breath is not as good as the crystal dragon's, the crystal breath, and the blue crystal dragon has another breath, the ice storm!

In addition, Ni has a dual affinity for water and earth elements, and does not have one as the main and the other as the auxiliary. He practices the two elemental magics at the same time and complements each other.

The fighting style is somewhat similar to Vit, belonging to the all-round type, and the fighting style is fierce.


The dragon of the king, like Vit, is likely to be pitted by his mother and given such a second-year name.

In fact, it is just a mutant golden dragon.

In addition, Caesar's appearance mutation is only a result, not a cause. His essence is an element mutation.

Normal gold dragons have earth and water elements, but Caesar has mutated all the water elements, leaving only the water element, and the affinity for the water element is almost full.

Witt has fought with him once.

Caesar is the type who can get endless energy just by standing on the ground.

Super strong element affinity means super strong control over the corresponding element magic, which is more similar to Aura.

Moreover, Witt can be sure that Caesar is definitely practicing in this direction.

Few dragons will give up a smooth road and take other routes.

In addition, Caesar's breath also changed. It was no longer a direct damage breath, but a control breath.

There was not much difference in the abilities of the two sides, but the result of this battle was already determined.

Ni was a lower legendary, and Caesar was a middle legendary.

When the abilities of the two sides were similar, the realm would most likely determine the outcome.

Just as Witt was analyzing the abilities of both sides, Caesar and Ni had already arrived at the arena and stood opposite each other.

Caesar looked at Ni on the opposite side with a smile on his face.

"Let's have a battle without regrets!"


Ni took a long breath, and a smile also appeared on his face.

"Come on!"

But her eyes were extremely solemn.

The two sides looked at each other.


Caesar fell rapidly towards the battlefield below.

Ni did not stop him.

Both sides had fought before, and they knew roughly the power between the two dragons.

Caesar stood on the ground and received a constant flow of energy.

Similarly, when Ni stood on the ground, the power and speed of the earth element magic could be raised to a higher level.

Besides, Ni had tried air combat before, but the two sides were about the same level.

When the water level was almost the same, it meant that she had already lost. After all, Caesar was one level higher than her.


Accompanied by a heavy landing sound, a yellowish-brown magic circle quickly opened under Caesar's feet, and the ground under his feet quickly softened, and then wrapped his body like a stream of water.

Then it quickly condensed into a yellowish-brown rock dragon armor - Earth Dragon Armor (90)!

On the other side, after Ni landed on the ground, a yellowish-brown magic circle also opened under her feet. Then, the ground under her feet quickly crystallized, and the crystals climbed onto her whole body in the blink of an eye.


Accompanied by a crisp shattering sound, the crystals around Ni shattered, and a layer of light yellow transparent crystals appeared on the surface of her body, looking like a beautiful handicraft.

Witt raised his eyebrows.

Crystal layer (70)!

Although it is only ten nodes, as the magic perception increases, the defensive power of the crystal layer will also increase. When the defensive power is at its strongest, it is comparable to defensive magic with more than ninety nodes.

Unfortunately, this magic is most cost-effective for crystal dragons.

Other dragons can also use this magic, but in terms of speed and consumption, it is far inferior to directly learning a defensive magic with more than ninety nodes.

Therefore, this magic has almost become the exclusive crystal defense magic of crystal dragons.

Ni has a deep understanding of this magic. At least, in Witt's opinion, if the elements of the same mass are used, Ni's use of the crystal layer will definitely have a stronger defense than Caesar's use of the earth dragon armor.


The other dragons looked at the two dragons on the field with a bit of weirdness in their eyes.

With your strength, are you afraid of losing?

It's just a joke!

If you don't meet Caesar, with this strength, how many dragons can withstand it!


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