Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1619 It turns out to be that continent!

"Can Werther really be found here?"

Kailin looked at Kotlin suspiciously.

Although it is said that Witte opened a magic circle shop, Witte likes to join in the fun. Compared with other areas, this area is a little too deserted.

"Take your time, there's nothing urgent."

Kotlin glanced around casually.

"Let me tell you, there is actually no need to look for them. Witte will definitely participate in the Dragon King Challenge. It won't be too late to look for them then.

In contrast, I was more interested in the reading area I heard about when I just listened to the layout of Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

I heard from the dragon that the dragons in the reading area will take out the precious books they have collected. Just thinking about it makes the dragon excited! "

Kailin glanced at Kotlin.

"No, you have to go alone. I want to find Celine. I haven't seen her in many years."

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you, Celine is not here for the time being!"

The sudden sound made the two dragons instantly alert, and their vigilant eyes quickly looked around.

But before they found the dragon, the two of them reacted, and their voices seemed a little familiar.

"It's me!"

While the two dragons were thinking, a voice suddenly sounded in Kotlin's ear. Subconsciously, Kotlin turned his head and opened his mouth to release his breath.

But soon, his mouth was forcibly closed by a dragon claw, and then a familiar dragon face appeared in front of Kotlin.

"They all said, it's me, why are you still greeting me with breath?

In addition, you have just arrived and have not even understood the rules. Fighting is not allowed within the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast venue. If you want to fight, you must go to the combat area. "

As he spoke, Werther let go of his paws.


There was a hint of surprise on Kailin's face.

"You are really here!"

"I just happened to be wandering around here. If it were another time, you guys wouldn't be able to find me here."

Obviously, Werther heard the previous conversation between Kailin and the others.

At this time, Kotlin reacted and complained helplessly: "Can't you change the way you appear in a normal way? You scared me!"

Witte glanced at Kotlin.

"You just scared me. As soon as you let out that breath, even I had to be scolded along with you, but...

You are so vigilant. It seems that you have experienced a lot!

Where have you been all these years? "

Hearing this, Kotlin smiled bitterly.

"Oh, it's true that we have practiced it. We first went to Fusail Continent. As a result, after traveling there for a while, we encountered an abyss eruption.

The strong men of the abyss broke through the space above Fussell Land.

Then suddenly several powerful dragons appeared to fight against them.

One of the dragons may be of interest to you.

I see it clearly.

The dragon was on all fours. The dragon's scales were silvery white and diamond-shaped. The dragon's scales had no metallic luster.

There are black crack-like lines on the body.

The four thorn-like dragon horns on its head point toward the sky.

The wingspan is about twice the body length.

There is a crystal like a crystal dragon on the chest, which is in the shape of a silver-white diamond.

The dragon's tail is thick and long, and there is also a sharp silver-white rhombus crystal at the end...

Sound familiar?

This is exactly the same as the description of the space dragon that I know. If nothing unexpected happens..."


Werther looked at Kotlin in disbelief. Why didn't he expect that with just a casual question, he would actually ask about news about Desidero.

"Don't be happy yet!"

Just as excitement gradually appeared in Witte's eyes, Kotlin poured cold water on him.

"That was more than two thousand years ago. The dragon left after sealing the space rift that was torn apart by the strong men of the abyss in the sky above Fusail Continent.

Since then, we have not seen her on the Forsail Land again. "

After hearing this, Werther calmed down.

However, judging from the various information he obtained, Desidero has never stayed on any continent for a long time except the original Sykes Continent.

Suddenly, Werther thought of something.

"After Desidero sealed the space rift, did he leave a black sun in the sky?"

Kotlin looked at Werther with some surprise.

"Have you seen it elsewhere?"

Witte nodded and said: "Olivia Lu, that side has been shrouded in darkness. Judging from the time, it is later than what you see."

"Olivia Land...Tsk, I advise you not to go to these two lands."

As he said this, Kotlin and Kailin looked at each other, both dragons looking sad.

"We are on the Fusail continent and have been trapped for almost two thousand years. We are either being chased by this abyss strongman or that abyss strongman.

Fortunately, they came from different forces, and we were able to escape from the Fusail land safely. "

Hearing this, Witte looked at the faces of the two dragons and couldn't help but feel strange.

Especially when his eyes fell on Kailin.

This is the case, I have always been unlucky, but I can still be safe and sound.

땤And, a flash of thought flashed in Werther's eyes.

Before, he had received news from Skechers that he had seen the "Black Sun" in other places besides Olivia Continent.

I forgot to ask about the location at that time, but now it seems that it should be Fussell Land.

With these thoughts in mind, Witte glanced at Kotlin.

"So that's it, let me tell you, how come you have been out for two or three thousand years and there is no news at all.

Yes, where is Seros?

Why didn't you see him? Didn't you go on a trip together?

In addition, you should be grateful for this experience! "

Saying that, Witte glanced at Kotlin.

Without this experience, Kotlin would have been beaten.

When Witte was thinking about this, Kailin said: "Sellos wants to go back to the Sky City to visit, and we want to bring you the news about Desedro as soon as possible.

Therefore, after we returned to Fastland, we separated.

However, he just wants to go back and take a look, and will come here soon. After all, he wants to participate in the Dragon King Challenge. "

Hearing this, Witte looked at the two dragons curiously.

"What about you?"

Kotlin shook his head.

"I'm not going to participate in this kind of competition. The meaning of first place is that if you are here... I think I can't compete with you, so I won't participate at all."

I'm not really interested in fighting anyway. "

Kailin shook her head.

"I will not participate..."

As she said that, Kailin had an embarrassed look on her face.

"I have been trapped in Fussell Continent for too long. Now that I have finally come out, I have to go back to Rimi Air as soon as possible. I haven't contacted you for so long. If I go back this time, I will definitely be approved.

Just thinking about it makes me not in the mood to fight.

Besides, in these years, what I am most indispensable for is activities such as fighting.

well! "

Speaking of this, Kailin suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, when you first came here, you said Celine left. Where did she go?"

As a companion who had traveled together, Kailin still wanted to see Celine.

"She goes to Remiel."


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