Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1584 Ling Long regrets!


With a loud bang, the two huge figures retreated tens of thousands of meters each. Wherever they passed, rocks shattered and shook. Trees tens of meters thick were uprooted like weeds.

In the dust, both sides also revealed their respective figures.

One was a bipedal upright dragon, with pale yellow plate-like dragon scales on its abdomen, and golden diamond-shaped dragon scales on its area. The dragon scales exuded a dazzling metallic luster under the sunlight.

The dragon wings were very long, about 150 times the length of the body, and covered with fine golden dragon scales.

The body was very strong, with high muscles on the body, like a raised rock.

The dragon tail was short and thick, with a diamond-shaped dark golden crystal at the end.

The dragon horns spiraled backwards.

A pair of shining golden eyes stared directly at the opposite side, full of dominance and confidence.

On the other side, there was a four-legged dragon.

It was also covered with golden diamond-shaped dragon scales, which also exuded a metallic luster. The dragon horns were curved upwards and spiraled. In addition, the dragon's wings were short, with a wingspan of only a little more than the body length.

The dragon's tail was thick and long, and it was full of power when it was swung.

When the golden eyes looked at the dragon opposite, there was a bit of surprise in them.

"The one on the left is called the King's Dragon. It is a variation of the golden dragon. It has changed too much, and even retains the metallic dragon scales that are unique to metal dragons.

The one on the left is the golden dragon, which is also a kind of metal dragon like the silver dragon.

From the breath, the realm of the dragon on the left is higher, the legendary middle level. Judging from the breath, it should be a beginner, and its strength is very strong.

On the other side..."

At this moment, a voice with a bit of true breath suddenly sounded.

"Can the teacher beat him?"

"Of course, the teacher is very strong. Even a man like him can be defeated in minutes."

While saying this, Witt straightened his chest.

But unfortunately, Bu was lying on his head. Seeing the bulging muscles on his body, Witt was quite regretful.

But soon, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to reach the Starry Night Plain, he would actually encounter these two dragons.

Yes, Witt knew the two parties who were confronting each other at this time.

The mutant golden dragon on the left, that is, the King's Dragon, should be the dragon that Witt had a battle with in the Free City when he was traveling with Kotlin and Celine.

I remember the name seemed to be Caesar.

The people who knew Caesar together were Gekai of the Frozen Abyss and Ni who followed Gekai to join the Frozen Abyss.

Of course, Witt did not recognize them by their faces.

After all, he is face-blind.

The reason why he thought it was the same dragon was that the mutant gold dragon and the mutant silver dragon were both relatively rare types. As for the mutant gold dragon, Witt had seen one.

There were more mutant silver dragons, one or two, of course, Witt himself, Bu, this was certain.

The last time he returned to the Sky City, there were two legendary female dragons in the store, and in the end only one name was left, the pale pink dragon named Mori.

The other party's body shape was very similar to that of the silver dragon, and it was most likely a mutant silver dragon.

However, compared to him and Bu, the other party's mutation was quite high. The main feature of the silver dragon was the silver dragon scales with a metallic luster, but the other party did not have this feature.

Therefore, without checking the other party's blood, it was difficult for Witt to determine whether the other party was a mutant of the silver dragon.

As for Witt's own image...

Although there is a little difference with the silver dragon, in fact, that dragon was just affected by the ultimate power.

His original mutation route is the same as Bu's, that is, elemental mutation.

Of course, Witt also has a little mutation in his body, which Bu does not have, so in appearance, Bu is exactly the same as an ordinary silver dragon.

Converging his thoughts, Witt turned his eyes to the battlefield in front.

One side is most likely Caesar, and the other side is needless to say. As a dragon that grew up together, Witt could never forget the other's breath, uh...

Well, he did forget it once before, but there was a reason.

As for the reason, that is not important.

The important thing is, how did Caesar and Ao confront each other!

When a legendary dragon meets in the wild, basically both sides avoid each other. Dragons of this level should not easily conflict.

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the two dragons with a hint of curiosity.

And, where is Isa?

Remember that Isa gave up traveling with Celine and the others and traveled with Ao. Where did she go?

Just as Witt was thinking this, another golden dragon flew over from a distance.

Needless to say, this is Isa.

Seeing Isa coming, Ao and Caesar looked at each other with a slightly embarrassed look in their eyes, and hurriedly restrained their breath.


Didn’t we agree that we would compete together at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast? You two actually competed secretly behind my back.

In addition, are you two responsible for catching Seadramon?

Where is Seadramon?”

Ao laughed dryly twice.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it, but we just competed a little bit.”

Rarely, Ao lost his confidence in front of Isa.

There was no way, because he did break the previous agreement first.

Caesar was also ready to explain, but his face suddenly changed and he looked towards Witt and the others.

"Who's over there? Come out!"

Hearing Caesar's words, Ao and Isa also became alert and looked in the same direction.

"Teacher, you've been discovered, hehe!"

Witt removed the mirror and heard Bu's voice, straightened his chest, and then said stubbornly: "Teacher deliberately let them find out because the teacher knows them!"

As he said, Witt paused slightly, and then looked at 꺘龙.

"Long time no see, Ao, Isa, and... you should be Caesar!"

In fact, the moment Witt appeared, except for Caesar, Ao and Isa put down their guard and just looked at Witt's chest with surprise.

They had recognized Witt, but...

"Witt, why did you change again?"

On the other side, Caesar did not recognize Witt immediately. After all, he had only met Witt once, when Witt was more than a hundred years old.

Thousands of years had passed, and Witt's aura had changed a lot.

However, after hearing the name, he reacted.

"It's you. I haven't seen you for thousands of years. You have changed a lot. I almost didn't recognize you."

While speaking, Witt had already landed in front of the four dragons.

"Haha, you always have to grow up, but you, how come you are mixed with Ao and Isa?"

Witt looked at the dragons with some curiosity.

Judging from his expression and eyes, it seemed like a rift, and there was no dog-blood plot between the two dragons, where other dragons suddenly intervened...

It was really a pity for the dragons!


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