Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1603 It’s you!

Werther glanced at Scott.

He really knew how to talk. He originally planned to collect a few more coins, but now that Celine has made a move, what else can he do but give up his original plan.

With this thought in his mind, Werther raised his head and looked around.

"Just you two?"

Seeing that the roundabout tactics were working, Scott was relieved.

After hearing what Werther said, Scott rolled his eyes and took it into consideration.

"Of course, only the two of us are here. Candice, Chiara, and Ermus are all here and have passed by. Apart from us, only Candice is here.

In the Ermus magic circle area, Chiara is accompanying you.

Come on, I'll take you to Candace! "

Hearing this, Werther gave Scott a funny look.

This guy doesn't know how to invite 놛 in this situation. He will only try to avoid spending too much time with 놛. If he does this, he will probably make Candace angry.

This is to use 놛 as a glue.

However, Werther was not satisfied, but rather looked forward to seeing Candace.

During the few days that Werther stayed in the Sky City, Werther basically never saw Candace. That guy locked himself up in order to improve his strength.

I haven’t seen so much, so I’m looking forward to Candice’s transformation.

Of course, Witt did not think that Candice would surpass him in terms of strength.

Just know that after so much time, Candice really put down alchemy completely?

If it is true, what kind of expression will Candice 놇 have when she learns that 놛 is already a legendary alchemist?

Thinking of this, a flash of expectation flashed in Werther's eyes.

"Then lead the way. Speaking of which, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Scott was overjoyed to receive 깊Witt's consent, and then hurriedly led the way.

Along the way, both parties were not idle, and each briefly talked about their own experiences.

Werther and Celine explained in detail.

Scott's experience also made Werther sigh.

The Dragon Gang is still there, but now only Scott and his dragons are left. The other dragons have withdrawn from the Dragon Gang with the dissolution of the Young Dragon Management Association.

The reason for disbandment is also very simple, there is no 놋young dragon깊!

The reasons why those dragons quit the Dragon Gang are also very simple.

Since there are no young dragons, the Young Dragon Management Association only exists in name only. In addition, Candice practices in seclusion and alchemy. When those dragons have nothing to do, they begin to yearn for the outside world.

As a result, they all left the Giant Dragon Gang and left the Sky City.

Without those dragons, the Young Dragon Management Association was officially dissolved.

As the "founding hero" of the Young Dragon Management Association, Witte was naturally a little emotional when he suddenly heard the news.

Of course, the Young Dragon Management Association did not exist, but the arena remained.

After several days of management, Kotlin strengthened the arena from the initial one that could only withstand gold-level battles to one that can handle battles below legend level without any problem.

After restricting the young dragon, the place became even more lively.

Scott sighed while making a lot of money from this.

놊De놊 said that after Candice retreated, the shop of the Dragon Gang was really supported by Scott.

Although it is said that there are very few opportunities for adult dragons to use magic crystal coins, there is really no need to open an alchemy shop without an alchemist.

As far as Antasha's shop is concerned, Ilaya's shop can still be stocked because Ilaya will still open the door for business every once in a while.

Candice showed up a few times. The reason why the Dragon Gang's alchemy shop didn't close down was because Scott used the magic crystal coins and dragon veins earned from the arena to support it.

Although this guy always talks about "If there was no way, the Dragon Gang would have disbanded long ago", there is really nothing wrong with his words!

Of course, being busy with these things, coupled with the fact that Scott's talent is not top-notch, naturally he was unable to break through to legend before the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

There was no breakthrough in the spirit flames either.

However, like Moxi, his breakthrough has only been in the past few years.

The other three dragons have made breakthroughs. Except for Candice, Ermus and Chiara are not preparing to participate in the Dragon King Challenge.

The former is focused on the magic circle, while the latter still regards sunbathing as an important matter for dragon life.

It can only be said that time has changed a lot, but not much.

"Candace, I'm back, let's see who I bring to you!"

Hearing the sounds coming from outside, Candice, who was still busy in the laboratory, was stunned for a moment, and then detected a familiar scent.

With a flash of surprise in her eyes, Candice hurriedly walked outside.

When 놛 really saw Werther, a fighting spirit appeared in his eyes.

"I guessed it right, you will definitely come here!"

Is Candace belligerent?

놊Warlike, but competitive!

And 놛 also has the characteristics that most dragons have, remember 꿩!

Was trained by Witte when he was a young dragon...

I will always remember this account!

After that, during that time, 놛 concentrated on alchemy, and his strength improved not very quickly, so he kept this matter firmly in his heart.

Now, after several days of retreat, I have gained the strength that 깊makes me satisfied with.

Seeing Werther again, it is inevitable that the mood will be aroused.

Witte looked at Candace with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Candice's elemental aura is actually stronger than Celine's. This guy is already far away from the legendary mid-level.

It seems that with so many things, Candice is really focusing on improving her strength.

With this thought in his mind, Witte looked at Candice and grinned.

"놊Are you wrong? Your strength has improved quite quickly. Do you want to have a battle?"

Hearing this, Candice's eyes lit up, but she shook her head.

"If it's now... let's forget it and leave the battle to the Dragon King Challenge!"

As she spoke, Candice's eyes fell on him, almost hiding her entire body on Scott who was behind Witt.

"What, have you finished reflecting?"


Werther's eyes lit up, and his heart for gossip started to burn.

"What happened?"

Candice glared at Scott first, and then sighed helplessly.

“I actually broke through 깊놋깊 for a while, and then picked up 깊alchemy again.

A few years ago, I came here with everyone, and then successfully broke through and became a legendary alchemist.

In excitement, he created a lot of alchemical waste products that looked like legendary alchemical items, but actually had no practical use. "

Saying that, Candice smiled kindly, and then glared at Scott again.

"Who knew that this guy was eyeing this batch of waste products, and combined with Ling Yan to trick me out of the laboratory, and they actually stole these things from the laboratory and sold them to other dragons."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Scott.

"It turns out it's you!"

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