Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 161 I said the title girl is lost, do you believe it?

Chapter 161 Do you believe that the title girl is lost?

This special energy can not only erode mental power, but also erode the element!

Although Witt is not friendly to the element, he can clearly feel that the element in these eroded soils is no longer stable and heavy in the normal state, but violent and chaotic!

"I should have thought of it earlier!"

Witt looked at the soil in the crystal jar and muttered to himself.

"Since it can pollute the soil, how can the element not be affected? In other words, this power originally relies on the power of infecting the element to affect the material."

After the voice fell, Witt hesitated for a moment, and then turned his eyes to another jar of infected soil.

After thinking for a while, he took out a dragon scale that he had fallen off, and then engraved the words "Don't move, don't touch" and placed it next to the jar.

Then Witt put away the jar he had just observed and flew outside.

Antawana noticed the movement of Witt, but when she came over, Witt had left, and only the open jar and the dragon scale with the words were left.

After looking at the words Witt left, Antawana hesitated and crouched down.

Since Witt deliberately left a message, it means that the things in this jar are very important. If this thing is attractive to Mors dragon beasts, or other super small dragon beasts, it would be bad to attract them.


Antawana looked at the black soil in the jar and always felt that this thing exuded a kind of smell that made her quite disgusted.

I don't know where Witt got it from.


On the other side, Witt didn't go too far, but chose a forest nearby.

Then he began to search carefully.

Soon, a series of small footprints attracted his attention.

Following the small footprints, after a few steps, he came to a tree. Witt stretched out his claws and pulled away the snow on the edge of the tree roots, revealing a tree hole about half a meter wide.

Seeing this, Witt raised a hideous smile at the corner of his mouth.

After scratching a few times with his claws, a Grabidramon came out of the hole.

Then, Witt crouched down and threw the Grabidramon into the jar containing the eroded soil.

After being thrown in, the Grabidramon seemed abnormally panicked and kept running around in the jar.

But soon, it crouched in the jar and stopped moving.

Because one of its claws had been corroded and only bones were left.

But it was not dead, and its body kept shaking.

In Witt's eyes, it was the strange power contained in the soil that kept pouring into the body of the Grabidramon.

As the strange energy poured in, the appearance of the Grabidramon began to change greatly.

The carapace on its back was corroded and tattered, and the transparent wings hidden under the carapace turned black and grew a layer of fine black scales.

The bones of one foot began to mutate, forming a unique structure that allowed it to support its body with only the leg bones without affecting its movements.

It was like a bone dragon, a spirit dragon, or that strange beast.

The originally golden pupils were stained with a touch of blood, and the panic in the pupils became ferocious and bloodthirsty.

And the originally small jaws became like pincers, very aggressive.


Watching the entire process of Grabidramon from its contact with the soil to the end of its transformation, Witt couldn't help but take a deep breath!

This power is too terrifying!

Originally, Witt didn't believe that power could be divided into evil and justice.

After all, the natural element that can give birth to life can also deprive life.

If the dark element is used well, it can also have a therapeutic effect.

But Witt now dares to conclude that the existence of this power is definitely evil!

Looking at the mutated Grabidramon in the crystal jar, desperately attacking the jar and trying to run out of it, Witt's eyes flashed with worry.

The soil was infected by the corpse after it turned into concentrated water, and the corpse floated down from the ice field.

And the ice was produced by a very powerful dragon, which sprayed out a zero-degree cold current.

So, what kind of existence is it to fight with that dragon?

Will the other party also possess this strange power, or more accurately, is it controlled by this power!

Of course, there is a core question here!

Where does this power come from?

In the past ten years, Witt can't say that he has read a lot of books, but he is very yearning for the outside world. For those books in the library that describe strange stories in the dragon world, he has always accepted them!

Therefore, Witt knows that every hundred years on the ice field, there will be a cold wave moving south.

However, he had never seen any description of such power!

However, the origin of this power is not very important. What is important is, what is the current situation of the Great Icefield?

Did the dragon destroy the source of this power?

Did any living beast escape from the Great Icefield?

Did the ice cubes still drift downstream along the Moon Shadow River, or was he just lucky enough to pick up the only one!

Well...Okay, for the last question, Witt already has an idea in mind.

Where do so many coincidences come from in this world?

I'm afraid there are already many things, like ice cubes, floating all the way downstream along the river. Even, this power may have spread to some places.

Witt was a little annoyed and shook his tail. If this is true, then it would be dangerous for them to walk downstream along the Moon Shadow River.

But if they don't walk this way, he doesn't know the way!

Scratching his head, Witt cursed softly, then grabbed the jar and rushed to the cave.

There is still an open jar in the cave.

If something like a ball or a dragon runs in and knocks over the jar, or falls in, it will be bad.

Who knows if you will be infected after being attacked by this mutated dragon beast.

Linstar is still sleeping!

Soon, Witt returned to the cave.

When he saw Antawana lying next to the jar, he was relieved.

Hearing the noise, Antawana turned around and looked at Witt in confusion.

"What happened? You look nervous?"

"Nothing has touched the soil in the jar since you left!"

Antawana shook her head.

"Don't worry, I came here just after you left.

Yes, what's the matter with the black soil in here? Looking at it, I feel disgusted."

Hearing this, Witt smiled bitterly.

"You're right to hate me!"

As he said this, he placed the jar containing the mutant Grabidramon in front of Antawana...

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