Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1599 This is for you...

Although he was suspicious, Witt had just arrived and had no source of information. For a moment, he could not be sure to what extent these two guys had deceived him.

But what was certain was that he was definitely deceived!

Witt kept this matter to himself and did not make it public, but what was certain was that he would need to pay attention to the movements of these two guys in the future.

Then, Witt discussed other things with the dragons.

As for the extent of the storm that would be caused after the spread of these two news, he was very concerned.

Now he is no longer the same person as when he was a young dragon.

At that time, he was young and frivolous, and he entered the game with his body, which brought him a lot of trouble.

Now, he has long understood that many things do not need him to do them personally. As for the Abyss, as mentioned in the past, he is ready to get out of this huge quagmire.

Even if he is still covered with mud, his main goal will still be to improve his own strength.

As for the Abyss, he will take care of it if he encounters it, and he will take the initiative to participate if he encounters it.

Of course, this refers to the incident.

The Abyss Legend still needs to continue hunting. After all, he has many elements to disperse the rules. If he wants to improve, he still needs to use the rule fragments.

In addition, it is still necessary for the dragons to remember Egbert's appearance.

This guy is more threatening than the Abyss.

After this time, the communication between the dragons gradually came to an end.

Before we met, I imagined that I could talk with my good friend and feel that I would get tired of it in a hundred years, but in fact, more than a thousand years of experience, condensed in laughter and talk, passed in just a few days.

We have met, talked, laughed, and finally returned to life.

Witt injected the power of time into the bodies of the dragons, and then taught them to reverse the time until all the dragons except you remembered the magic spell, which ended this gathering.

Elvis had to do the "work" of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast and left first.

Dinnett was going back to the store in the pharmacy area, and Iris chose to follow Dinnett.

Celine ignored Witt's resentful eyes and followed Dinnett, and she also took you away.

Violet might be afraid that Witt would settle accounts with her, so she ran with Celine.

With Dinnet, Iris, Celine, and Violet all together, how could Isa be missing?

So, Isa followed.

What Witt never expected was that O chose to betray them, and did not stay with Witt and the others, but followed Isa.

So, after some operations, Witt, Billy, and Moses, who had no sense of existence, stood there blankly, watching the group of dragons leave.


Looking at O's back, Witt smacked his lips with some satisfaction.

Billy was a little angry.

"Oh, this guy, what did he say? He was afraid that Isa would get into trouble, so he followed them and left. That's too much!"

"Forget it, forget about that 'traitor', take me to your shop!"

As he said that, Witt turned his head and looked at Mo Xi.

He looked at the other party for a while, then stretched out his tail and patted Mo Xi's shoulder, and Witt smiled.

"Isn't it wrong? Your body is quite strong."

How could Mo Xi like to talk? In the past few days of communication, Mo Xi almost never spoke, but just lay in the corner silently, looking at the dragons with a smile on his face.

Just like this, it seems that for him, he is satisfied.

Hearing Witt's words, Mo Xi's eyes flashed with shame.

"I'm still far from being strong enough!"

The whole family came from the Dragon's Nest together, but now, except for Billy, all of them are legends.

And Billy himself is a legendary alchemist with legendary combat power.

Only he is still stuck at the high level of purple crystal.

It feels like he can break through before the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast begins, but in fact, he himself has no confidence.

Thinking of this, Mo Xi looked a little depressed.

Seeing this, Witt smiled helplessly.

"Be more confident. Your talent is not bad. Here, this is for you. It should help you break through to the legendary level as soon as possible. In addition, blindly practicing is advisable.

Go around more often. I heard from Violet that there is a battle zone at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Go around when you have nothing to do and find someone to spar with.

This will speed up your breakthrough."

While speaking, Witt handed a metal book to Mo Xi.

Mo Xi took the book unconsciously, and then looked at Witt in astonishment.

"This is..."

"A legendary high-level master, who has a deep understanding of the water element. You seem to have not yet understood the rules of the water element. It can definitely help!

But remember to return it to me after reading it. I haven't finished reading it all yet!"


It's not fair, what about me?

Why don't I have the deep understanding of the fire element and the earth element?"

Seeing that Mo Xi got the good stuff, Billy was a little envious and shouted beside him.

Witt rolled his eyes.

"I want it, but unfortunately I don't have it. However, if you want to comprehend the fire element, you can go to Ao. The abyss energy crystal core he took away contains the fire element comprehended.

Okay, no more nonsense, lead the way!

Also, you don't have much time to study this, do you want to know how to make blank dragon crystals?

If that's the case, then I'll go find Celine. "

Upon hearing this, Billy instantly became honest.

"Pretend I didn't say anything, I'll lead the way!"

After saying that, Billy quickly flew towards the alchemy area.

Werther smiled and shook his head, then called Moxie and chased after Billy.

"This is my alchemy shop, how about it?"

Werther looked at the crooked house in front of him, which was in sharp contrast to the surrounding buildings, and turned to look again at Billy's proud expression.

"Ugly as always!"

Billy's expression froze, then he rolled his eyes and walked towards the door.

"This is called personality, I understand personality! I understand!

Among all the same alchemy buildings, my unique building is a giant dragon standing among the flying dragons - conspicuous! "

While talking, Billy had already opened the door.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Werther walked towards the inside of the building and asked with a smile: "How many customers has your 'personalized building' brought you?"


When there was no response, Werther chuckled.

"It seems that all dragons can appreciate your personality."


Billy snorted.

"That's because they know the goods!

When I say this, I get angry. In this alchemy area, there is a liar, holding a bunch of rags that look powerful but are actually useless, pretending to be legendary alchemy items.

I once reminded those who were deceived, but the result..."

Werther ignored Billy's mutterings behind him and looked at the room full of curious objects in front of him, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Not to mention, it looks ugly, but these are really good things that can improve combat effectiveness.

"놊When I buy something from you, I'm sure I know the goods!"

As soon as Werther finished speaking, there was no sound behind him. He turned around in confusion and saw that Billy's eyes were filled with tears.

"My close friend!"


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