Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1639 They are all here!

Werther's tone was very quiet, but the three dragons all knew that Verritt must have done something to make Werter angry, and now she is "escaping" somewhere!

As for Werther, he didn't care whether Mandy agreed or not. After finishing speaking, he said with a smile: "Let's go, I will take you to find Billy and the others."

Before the dragons traveled abroad, they lived in their respective city-states for more than two thousand years.

During such a long period of time, although they have been focusing on cultivation, the occasional gathering is enough for all the dragons to get to know each other.

What's more, they occasionally travel to other city-states, so there are still many opportunities for contact.

Therefore, the relationship between Long and Long, whom Werther met, is no longer the same as it was when Werther held a party for the first time.

Let’s not mention these for now.

When Werther brought the dragons over, he did not take them directly to the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, but to the seaside where Celine had previously recognized her relatives.

As for Moxie, after Werther brought Moxie over, he contacted Billy.

Of course, it’s still Dragon Scales.

The last time he left was too urgent, and Werther forgot to ask for the communicator from Billy again.

Then the first person to be brought over was Claude. When he brought him over, Moxxi, who he had left on the beach earlier, had disappeared. It must have been picked up by Billy and the others.

Therefore, the only ones going to Billy's Alchemy Shop at this time were Verte and the others.

Of course, there are three dragons on the surface.

Although both Mandy and Claude have grown up, the habits they have developed over the years still make them subconsciously hide Mandy's existence.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this.

After all, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of being noticed. If Mandy is targeted, you will not be in trouble.

After ten years, returning to the venue of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, even Werther could not help but feel a flash of surprise in his eyes.

When he left, the third street was not full, but now, the Alchemy District has already filled up three streets.

There are shadows and shadows on the street, which is a lively scene.

All kinds of dragons that have never been seen before are now ruined on the streets.

Just by glancing at the black crystal dragon that had surprised Werther before, he saw three heads from a distance.

"Tsk tsk, ten years has changed a lot. There were not so many dragons before. Speaking of which, after such a long time, I don't know if those guys are here..."

"Coming, everyone is coming!"

Billy's alchemy shop, uncharacteristically, was busy again today.

Dai Lin huddled behind the counter and looked at the two dragons that appeared in surprise. Adding in the intermittent dragons over the years, how many dragons are there?

He is also a dragon who grew up in a city-state, but can dragons in a city-state really get along so harmoniously?

Well...well, he's seen it.

And this one...

Dai Lin's eyes fell on Werther.

On the right side of the counter, Olidof lowered his head and listened to Antasha's criticism with dull eyes.

No one knew why he was in Billy's shop. When he opened the door, he saw the dragon he least wanted to see right now, Antasha.

This ugly shop, this ugly alchemical work...

To be honest, Olidof was already suspecting that this was what Werther had arranged in advance. With that guy's character of not taking things too seriously, ninety percent of it could have been done by him.

The remaining ten percent will only appear when his good friend finds out.

Claude stood aside, looking at the jokes of his traveling companions with a smile on his face. Of course, it was not him.

While Dai Lin, a strange dragon, was there, Mandy didn't come.

"Everyone is here?"

On the left side of the counter, Werther looked at Billy in surprise, not quite able to believe his ears.

"Yeah, they're all here."

Billy confirmed what he said again, and then glanced at the store with a complicated expression.

It's lively, but...

Not a single regular customer!

Although this kind of excitement is not bad, what he wants more is another kind of excitement.


"We have just broken through, and we are already here."


"Here he is, he was the one who carried the sleeping Agnar over. He said it was Agnar who asked for it before he broke through."


"Forcibly dragged here."

"Linstar and Antavana?"

"Antawana went to find Celine and the others. Linstar likes to live in the forest. He is building a residence in the forest east of the pharmacy area.

They arrived a month ago and are almost finished building it now. "

"They're all here..."

As he spoke, Werther paused for a moment, and then asked: "Why didn't you see Xingchen and Gedra?"

Billy glanced at Werther.

"There are too many dragons here, and Gedra wants to open a magic circle shop, so they are in the magic circle area now, you can go there to find them.

The building is easy to recognize, but they forgot to prepare a portable building, so 놖 gave them one as a gift. "


Werther glanced at Billy with a strange expression.

That's really easy to recognize, but...

The premise is that they really want to live in a building full of "personality".

"Now that we're here, let's go see them."

As soon as he said this, Olidolf, who was always paying attention to Werther, immediately said in a loud voice: "Go too!"


Antasha coughed slightly and stared at Olidof with her golden eyes.

Feeling the gazes falling on him, the light in Ollidolf's eyes instantly disappeared.

"Okay, go by yourself!"

Witt cast a look at Ollidolf, then said something to the dragons and walked out of the store.

I have to say that Ollidolf is really unlucky.

On the way here, he was hit by dragons in various ways. After he came here, he met Antasa's eyes as soon as he opened the door.

At first glance, it was a bit unbelievable that Antasa was here, but if you think about it carefully, this is actually very normal.

Although Billy's alchemical works have always been evaluated by Antasa as dragon shit, she still admires Billy's alchemical technology.

After learning from Witt that Billy has become a legendary alchemist, he will come to communicate...

It's normal!

As for Candice, he still has to take care of Scott and the others.

After communicating with Billy for a while, he went back.

After entering the store, Witt paused for a moment to think. Although many dragons came, there were also many dragons that he had no news of.

For example, Nasha and Oti, Mingbing, Neil, Gekai, Ni, and so on.

These dragons can only be said to know Billy and his friends, or even don't know them. Even if they come, they won't come to find Billy.

"We'll meet each other someday!"

Muttering, Witt spread his wings and prepared to take off, but heard the sound of the door opening again behind him.

Turning his head, he saw Claude coming.

"Why are you here too?"

Hearing this, Claude smiled helplessly.

"I want to catch up with Billy, but Mandy wants to go find Celine and the others, so I can only send her there first and meet the other dragons.

But I will definitely stay here, and the same applies to catching up later.

By the way, Witt, that dragon..."

"Let it go, trust it, Celine said."

Hearing this, Claude nodded.

"That's fine, see you later!"

"See you later!"

After that, the two dragons flew in different directions...

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