Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1574 So that's it!

Ordinary ancient dragon characters are in the form of patterns, which are reflected in the magic circuit of the magic circle. Therefore, if you want to find an ancient dragon character, you only need to study the magic circuit.

However, this ancient dragon character related to the legendary alchemist does not appear in the form of a magic circuit in the alchemical items, but exists in the form of a core.

It is invisible to the naked eye and can only be perceived by mental power.

Of course, this is the possible form of existence of this ancient dragon character that Witt suddenly thought of after being reminded by Elvis.

And Witt had fallen into a misunderstanding before.

He once studied the book "Abyss Creatures" and was almost able to touch the ancient dragon character, but because of his mental power, he failed in the end.

At that time, Witt always believed that the focus was not on this book, but on the resonance magic circle.

This is why Witt is obsessed with finding unknown ancient dragon characters.

Through the resonance magic circle, he touched the ancient dragon text. Therefore, Witt believed that there must be other magic circles, through which he could also touch the ancient dragon text he wanted to touch.

But now it seems that the book "Abyss Creatures" can realize the remote modification function. The focus is not on the magic circle, but on the combination of ancient dragon text, magic circle and the book itself.

Therefore, Witt's direction was wrong at the beginning by only focusing on the magic circle.

The focus is not on the magic circle, but on this whole item.

Then, Witt has reason to suspect that the existence form of this ancient dragon text is special, and it is not a material existence.

In this way, mental power is the only way to explore.

And what Witt has to do now is...

Find common points!

This ancient dragon text is unique, so its existence form in "Abyss Creatures" and Egbert's metal dragon body should also be consistent.

Following this "consistency" to find, as long as the mental power is sufficient, he will definitely be able to find this ancient dragon text.

As for whether the mental power is enough...

Billy is already a legendary alchemist without even a legend. His legendary mental power cannot be weaker than Billy's!

Time passed by little by little.

Vette's mental power carefully searched and compared the two items one by one.

And under this intensive exploration, a unique energy shared by the two items appeared in Vitte's perception.

While searching for this unique energy, Vitte suppressed his inner ecstasy and followed the energy to the source of the two energies. In this process, Vitte could no longer feel the passage of time.

This made Vitte feel a sense of déjà vu!

He had this feeling before, and more than once. What kind of feeling was it?

While Vitte traced the energy to its source, he couldn't stop thinking about this question.

Suddenly, Vitte touched something.

Before he could think about it, a strange flow of information flowed into Witt's mind along with his mental power. The huge flow of information finally reminded Witt why this feeling was so familiar.

Isn't this just contacting the law!

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Witt fainted...

When Witt's consciousness woke up again, Witt controlled his consciousness with ease and rushed towards his mental power dragon crystal.

Sure enough, the situation inside was a mess!

The sudden huge flow of information directly dispersed the memory palace he built.

Fortunately, the structure of the memory palace is relatively tight, and each memory is connected to many related memories. As long as it is sorted out in time, nothing will be lost.

Without thinking about anything, Witt hurriedly sorted out his memories.

After experiencing it many times, even if it is not so important for Witt, he doesn't want to lose it.

As for the strange information mixed in the many memories, it was temporarily placed in a corner of the memory palace by Witt, and he would explore it after he sorted out his memories.

However, in this process, he finally understood what the so-called legendary alchemist was.

Including why Boredia and others have always been so secretive about the legendary alchemist.

To be honest, this is the direction of things that Witt had never imagined.

He had never thought from beginning to end that the so-called legendary alchemist was essentially a rule derived from a law, one of the seven supreme laws - the law of creation!

And the ancient dragon text did not mean anything else, it was "creation".

The so-called breakthrough of the legendary alchemist is actually the creative power at the rule level derived from the understanding of the law of creation.

No wonder it has always been said that the legendary alchemist has combat capabilities.

Nonsense, this thing is a rule derived from the supreme law. If there is a rule, there is rule power, and isn't the rule power the power of the legendary level!

Moreover, no wonder I have never heard of someone who is a legendary alchemist...

Witt had previously thought that legendary alchemists were relatively homely and not well-known, but the reality is that, so far, in the dragon world, there is only one dragon that is clearly known to have comprehended the supreme law, Desidero!

By the way, Witt took a shortcut again.

From his reaction, it can be seen that this time, just like the light element dispelling rules, this is Witt forcibly intercepting an information flow representing the creation rules from the law level.

Can't feel the passage of time... This is a feeling that only appears when you are near the law.

Because time is the law, both sides are equal in name, and the power of time cannot interfere with the situation around other laws.

As for the price...

After Witt regained consciousness, the time rule brought news to Witt.

He was passively bold and successfully received a hundred sleep gift packs!

That's right, Witt was directly hit by the information flow of the creation rule and fainted for a full hundred.

As Witt sorted out his own memories and interpreted the information brought by the creation rule information flow, Witt gradually figured out the current situation.

To understand the creation rule, you need to understand the concept of "creation", and these understandings come from the creation process of the alchemist.

Innovation in materials, creations, concepts, etc., these accumulate, and once you have an epiphany, you will naturally be able to comprehend the rules of creation and become a legendary alchemist.

This requires a love for alchemy from the bottom of your heart and creative thinking.

Therefore, Witt had misjudged himself before.

He is actually still a long way from being a legendary alchemist.

The reason why Poredia and others are so secretive about things related to legendary alchemists is because they know very well that if Witt knows these, he will subconsciously imitate them, thus losing innovation.

Without innovation, Witt will never comprehend the rules of creation in his life.

As for why Witt imitates...

This depends on the different evaluations of Witt and Billy by Billy's teacher Lofa when they first came into contact with alchemy.

For Billy, the evaluation is alchemy!

For Witt, it is... a good alchemist.

What qualities does a good alchemist need?

That's right, just being able to imitate is enough!

Rigorous work style, meticulous observation, extremely standard operation procedures, Witt is best at replicating in alchemy.

Of course, Witt is not lacking in innovative spirit, and he has created many new things, but compared with imitation, it seems a little insignificant.

In the alchemy world, Billy is a minority, and people like Witt are the majority. Therefore, the unwritten rule of the alchemy world, concealing the existence of the creation rules, is prepared for dragons like Witt!

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Witt still needs to walk on the road of alchemy innovation for a while before he has the opportunity to comprehend the creation rules.

However, Witt's persistence has caused some changes in his alchemy road.

The persistent pursuit of the ancient dragon text, coupled with Witt's experience in stealing the power of rules, made Witt himself unaware of what he was doing.

And despite his own strength, Witt really did it despite being ignorant!


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