Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1549 You can't kill me!

As soon as Egbert broke free from the time-stopping shackles, Witt was already standing in front of him.

Witt was not going to give Egbert a chance at all, and he roared with flames.

The flames with terrifying high temperatures fell on Egbert's metal dragon body, leaving no trace, but the impact of the roaring flames knocked his body out and fell towards the lava lake in the distance.

Although Egbert already knew that the result of the battle had already appeared, he was not ready to give up. The metal blade emitting white light behind him suddenly lit up.

Then, a stream of light surged from Egbert's body, and in a posture that Witt had no time to dodge, it quickly passed through Witt's body.


A series of dense collisions sounded from Witt's body.

And wherever the stream of light passed, a white mark was left on Witt's body.

"Light Blade..."

Witt raised his eyebrows and grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"It's a very strong light element rule, but unfortunately, his 'understanding' is not deep enough!"

After the voice fell, Witt continued to chase Egbert.

When Egbert faced the attack of Witt, he opened all eight pairs of metal blades behind him. He no longer used the element rule, but directly gathered the eight elemental powers together...

Witt was very familiar with this. His teacher's best move was to control multiple elemental magic arrays, merge all attacks together, and then burst out a blow far beyond his own realm.

Compared with the teacher's move, Egbert's move was far inferior, which was only equivalent to the fusion of eight top forbidden spell magic arrays.

Compared with the teacher's thousands of magic arrays, it was a small witch compared to a big witch.

Even so, a solemn look appeared in Witt's eyes, but...

"Too slow!"

A special force acted on Witt's body. At the moment when the attack that integrated the eight elements' rule power came, Witt disappeared from the spot.

Egbert's attack flew far away. I don't know how many unlucky people will die in this attack.

But this has little to do with Witt.

At this time, Witt has come behind Egbert.

Time reversal is recovery, time suspension is confinement, then time acceleration is real acceleration.

Egbert had no time to react. Witt appeared behind him, with a triangular cone-shaped dragon tail, with the help of the power of the shaping magic circle, stabbed Egbert's kidney.

Uh...well, Egbert no longer has a kidney, but it doesn't matter.

The extremely sharp dragon tail stabbed at Egbert's metal dragon body. At the beginning, it didn't have much effect, but the triangular structure at the tip of the dragon tail began to spin wildly like a drill.

At the same time, a blazing white flame burst out from the dragon tail and covered the tip of the dragon tail.

The terrifying high temperature and powerful force, after Egbert's metal dragon body resisted for a breath, accompanied by a harsh friction sound, his metal dragon body was pierced.

Unlike the alchemical puppet, Egbert's metal dragon body is not composed of countless metal particles, and it is not a puppet structure that can be deformed at will.

Instead, it is a mechanical structure with a fixed shape and assembled with precise metal parts by elements, mechanisms, and special structures.

In this regard, Egbert's choice is definitely no problem.

After all, what he wants is not a puppet that can be carried with him, but a mechanical body that he can fully control.

However, such a metal body, when facing an irresistible force, still has only one way to bear it, and cannot change its form like the alchemical puppet.

Let's not talk about these for now.

When his body was pierced, Egbert realized that his attack did not fall on Witt, but Witt had already broken through his mechanical body.

Without thinking too much, the eight pairs of diamond-shaped blades behind him that acted as dragon wings suddenly changed direction and stabbed at Witt fiercely.

But the attack of these blades could not even break Witt's dragon scales, and at most could leave a series of sparks and white marks on Witt's body.

However, the force of these blades also forced Witt back a little, and the dragon tail also broke away from Egbert's metal dragon body.

Egbert took this opportunity and turned his head to blast with a wind.

He tried to force Witt to a farther position.

Because the previous incident had already shown that his proud metal dragon body could not withstand Witte's attack at all.

If Witte continued to get close to him, his dragon body might be torn apart by the opponent.

However, it was just a wind blast, and Witte had no intention of dodging it. He raised his dragon claws and forcibly blocked the invisible air cannon.

With a flap of his wings behind him, Witte approached Egbert again.

Just as Egbert was about to leave the place with lightning, the time around him suddenly solidified again.

Egbert could once again burst out the power of elemental rules, trying to break through the confinement of time suspension.

However, this time, before his elemental rule power could fully burst out, the confinement around him was automatically untied, and the elemental burst could not stop.

The powerful elemental power rushed out of Egbert's body.

But he himself knew that this was his last blow.

Sure enough, in an instant, Witt's huge body appeared in front of Egbert like a ghost, and the dragon claws that had been charged for a long time suddenly inserted into Egbert's chest.

Witt looked at Egbert's glowing red crystal eyes and grinned.

"You lose!"

As soon as the voice fell, Witt's face suddenly sank.


How could it be empty!

As soon as this thought came to mind, Egbert's voice rang out.

"You can't kill me, I lose this time, but this time, everything you have is mine, including the power you have..."

As soon as the voice fell, Witt felt his arm heavy, and looked intently. Egbert's metal dragon body was completely motionless, and the eight pairs of metal blades that had been floating behind him fell powerlessly into the lava in front of him.

The rich life breath that had been emanating from the metal dragon body before now disappeared by more than half in an instant.

With a dark face, Witt dragged the metal dragon body and flew over the lava lake.

He already knew how Egbert left.

Space teleportation!

That's right, it was the space teleportation that Witt claimed to be the best at.

The moment he broke through the metal dragon body, all the dragon crystals were teleported away, only Egbert's consciousness remained.

However, since it remained, it was an unimportant thing.

That guy not only stripped his consciousness from the dragon soul, but also made unknown changes to his consciousness.

If he was abandoned, it meant that he was replaced.

If he was replaced, it meant that he was not unique!

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