Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1626 Just open your mouth!


While walking around and eating, Witt suddenly froze for a moment, then raised his head, stretched his neck, closed his eyes, and twitched his nose a few times.

"What a familiar smell..."

While muttering, Witt opened his eyes, and a thought flashed in his eyes.

Then he continued to walk around and eat, while moving closer to the direction where the smell came from.

At the same time, he was also thinking about where this familiar smell came from.

But I don't know if it was because there were too many delicacies around, and Witt's attention was partly focused on these delicacies, so for a while he couldn't remember the source of this smell at all.

Until a familiar plaque appeared in Witt's field of vision.

"Lei Long's dining table... Lei!"

After realizing that it was Lei, Witt's eyes suddenly lit up.

For Lei, he had too many questions to ask, especially about the opponent's strength.

Before the battle, Witt had never thought that Lei's strength was so strong.

Moreover, the familiar smell he smelled just now came from Lei's shop. Obviously, the other party started to do his old business again, so he had to have a good meal.

This time, Lei didn't bring enough ingredients, and he hadn't eaten enough!


After Witt took a look at Lei's shop, he started to eat hard again.

There is still a long distance from Lei's shop, and there are several shops within this distance.

Lei's food is undoubtedly delicious, but the others are not bad either!

The dragons who opened shops in the food area are not just to sell food, they are here to share their hobbies, that is, food!

Therefore, each shop has its own unique features, and each dish is worth savoring.

He has no shortage of magic crystal coins, and the dragon's stomach is a bottomless pit. He eats faster than he digests, so he doesn't have to worry about being full.

The only pity is that Witt's taste buds are dull, and most of what he eats is just a taste and novelty.

There are a few super-heavy foods that can make his eyes light up.



With two light sounds, Ao and Isa landed in an open space on the street.

Looking at the shop not far away, Ao was about to walk over, but his tail was pulled by Isa behind him.

Ao looked at Isa with a puzzled look.

But Isa looked speechlessly in another direction.

Following Isa's gaze, he saw a very conspicuous handsome guy among the dragons, a silver dragon, shuttling in front of the shops and eating crazily.

After a moment of hesitation, Ao turned his head to look at the shop in front of him, and then looked at the dragon in the distance again.


There was a hint of doubt in his tone.

He was not wondering why Witt appeared here, but wondering why he was eating other shops when he was only a few steps away from Lei's shop.

Unconsciously, Ao walked towards Witt.

"Isa, give the part of the sea dragon beast stored in your place to Lei first, I'll go see what that guy is doing."

"Lei is not in a hurry, I'll go too.

By the way, where is Celine?

Didn't she say that she was afraid that Witt would get into trouble, so she ran over to watch him, why didn't I see her..."

Hearing Isa's muttering, Ao didn't say anything, but let Isa follow.

Lei was indeed not in a hurry.



Hearing a dragon calling him, Witt stuffed food into his mouth while turning his head to look over.

"Oh, it's Ao (chew chew chew), why are you guys here too (chew chew chew swallow)."

Witt took another bite, then turned his head to look at the dragons busy in the shop.

"Boss, give me three more of that perverted spicy steamed thorn shield dragon beast, this thing is quite chewy!"

After saying that, Witt turned his head to look at Ao and Isa.

"What did you just say?"


Ao looked at Witt speechlessly, do you have to be so perfunctory, we didn't say anything.

Thinking like this, Ao sighed helplessly.

"You forgot, the sea dragon beasts we caught together were asked by Lei to help us catch them. He has my dragon scales. When he comes, he will notify me.

However, you are only a few steps away from Lei's shop, why didn't you go in?"

While talking, Ao looked at Witt who was eating with big mouthfuls of food... Speaking of which, I really want to give him a claw on the face. When he was talking, his eyes were still glancing to the side, obviously absent-minded.

"Oh, you are talking about this (chewing), don't worry, the food in this food area is almost eaten by me, there is only this small section left, after eating, then..."

"Three perverted spicy steamed thorn shield dragon beasts!"

"My my..."

When he heard the food he ordered came out, Witt immediately turned his head to look at the shop.

After taking the food he ordered, Witt looked at Ao and Isa again, and his attention was finally drawn back from the store. Then he suddenly remembered something and his eyes turned.

"Yes, I met Karen before, and she said that after the Dragon Feast ceremony begins, Desidero needs two representatives.

One is her, and the other one, she thought about it and decided to let you follow.

What she said, you are a golden dragon, shining with golden light, more suitable for such a place.

Of course, if you don't want to go, Isa can go.

This is what Karen said."


Werther's attention was originally on the freshly baked food, but when he saw that the two dragons were silent, he raised his head to take a look.

"Uh...why are you looking at me like this?"

Ao stared at Werther expressionlessly.

"You really came right out of your mouth. If we hadn't met Karen on the way, I would have believed your words!"


Werther, who was chewing, paused slightly for a moment, then stretched out his paw.

"Okay, it's my fault. As an apology, one for each dragon."


Seeing that the two dragons were staring at him, Witte retracted the dragon's claws.

"Okay, if you don't want to eat, you won't eat. However, if you agree not to care, you can't regret it."

Looking at Werther's expression that said, "If you regret it, I won't be nice to you," Ao and Isa didn't know what to say for a moment.

Is it your ears that cause hearing problems, or is there a problem with our mouths and ears...

Who said you don't care?

Why do you feel that after not seeing each other for a few days, Werther has a tendency to develop into a meaty person?

While the two dragons were speechless, Isa suddenly remembered that she had something else she wanted to ask.

"Yes, where is Celine?"

"She came in person, and after knowing the truth, she forgave him, and then followed him to Rimière, saying he was going to have a look. He left just a few days ago."

"Celine actually chose to forgive?"

"Why didn't you follow?"

Two questions about the two dragons. Isa was concerned about Celine's choice, while Austria looked at Werther with curiosity. They had just reunited not long ago, why did Werther let Celine leave like this?

"You can ask Celine yourself about the reason for forgiveness. As for why I didn't follow..."

Werther's tail climbed up to his head and scratched him.

"How to say?

Although Celine had never cared about her mother's affairs, since they reunited and everything happened for a reason, she also chose to forgive, so it was necessary to get along with her mother.

I could tell that she had the same idea.

I just followed her idea. We had agreed that we would travel together after the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, and we would spend plenty of time together. "


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