Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1600 Let’s go shopping!

The day after Witt moved into Billy's shop, Dai Lin came back!

Caesar also came back with him.

However, Caesar did not stay for long. After briefly chatting with Witt, he left the shop, saying that it was not easy to catch up with the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, so he went to look around.

As for Leandre...

When Witt mentioned this name, Dai Lin and Caesar's faces were not very good.

Obviously, during the days when Witt and his friends were chatting, Dai Lin and Caesar were tortured by Leandre.

However, Caesar still told Witt about Leandre's whereabouts.

In short, six words... Go find a dragon to challenge!

Without knowing when Witt and his friends would finish communicating, Leandre waited for a quarter of an hour. After Dai Lin and Caesar refused to fight him, he went to find other dragons.

Dai Lin did not leave.

In the past, he was only interested in fighting. After Leandre's "training", he was no longer interested in fighting.

The dragons he was more familiar with here, besides Celine, were only Billy.

After Dai Lin stayed, Witt naturally had less communication with him.

His sunny and cheerful personality and true letting go made him not show any hostility to Witt just because Celine liked Witt.

It was also because Witt finally dispelled the last trace of killing intent in his heart.

This dragon is really good!

As for Dai Lin, he also got to know Witt better during the communication with him. He was not clear about the force for the time being, but he was impressed by the amount of knowledge.

The friendly relationship between the two dragons made Billy, who was secretly vigilant, feel relieved.

Dai Lin has lived here for two years. Although he was prepared to profit from it at first, Dai Lin's character and "unique" vision made Billy really willing to accept this dragon.

But think about it, Celine is a person who can tolerate sand in her eyes.

Born and raised together, it's okay. If Dai Lin really has any flaws in his character, Celine may go with him if they meet halfway.

Let's put these aside for now. Witt did not forget what he promised Billy. In addition to communicating with Dai Lin, he also taught Billy the blank dragon crystal technology and the formula of Egbert alloy.

After Billy learned a lot, Witt's quiet heart came out to show his presence again.


"I'm going to go out for a walk. Do you want to come with me?"

Seeing that Billy's alchemy experiment was on track, Witt walked out of the laboratory and shouted to Dai Lin behind the counter.

Dai Lin's eyes flashed with hesitation when he heard it. After thinking for a while, he shook his head.

"Forget it. Billy is in the laboratory and Mo Xi is practicing. If I leave with you, there will be no dragon to look after this shop."

Witt waved his paw casually.

"What's the matter? Anyway, there will be no dragons coming into his shop."

Dai Lin smiled helplessly.

"That's what I said, but I'd better keep an eye on it."

"In this case, forget it!"

Witt looked at Dai Lin with regret.

Although he was ready to kill Dai Lin, and even the relationship between the two was not good, it was undeniable that he had thought about Celine.

I want to have a good time with him, but I feel a little sorry for his dragon.

However, if he is willing to go out with him, there is nothing I can do, I can only wait for a long time...

Withdrawing his gaze, Witt walked out of the store.

Dai Lin looked at Witt's back, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

Looking at Witt's expression just now, could it be...

Billy's warning to him is true?


I'd better try to avoid it in the future, and go out alone with Witt!

Witt knew that Billy had become a traitor again. When he opened the door of the store, all kinds of sounds came to his face. Looking around, all kinds of dragons, seen and not seen, were shuttling in the wide street in front of him.

On both sides of the street are alchemy shops of various styles.

Looking at this street, Witt's mind was filled with the news about the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast venue that Billy had recently popularized to him.

Alchemy area!

A gathering place for alchemists and alchemy enthusiasts.

It is the largest area in the Wanlong Feast, except for the main venue. There are a total of 10 streets, which are larger than the entire Sky City.

As for the venue of the entire Wanlong Feast, it occupies two-thirds of the Xingye Great Plain.

The alchemy area, magic array area, potion area, magic area, and various small-scale hobby groups are connected in a ring, wrapping up the main venue of the Wanlong Feast.

The Xingye River, which runs from west to east, divides the entire venue of the Wanlong Feast into two areas, north and south, almost equally.

The eastern part of the Xingye River is in the shape of a trumpet. The north and south land plus the water part of the sea in the middle are the battle venues for the future Dragon King Challenge.

It is also the area with the largest area after the main venue and the alchemy area, and is larger than the magic area located southwest of it.

The area southwest of the magic area is the potion area where Celine and the others are now.

As for the alchemy area, it is located northwest of the Dragon King Challenge venue.

In other words, there is a starry night river between the potion area and the alchemy area!

After walking out of the store, Werther glanced toward the southeast, a flash of heat flashing in his eyes.

"Dragon King Challenge..."

Then, Werther glanced toward the southwest again, his eyes even more hopeful.

That is the main venue of previous Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Although he is looking forward to the Dragon King Challenge, Witt knows very well that the Dragon King Challenge is only a part of the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, or even a small part.

The really lively area is the main venue.

After the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons begins, many decisions related to the dragon world, new discoveries and research in various fields will take turns in that area.

This is why the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is so popular.

Here, any dragon can find his or her own place.


With a sigh of relief, Werther withdrew his gaze.

"It's really hard to wait!"

Muttering, Werther started walking along the street.


No matter what kind of place it is, it is the one that attracts the most attention.

The number of giant dragons in the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is small, but there are really many dragons. At least, when Witte looked around, he could only see dozens of giant dragons.

It sounds like a small amount, but you understand that the traffic volume of this street, hundreds of thousands, may be a bit exaggerated, but hundreds of thousands are still there, it can even be said that it is only a little more.

When a flying dragon, especially a small flying dragon, passes by, it is a large area of ​​darkness.

Small earth dragons too!

In the blink of an eye, several groups passed by Werther.

Of course, because of their small size, 놊놚 feels easy to bully. Those who can wading across the water to come here to participate in the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons, except for those who live on the edge of the Starry Night Plain, are all elites.

Be it gold or platinum, Werther can blow away a large piece of it in one breath!

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