Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1621: Loneliness also attracts each other!

In the dense forest, on a cleared space, four dragons of different colors each chose a place they thought was more comfortable and crouched down.

"Here they come!"

A rather cold voice sounded, and the four dragons looked up at the same time.

The next second, the sunlight above was blocked by a black shadow, and with a slight sound, a silver dragon fell down.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I last saw you, guys. I'm finally relieved to see you again."

Hearing this, Huan rolled his eyes.

"Whose fault is this?

Some dragons, who have little ability, like to provoke invincible existences.

They caused trouble and involved other dragons, and they still have the nerve to say sarcastic words here. If I were you, I would at least apologize."


Witt looked around blankly, and then his eyes fell on Huan.

"Oh, so you are here. Sorry, you are too dark, I didn't see you just now. By the way, don't turn your back to me, turn your head around."


Huan, who was facing Witt, was silent for a while... and then completely silent.

He couldn't beat him, couldn't talk him, and had no choice but to be silent.

Witt saw that Huan was autistic, smiled, moved over, and then lay down beside him.

"Don't be silent, I'm just joking. After all, among the four dragons here, only you are willing to pay attention to me. If you don't talk anymore, I will be too embarrassed."

Hearing this, Xue sighed helplessly.

"You just came and squeezed Huan, and didn't give us a chance to speak. Now you blame us for not speaking."

Hearing this, Witt looked at Xue with surprise.

"You actually spoke, I thought the next one to speak was Nuo, after all, she is much more cheerful than the three of you."


Xue looked at Witt silently.

He really didn't want to deal with this dragon. He was stirring up the dragon's emotions overtly and covertly, and he was always right.

Shuang looked at Xue being bullied by Witte, and couldn't help but say, "Let's talk business!"

Witte turned his head to look at Shuang.


Nuo looked at Witte who was talking nonsense to everyone, and felt funny, helpless, and a little envious.

The funny thing was that she had never seen Shuang and Xue being bullied to this extent, but helplessly, this person's personality seemed to be even worse, and as for envy...

The four of them seemed to never reach the level of freedom and ease of each other.

Thinking this in his heart, Nuo smiled and said, "Goodbye, Witte, you are still the same as before."


Witte laughed a few times.

"Nothing bad, but you, when did you hook up with this dull guy, it didn't start in the big cemetery!"

As he said that, Witte looked at Nuo and Xue with interest.

He had felt something strange before. The last time he saw Xue, he didn't seem to want to return to Fast Continent.

Not resistance, but trepidation, confusion, etc.

The reason is Nuo!

Xue felt a little embarrassed when Witt looked at him, and silently turned his eyes away. Nuo was much more generous than Xue, chuckled a few times, and then glanced at Nuo.

"To be honest, I can't tell when it was. I just know that I fell in love with him unconsciously. I was lonely in the past.

After entering the Sky City, this loneliness did not weaken, but became stronger.

Until I met Xue.

Although Huan and Shuang were around Xue, I felt that he was lonely.

Maybe it was a lonely soul. When they met, they subconsciously wanted to hug each other for warmth!"

Hearing this, Xue glanced at Nuo, then leaned over and gently bumped into Nuo, and the embarrassment on his face became even worse.

Although Nuo's words resonated with him, it was different from his usual personality.

Don't ruin the dragon's setting!

Nuo smiled.

"What's there to be embarrassed about?

There are no other dragons here except Witt, and the less you say about Witt, the more curious he is, and the more curious he is, the more he wants to find out about our affairs.

A gossipy dragon, who knows what he will spread outside..."

Having his thoughts exposed, Xue was even more embarrassed, and glanced at Huan and Shuang.

Sure enough, these two guys were trying not to laugh.

However, for some reason, when Nuo directly expressed these in words, he felt much more relaxed.


Looking at Xue and Nuo, Witt smacked his lips.

"What a pity, Celine is not here, I should have brought him here..."

As he said that, Witt paused for a moment, then stretched out his tongue, and in Huan's puzzled eyes, stretched it towards him, and then in his stunned eyes, quickly pulled off a piece of his dragon scale.

While admiring Huan's unusually black dragon scales, Witt continued, "Okay, okay, don't show off to me anymore, you came here to find me on purpose!"

There are not so many coincidences in the world. As soon as Kotlin and Kailin left, Xue showed their presence.

It is obvious that these four dragons have been waiting here for a long time.

Probably they had the same idea as Kotlin and the others, thinking that he would open a store here.

As a result, after sensing his presence, before they could show their presence, Kotlin and Kailin got there first (Witt took the initiative).

Because of his personality, he waited until Kotlin and Kailin left, which showed his existence.

There was no need to think about it. If Witt had left with Kailin and the others, these four taciturn people would have continued to wait here until he was alone.

Thinking about this in his mind, a white flame suddenly ignited on Witt's body.

Just as he stretched out his sword to Witt, he was about to follow suit and pull off a dragon scale from Witt. After being burned by the sword, he took the sword back in a huff.

And Nuo said, "It's like this. You can see that we are all legendary, so we are going to go outside. However, with the abyss, the situation outside is changing rapidly.

For safety, we decided to come to you.

You often run outside, and you know more about the situation outside than we do."

"Is that so..."

Witt organized his words slightly.

"After the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, the situation between the dragon race and the abyss will inevitably change. The Ten Great Dragon Lairs decided to use this Ten Thousand Dragons Feast to make the dragon race aware of the threat behind the abyss.

As some new research results on the abyss spread, the attitude of the dragon race towards the abyss will change.

This change in attitude will inevitably lead to the next stage of action in the abyss.

For example, some of the abyss energy crystals left behind by the abyss legends after their death can completely remove the abyss power inside, and will also leave behind the dead abyss legends' understanding of the rules.

That is the product of another cultivation system.

And for the dragon race legends, this is a very good cultivation resource.

By the way, this is what I found, and I have tried to spread this news."


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