Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1561 He never used his full strength!

Jino looked at the busy searching group in the distance in front of him, and turned to look at Hades beside him.

"What do you think?"

"How else can I watch it!"

Hades had a look of fear on his face.

"In less than a minute, a strong man who had been in the lower ranks of legends for a long time was beaten to the ground, even if he had the opportunity to make a sneak attack...

That dragon, he never used his full strength!

This matter..."

Having said this, Hades secretly glanced at Morris not far away and did not continue.

But Jino, who had cooperated for a long time, understood what Hades meant.

If they want to survive, they can't be the ones who stand out in this matter.

But this kind of thing cannot be said openly.

Otherwise, it will be used as a handle.

He knew this in his heart, but on the surface, Jino was flying in the direction where there were more people.

"Let's go help!"

Bridge looked at the minced meat on the ground, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

The cooperation between the three forces naturally requires a commander. The result of the discussion was that each group sent a legendary high-ranking person as a commander to be responsible for managing a certain area.

And he is the commander of the Abyss Demon Legion.

This is the area he is responsible for guarding. After discovering the dragon, he will also be the main force in hunting the dragon.

Legions are promoted based on strength and military exploits.

If you are in the silent period, under normal circumstances, there is no chance to obtain military exploits.

The appearance of this dragon gave him an opportunity for promotion.

But now, without even seeing him face to face, a legend has been lost.

Although a legend is not worth mentioning, in his opinion, this incident was a slap in the face.

When being encircled and suppressed, not only did they not run away and avoid, but they took the initiative to attack. The most important thing is that the attack was successful. A legend died on their side, but not even a shadow was left on the opponent.

This means grabbing him by the collar and slapping him in the face back and forth.

"Find him!"

A low voice was squeezed out of Bridge's mouth, and a suffocating sense of oppression was exuded from the huge body of more than 700 meters.

But then, he couldn't help but add something.

"Don't do it alone!"

This attack 껥 proved to be so powerful against 뀘 that the legendary subordinate couldn't even hold him back for a minute.

Pair 뀘 did not use the power of space when escaping. This is currently the only good news for him. This means that Pair 뀘 will not leave the area he is responsible for in a short period of time.

In a sealed ice cave millions of meters away from the "crime scene", a stream of blue water seeped out of the ice and slowly condensed into a "young dragon" about one meter long.

With his silver-white body and the iconic blue and white stigmata, there is no doubt that this is Werther.

As for the method of his appearance, it is not magic, just some elemental abilities derived from his own understanding of the water element.

"In less than a minute..."

Werther murmured, a flash of thought flashing in his eyes.

This time is not only the shortest time for him to kill a veteran legend, but it is also the support time for the abyss.

Time is quite tight.

In the ambush just now, if he hadn't been alone, and if he hadn't used the anti-aura tracking magic circle to wipe out all his aura, he wouldn't have been able to escape so easily this time.

When he left, he noticed the aura of a legendary high-ranking person.

In the legendary mid-position, he can still try to touch it. In the legendary high position, Witt would not even dare to think of touching it.

Moreover, despite the fact that he killed quickly and easily this time, this was the best he could do.

The power of space attacks, the breath attracts attention, the power of time confines the opponent, and the physical power directly breaks through the defense...

Whenever there is a problem here, he needs to spend a lot of time to make up for it.

In this series of attacks, physical strength is the biggest limitation.

Under normal circumstances, Witt's physical strength is enough to crush most of the lower-level legends, but don't forget that he has just broken through to legend.

If it were a veteran legendary lower position who was good at physical strength, it would be impossible for Witte in his normal form to break through the opponent's physical defense with one blow.

The fighting dragon form can make up for this, allowing Witte's physical body to crush all legendary lower-level players.

However, when facing the legendary mid-range player, for the same reason, he cannot break through the defense with one strike, and naturally cannot kill with one strike.

Therefore, after being fully prepared and taking advantage of the sneak attack, Witt can only kill the legendary lower position in an instant.

Facing the legendary midfielder, you will inevitably be entangled.

If a legend dies against 뀘, he will definitely be cautious in the future, but he cannot stop taking action just because he is cautious about 뀘.

From the moment he chose to take action, he couldn't stop.

Originally, there were two opinions as to whether Lei would be targeted by Abyss. There was a high probability that he would be targeted, but there was still a chance that the journey would be smooth.

But after Witte takes action, once he stops, the other side of the abyss will analyze the reason for his action. At that time, a thunder element dragon on the way that overlaps with Witte's stopping place will enter the sight of the abyss. .

Lei, who originally had a 10% chance of being targeted by Abyss, now has a 100% chance of being targeted by Abyss.

But he had to take action.

He couldn't bet on the small probability event that "Lei would not be targeted by the abyss".

If something goes wrong with Lei, he will be guilty of a big crime.

"Well, go on!"

Muttering, Witt sorted out his thoughts a little, and his body turned into a ball of water again, leaving this hidden space.

Under normal circumstances, except for the elemental dragon, other dragons cannot be in elemental form.

But in fact, the "cannot" here is not accurate, it should be very difficult!

Let's not talk about anything else. The combination of blood, illusion, and frost dragons is elemental, and then combined again.

But they are not elemental dragons.

Therefore, elemental is not only possible for elemental dragons. Talent and acquired efforts can make their own elements. Blood, illusion, and frost are talents, and Witt relies on hard work!

Putting these aside for the time being, Witt immediately sent 05 out after returning to the ground.

Although 05's concealment ability is not as good as 03, it is a detection puppet after all, and its concealment ability is still very strong. The puppet sent by 05 is easy to be discovered.

But the loss of puppets will not affect the function of 05 until the number reaches a certain level. At most, it will affect the size and lose some materials.

But if the materials can be exchanged for a chance to breathe and take action, then there will be no loss.

03 monitors the movements of the Abyss Legends, 05 searches for the Abyss gathering point, and Witt waits for an opportunity to take action. This is the way Witt uses to deal with these Abyss Legends.


"Just pray that you won't be left alone, hehehe... uh... why do you feel a bit like a villain, bah, you are a brave faction that resists invaders."

A faint murmur blew towards the boundless wilderness with the cold wind...

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