Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1643 Look over there!

It is useless to think too much about Shi, because that dragon is too mysterious.

Apart from other things, the natural death of a dragon is not a problem with the body, so, under normal circumstances, changing the body is not enough to achieve immortality.

The natural death of a dragon is due to the decay of the dragon soul.

So, how did Shi maintain the immortality of the dragon soul?

If he can do this, why does he need to change his body?

And the ruins he left behind, etc.!

Everything about that dragon is a mystery.

With Witt's current strength, he doesn't even dare to explore the other party's secrets too much.

Although he seems to be a high-ranking legend, a dragon that lives longer than most legends is already a legend in itself.

So, after Bu woke up, Witt never mentioned the gold coins.

After Witte showed abnormal emotions, Xingchen realized that the gold coin he accidentally got was probably a big trouble as Witte said.

So he didn't mention it again.

With Bu's presence, Sanlong talked about the interesting things he saw during the trip.

And these interesting things were not surprisingly welcomed by Bu. While listening with relish, he also did not forget to exclaim at the right time.

And just these few simple exclamations made Xingchen almost regard Bu as a confidant.

Not only that, Bu did not ignore Gedra who was standing next to him.

It just so happened that Gedra liked magic circles, and Bu, under the influence of Witte, also had a lot of understanding of magic circles.

After a few simple rounds, the two adults and one child had a pleasant exchange.

This scene made Witte feel particularly painful.

Bu was not like this before.

This kind of vision, this kind of ability to get in the conversation even though she doesn't understand a lot of things, isn't this Violet!

Even, there is a feeling of being younger than her teacher.

Although he had noticed it before, now, Witt had to admit that Bu had already ridden in the direction of Violet, with no chance of turning back.

A mature and steady magic array master died.

The only good news is that from the conversation between Bu and Gedra, it is not difficult to see that Bu's enthusiasm for magic arrays has increased.

At this point, we can only take one step at a time.

In fact, Witt did not intend to let Violet take care of Bu for so long. When he was wandering around before, he was also looking for Violet's traces.

Moshi's breakthrough was an accident.

The fact that the breakthrough was not smooth and dragged for 26 years was an accident among accidents.

All I can say is, this is fate!

After a few minutes of conversation, when Gedra and Xingchen responded, Bu had already fallen asleep on Witt's head.

The two dragons looked at each other, and then said to Witt in unison: "Amazing, your student is better at talking than Violet!"

Witt rolled his eyes and didn't want to continue the question. Instead, he stood up and glanced at the two dragons.

"I'm going to find Celine. Do you want to come with me? I heard from Billy that Antawana and Linsda are here too."

"I need to watch the store."

"I need to watch Agner."

Witt glanced at the two dragons.

"Don't come on, who can just barge in once the store door is locked? Tsk, this is such a bad idea!"

"Oh, I don't want to go."

"I want to sleep!"


Witt turned around and left silently. These two guys were really lazy to a certain extent. They finally came to the Wanlong Feast, one didn't want to go, and the other just wanted to sleep...

No breath!

Seeing Witt leave, Xingchen turned his head and looked at Gedra.

"What do you mean?"

"Of course we acted according to the original plan. I heard from them that the entertainment area next door is very interesting. If you don't want to go, you can go by yourself."

Xingchen was not happy.

"Go, of course I have to go. It's so hard to come to the Wanlong Feast, how can I miss it!"

As for why not go with Witt...


With Witt's personality, he will definitely cause trouble when he goes out, so how can he have fun?

In this Dragon Feast, you can do whatever you want, but don't bring Witt!


Witt didn't know he was being disliked. After leaving the store, he flew south.

Just make sure these guys are okay.

As for Agner, although he didn't see him, he got some news from Xingchen and the others.

Agner fell asleep twenty years ago.

His breakthrough was much smoother than Mo Xi.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will wake up before the Dragon King Challenge, and Mo Xi will probably not be able to catch up with the Dragon King Challenge.

Thinking about these things in the meantime did not prevent Witt from flying and observing the situation in the other side.

Twenty-six years have passed, and more dragons have come, and the magic circle area has gradually become lively.

Of course, the liveliness is definitely not as good as the alchemy area and entertainment area next to it.

But this is still a rare sight for researchers of magic circles, except for Witt's level.

Just as Witt was about to retract his gaze and speed up to fly to the medicine area across the river, he suddenly noticed a few familiar figures out of the corner of his eye.

Of course, they were not familiar dragons, but just familiar dragon species.

Snow Armor Dragon!

Snow-armored dragons are only distributed in the big ice fields of Fast Continent and Olivia Continent, so when Witte saw this kind of dragon, he consciously moved his eyes over.

Of course, he said he was looking at the Snow Armored Dragon, but in fact, Werther was thinking about something else.

Once the news spreads that the special abyssal energy crystal (crystal core) can help the legendary dragon improve its strength, the Olivia continent, which is already a quagmire, will inevitably stir up a bigger whirlpool.

As a result, that continent is no longer suitable for the development of Dragon Nest. Not surprisingly, after the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, a large part of the Olivia continent will usher in migration.

Hope they go well!

Just when Werther was thinking about this, he suddenly noticed that several eyes fell on him.

After coming back to his senses, Witte realized that he was staring too hard at the other party. The dragons felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at them, so they also looked towards him.

Withdrawing his gaze, Witte was about to leave, but at this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.



Witte was stunned for a moment, then cast his gaze again, only to see a flash of excitement in the eyes of a snow-armored dragon.

"It's really you, Werther!"

"Who are you……"

As he spoke, Witte fell towards 떘. Soon, he landed in front of the three snow-armored dragons.

"As expected, I don't know 놖 anymore, Timos, do you still remember 놖?"

Hearing this, Werther suddenly understood.

"It turns out it's you, but even if you don't tell me, I will recognize you."

After all, he only knew the name of one snow-armored dragon, and after a quick search of his memory, he translated the other person's name.

The corners of Deimos' mouth twitched.

Do you want to come?

He could see clearly that the look in Werther's eyes just now was one of confusion.

But it doesn't matter.

"Look, who's over there!"

As he spoke, Timos raised his head to the side with a smile on his face.

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