Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1701 Silver Dragon vs. Three-Headed Demonic Dragon! (I)

Is Witt afraid?

Of course he is afraid, this thing will really bring bad luck to the dragon.

It lights up, Ollido has confirmed it before, it absorbs the bad luck of the surrounding dragons and kills them. Before, it was not certain when it was Iris, but now it is basically certain, it is the bad luck that takes effect.

Witt himself is already unlucky enough, and he doesn't want to be more unlucky.

It is certain that he will meet the strong Ilit in this Dragon King Challenge, but Witt doesn't want it to happen in the first few rounds. It is best to meet him in the finals.

At worst, it must be in the last few rounds.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing.

Porcelain vowed solemnly, but in the end he couldn't even enter the finals...

Although in this kind of random elimination tournament, except for the first place, everything else is meaningless, but Witt still doesn't want to.

So, he surrendered to Ollidolf without hesitation.

Ollidolf couldn't help grinning when he saw Witt's humble appearance.

"You are really flexible!"

Witt was helpless.

"Who would have thought that your dragon scales are really effective? I was just talking casually. I took your dragon scales just to comfort myself.

Anyway, I don't want it now.

I will come to you when I want it."

Not to mention, Ollidolf's ability is still quite effective. He can actually absorb the bad luck of the surrounding dragons and make it work.

If it can be restricted to only absorb the bad luck, but not to exert the power of bad luck, then it would be very useful to bring a few when traveling.

For example, before exploring the ruins, absorb the bad luck from yourself first. In this way, wouldn't the probability of obtaining treasure be much greater?

This can be studied in detail later.

But now, Witt definitely doesn't want it.

Ollidolf heard this, looked at Witt, and raised his claws to take his dragon scales.

"Oh, just go."

Watching Witt walk away refreshed, Ollidolf was embarrassed to say that he understood the rules of luck, not to mention other dragons, but Witt...

It's not an exaggeration to say that the sky is covered with dark clouds.

Good news, good luck, bad news, bad luck!

However, thinking that after he said his ability, other dragons might come to him to see his luck, Ollidolf stopped.

Luck is something that is inherently uncertain.

Just like Gecko, who seemed to be a spectator just like nothing happened in the previous second, and suddenly changed his luck in the next second and immediately became a participant. Therefore, if he said that he was watching the fortune, it was just for Olaf's own entertainment.

If you really say it, whether it is accurate or not, it can only be said to be 50-50, either accurate or not.

This is not nonsense, this is the limitation of Olaf's ability.

Olaf does not know how strong the law of fate is, anyway, he understands the rules of fate, that's it, otherwise, he would not continue to use his strength and speed to move forward.

Regardless of Olaf's self-entertainment and Witt's bad luck, after a brief surprise, Cyrus and Gecko went to the arena together.

Both sides looked quite solemn.

Gecko came from the Frozen Abyss, and what he possessed was a reserve of an old dragon's nest.

Of course, he certainly can't use all of it for himself, but even if it's just a part, the amount of knowledge he possesses is quite terrifying.

So, Sairos doesn't dare to underestimate Gekai at all.

On the other hand, Gekai also doesn't dare to underestimate Sairos, and even the way he looks at Sairos is not much different from how he looks at Vit.

The three-headed dragon, or the three-headed magic dragon, is one of the most peculiar species among the dragons, and it has three dragon crystals every day.

As long as you are not lazy and can develop all three of your dragon crystals, the strength of a three-headed magic dragon is equivalent to the sum of the strength of three dragons of the same realm.

If Sairos is a veteran legendary mid-level, that is, his understanding of his own rule power exceeds 50%, even if it's just Yilite, he won't dare to underestimate Sairos.

But unfortunately, Sairos is still a little short of the legendary mid-level.

But don't forget, Gekai has just broken through the legendary level not long ago. Although his profound foundation has allowed him to comprehend the rules of himself in a short period of time and improve rapidly, it has only reached more than 10%.

So, in this battle, Gekai knows that he will most likely lose.

Now what he has to do is to make himself lose beautifully, just like before Iris.

It's not his fault that he is pessimistic, but although Sairos is nominally a dragon of the same generation as him, he can feel from his life breath that the other party is at least 400 years older than him.

If he is given another 400 years, he is confident that his understanding of the rules can reach the level of Sairos, and he will not lose to the other party in battle.

But unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

A difference of a few hundred years is equal to no difference, this is for ordinary dragons, for dragons with good talents, a few hundred years of age difference is still quite large.


Gekkai let out a long breath, and at the same time, he spit out the chaotic thoughts in his mind. Then, he fixed his eyes and looked at the opposite side, Sailos.

"Come on!"

As he said, blue water streams emerged from Gekai's body, and the water streams turned into rings and wrapped around him, looking extremely gorgeous.

However, compared with Sailos on the other side, it was slightly inferior.

Sailos used three heads to exert power at the same time.

The purple dragon scales lit up in the center of the left head, surrounded by streaks of thunder. The middle head revealed a unique aura, which made the dragon feel more stressed. The red dragon scales lit up in the center of the right head, and the fiery red flames revealed traces of silk. Silk is furious.

Three elemental phenomena appeared on a dragon at the same time, attracting the attention of many dragons.

There was a hint of surprise on Witte's face, and then he looked up at 깊, who was lying on the floating island.

"Gekkai is actually a water flow?"

He and Gekai had a simple discussion, but it was only during the time of Amethyst.

At that time, 놅gekai basically used ice magic.

It is normal to use ice magic in the frozen abyss. However, Witte did not expect that after becoming a legend, the other party would suddenly make a 180-degree turn and give up ice magic. Switch to water magic.

"What's so strange about this? Gekai has always been good at water magic."

Ni controlled the floating island and lowered it slightly.

"If you are talking about the previous discussion, it was in the Frozen Abyss. That place has a bonus to ice magic. Of course he has to use ice magic."

Werther looked surprised.

Then, he turned his eyes to Seiros.

The swiftness of thunder, the gravity of earth, the explosion of fire, speed, control, and power are all indispensable, which makes Witte look at Gekai with a touch of sympathy.

"Your Gekai is miserable, he will definitely be beaten up."

Hearing these words, Ni glared at 깊Witt, and then looked at the 깊field with a worried look on his face. Witt said 놅although it was not a nice thing to say, it was the truth.

When Witte saw this, he smiled and said nothing, because the battle between the two sides was about to begin!

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