Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 156: Changes in the Great Ice Field!

"Do you understand what I mean?"

After hearing what Witt said, Linsda nodded, and just when he was about to speak, Witt interrupted him.

"Don't rush to make a decision!

Joining my Dragon Nest, that is, Desidero, is not just a simple sentence, it means that your life will be tied to Desidero.

So, I will give you the right to choose.

Even if you don't join Desidero, I will still teach you those things and protect your growth.

But I need you to make a promise.

That is, before I return to Dragon Nest, you must stay by my side and help me with all your heart!"

Speaking of this, Witt paused and waited for Linsda's choice.

More than 40 years have passed, which is almost equivalent to the same age for a long-lived species like dragons.

Therefore, Witt was more willing to put Linsda in the same position as Antawana than the young dragon.

However, what he didn't expect was that Linsda chose to join Desidero without any hesitation.

"Are you sure?

I think you don't understand the current situation.

You should be able to see from the fact that there are only two dragons around us that we are not in the dragon's nest I mentioned.

In other words, we will be wandering like this for a long time in the future."

Lin Sida looked at Witt's puzzled expression and said carefully: "In my inherited memory, there is the existence of the dragon's nest. I know what that means. I just want a home, even if I can't go back now."

Witt was stunned, and then said solemnly: "I will do my best to train you into a qualified dragon belonging to Desidero!"

Hearing Witt's words, Lin Sida nodded happily.

But what I didn't expect was that Witt's use of all his strength really meant using all his strength!

Antawana, who had been silent, couldn't help but ask, "What about me?"

Witt was stunned.

"Do you want to join Desidero too?"

Antawana nodded first, then hesitated slightly.

"Dragon Nest should not restrict freedom!"

Unlike Linsda, she has lived outside for more than 30 years. Although it is hard and tiring, it must be said that this kind of life is quite free.

Witt nodded.

"Dragon Nest does not restrict freedom, of course, the premise is that you are an adult dragon."

Hearing this, Antawana breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I will join too!"

After saying this, Antawana breathed a sigh of relief again. To be honest, when she saw that Witt was going to let Linsda join the Dragon Nest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis in her heart.

She was afraid that Witt would no longer take her with him.

Freedom is freedom, loneliness is loneliness, and the two cannot be confused.

Although she likes freedom, she has felt a sense of ease and freedom that she has never felt before in the past few days living with Witt.

So, she also proposed to join.

What about Witt!

Naturally, everyone is welcome. Let’s not talk about Linsda, who was born under the watchful eyes of Antawana. The situation of Antawana also shows that she is a dragon born in the wild.

Even if Winters is here, he will only express welcome to the two of them.

In order to express his welcome to the two dragons, Witt took out the red tassel fruit that he had treasured. Of course, he didn’t let them eat it directly, but ate it with meat.

The reason why he said treasured it was because Witt found that there was no red tassel fruit tree outside after leaving the dragon’s nest.

So, the red tassel fruit in the dragon scale space is eaten one by one!

After the celebration, Witt went to the place where Linsda was born, which was an inconspicuous cave.

The cave was very deep, and the place where the dragon eggs were placed had even penetrated deep into the abdomen of the bone dragon.

No wonder Linsda was able to hatch successfully.

Although the dragon power left in the abdomen of the bone dragon was not as strong as that on the skull, it was not weak either. The dragon beasts generally did not approach.

Such a safe place is indeed suitable for hatching dragon eggs.

White plains, white mountains, white sky, white snowflakes floating, falling on the equally white ground!

Only the white monotonous world reveals the coldness and silence!

This is the Great Icefield!

There are many dragon beasts living in an environment like the Great Icefield, and most of them are concentrated on the periphery of the Great Icefield.

Correspondingly, the dragons who like this kind of environment also live there, and of course, the number is even greater.

When the dragon stomach matures, the dragon no longer needs to eat, but the young dragons cannot, so they will choose to live in places with abundant food.

Only some adult dragons with lonely personalities and strong strength will settle in the depths of the Great Icefield!

Ace is such a dragon!

As a lonely and powerful frost dragon, he sleeps alone in the depths of the Great Icefield.

On this day, the dead Great Icefield was hit by a violent vibration.

The vibration triggered a huge avalanche in the Delhi Mountains, the highest mountain in the depths of the Great Icefield.

A large amount of snow, like the waves caused by a tsunami, swept everything on the path crazily.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was inevitable!

Ace, who was sleeping in the Delhi Mountains, was directly swept into the avalanche.

Dragons with lonely personalities have a common characteristic, that is, they don't like to be disturbed.

땤This time, Ace was not just disturbed.

놛, who was forcibly dragged out of his sleeping place by a large avalanche, woke up with a sense of rage.

Spreading his wings, the two-meter-sized dragon body soared into the air from the rushing snow waves. Looking at the still "surging" snow waves, Ace's golden eyes were like two dazzling suns.

Then, 놛 opened his mouth, and an indescribable stream of extremely cold air spurted out of 놛's mouth.

The snow wave that originally seemed indestructible and had nothing to defend against was instantly frozen.

Looking at his masterpiece, Ace let out a long roar, venting the remaining anger in his heart. The anger triggered the law of power, and a blizzard covering the sky formed around 놇놛!

The blizzard even affected the temperature of the entire large ice sheet.

At this time, there was a vibration!

The entire Delhi Mountains trembled.

Ace suddenly realized that this was the culprit who woke him up.

Looking towards the direction where the sound came from, what was revealed in the shining golden eyes was endless coldness.

Then, 놛 flew in that direction fiercely.

It was really fierce, and the snowstorm that enveloped 놇놛 moved closely with him.

At this time, Ace is a moving natural disaster!

A moment later, a dragon roar filled with fright and anger resounded throughout the entire ice field, and then, a blizzard began to fall across the entire ice field.

The creatures living in the big ice field, whether they are dragon beasts or dragon tribes, all huddle in their hiding places, tremblingly waiting for the tyrant deep in the big ice field to calm down!

However, no dragon or dragon beast knew that the being who caused the blizzard across the entire ice field and was called the tyrant dragged his disabled body with a broken arm and returned to his home with a solemn expression. residence!

Only the blizzard that seemed to never stop spoke of the unrest in that man's heart...

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