Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1615 Am I the kind of dragon that will cause trouble?

For the dragon, time passes really quickly.

Unknowingly, the silver moon above disappeared and was replaced by a passionate sun.

Werther was lying on the beach surrounded by four dragons. Elvis did not tell Lie much about Celine, so it was Werther who told Lie about Celine's recent situation.

After learning that Celine had been Desedro's dragon, the disappointment in Lie's eyes was almost undisguised.

For Lie, if Celine only lives in a city-state, she can definitely take her with her to Ruimier and then join the Dragon Lair.

Even for Celine at this stage, she can't get many benefits from joining Dragon's Nest.

But for Lie himself, there is a chance to make up for the past.

But if Celine is Desedro's dragon, then there is no suitable reason to take Celine back to Remière.

After some internal struggle, Lièzhong made up his mind and then looked at Celine.

"Would you like to go see Rimi Air?"

Hearing this, Werther glanced at Lie, but he didn't say anything.

For a legendary dragon, it does not take much time to move across the continent.

Elvis was the same Celine he met two years ago, and within two years, Lie arrived from Jumière.

But now, there are still more than forty years until the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast officially begins.

Ten trips back and forth are enough.

Moreover, Lie definitely didn't want to drag Celine into Remière. If he really wanted to do that, Remière wouldn't dare to take Celine in. Desidero is not someone to be bullied.

Remiel, on the other hand, has been competing with Rieps for the last place all year round, so he would be crazy to offend Desedro.

Although the relationship between Dragon Nest and Dragon Nest is not hostile, it is by no means mutually beneficial.

Otherwise, why would they call them the Ten Dragon Nests? How much better would they just call them the Dragon Alliance!

There are usually ideological differences between Dragon Nest and Dragon Nest.

This difference between the top ten dragon nests is even more obvious.

Frozen Abyss majors in the water element, Reapus majors in the dark element, Rimielle majors in the light element, and Desidero and Trinier are the only dragon lairs without obvious elemental tendencies.

Its five dragon nests...

Tirut, the dragon with affinity to the earth element is the main character; Gelmurru, the dragon with the wind element is the main character; Albol, the dragon with the natural element is the main character; Fuller Moro, the fire dragon is the main character.

뀪꼐The last Toisul is dominated by 뀪Thunder Dragon.

Yes, it's the differences in elements.

Every dragon nest believes that the element it is compatible with is the strongest element, and it should be the strongest dragon nest besides Trenier.

As for why except Trinier, it goes without saying that there are several emerging dragon nests and ancient dragon nests inside, which of them have not experienced the period of being beaten by Treniir.

땣It's enough to make all the powerful dragons sit down obediently and sit down and talk in the feast of ten thousand dragons. It's not just words, it's the invincible bravery that fights all over the place.

Among the top ten dragon lairs, apart from Trinil, only Fuller Morrow and Toisul have the endurance to compare with Desidero.

After all, Thunder Dragon and Fire Dragon are notoriously warlike.

The premise of being belligerent is that you are strong. If you are not strong, then it is not called belligerent, it is called masochistic.

Would Remiel dare to provoke Desidero in such a position?

There's no way to hide!

If you really want to snatch De Sedro's dragon, De Sedro will bring the entire dragon's nest to your door. Just tell me whether you're afraid of it or not!

Therefore, Werther dragged Celine to join Remiel.

Moreover, Celine will not join Remiel.

Just when Werther's thoughts were racing, he suddenly felt his tail being pressed. He turned around and saw Celine staring straight at her.

"No, you are watching what I am doing. If you want to go, you can go. If you don't want to go, just refuse."

Hearing this, Celine stared at Werther and said quietly: "I don't mind going there, but what I mean is, I won't let you go!"

Werther was stunned for a moment, then looked at Celine innocently.

"I'm a big dragon, so I won't let you go."

Celine glared at Werther.

"Stop pretending to be stupid with me, you know what I'm talking about. If I follow you, you will recruit the manager. If I walk away, who knows what you will do!"

At this time, Elvis's face suddenly dawned.

"So you are the dragon that has been complained about a lot lately!"

"Shut up!"

Werther glared at Elvis, and then continued to look at Celine innocently.

"How could it be, I'm the kind of dragon that gets into trouble?"

After saying that, Witte's face straightened up and he said softly: "If you want to go, go ahead. After all, there are still more than 40 years until the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

After the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, we will stay for a few years at most. That guy Si Kuo has been away for thousands of years and there has been no news. I am a little worried.

So, not long after the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, I will go to Feifus Continent and look for Si Kuo.

Don't you want to go with me?

I don’t know how many years have passed since I left.

There are some things like this. If you encounter them, you have to do them quickly. Who knows what will happen in the future!

There will only be more and more things happening, so hurry up and go while you have time now. "

Celine looked at Werther and narrowed her eyes.

"You seem to want me to leave?"

"How can it be? We have been separated for nearly a thousand years. Of course I hope you will always be by my side, but look at that expectant look in my eyes...


No matter what, I'm still your dear, I won't force you to stay with me. "

Lie lowered his head in embarrassment.

뀞Zhong has a rare fondness for Werther.

But soon, 놛 turned his hopeful eyes to Celine again. 놛 hoped to take Celine to the place where 놛 lived, so that Celine would have more understanding of this sudden relative.

Seeing this, Celine was silent for a moment, then glanced at Werther.

"You come with me!"

Werther was shocked, but he didn't show it on his face. He just said helplessly: "I would like to go, but have you forgotten what Violet's temperament is?

You're afraid of me getting into trouble, and I'm even more afraid of that guy getting into trouble.

Plus, Boo is following her!

Can't I just watch it? "

When Celine heard this, she looked at Werther even more unkindly.

She couldn't understand Werther any more. The more he began to reason, the more it showed that he was not holding his shit back.


"Just go away. I swear, if I get into trouble, I'll let you handle it!"

As soon as these words came out, Celine didn't know what to say. Looking at Lie, the look of prayer in her eyes became even stronger.


Celine sighed, then glared at Werther fiercely.

"Remember what you said!"

Hearing this, Werther burst into cheers, and Lie was even more happy.

"Then without further delay, let's set off now!"

Werther chuckled.

"Just leave and I will bring the news to you."


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