Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1541 Could it be him?

When the pair of 뀘놆walkers were detected, the sword demon had already become Werther's target. However, before the battle, he needed to find a suitable battlefield.

Just when Werther was about to recycle 03, he was suddenly stunned.

In 03's perception, several weak elemental fluctuations were flying towards this side in a pincer attack.

For this kind of thing, Witte is very familiar with it.

This is the most basic action mode of the detection alchemy puppet army. Each individual element fluctuation is the sub-puppet that is separated from the army.

After realizing what this was, Werther's eyes flashed with surprise.

This sword demon was actually targeted by other dragons.

By the way, are there such brave dragons on the continent of Olivia?

Lone dragons generally pursue self-interest first, so in the face of various invasions from the abyss, these dragons in the wild areas of Olivia continent turn a blind eye or close one eye.

Anyway, the invasion of the abyss cannot target them. If the time comes to target them, they will run away.

In this case, even if they are interested in the abyss, they will at most attack the abyss beasts or the abyss believers below the legend level, and will not deal with the abyss legends at all.

After all, they walk alone, but not in the abyss.

Abyss beasts, abyss believers below legend, and abyss strong men are not around, and they are also unwilling to provoke these lone dragons.

But legend is different.

Taking action against the legend shows that he wants to fight against the abyss.

This is why after Witte killed three Abyss Legends, stronger people began to investigate his traces.

For the abyss, dragons like Werther must be dealt with.

But soon, Werther realized that his target was not the sword demon, but him!

Because just when Witte was about to control 03 to find this warrior dragon who dared to attack the abyss, 03 suddenly noticed another aura of abyss power.

땤This aura of abyss power appears in the exact location where the puppet army is detected and controlled under normal circumstances.

"An alchemy puppet using the power of the abyss as energy...

The dark alchemist of the Destiny Organization?

But if there are these guys, what are they doing here? "

Werther was a little confused.

However, thinking of the sword demon who was following him behind him, Witte forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​returning to investigate.

덿You have to do the mission and you have to deal with the sword demon behind you. As for the dark alchemist...

Witte thought for a while, controlled 03, and dived towards the area where the alchemy puppets were.

03 Although he is not good at fighting, there is no problem with being a normal legend.

However, we can't directly attack him yet. The sword demon hasn't gone far yet, so forget about 02. 03 is no match for that sword demon.


Werther clicked his tongue in displeasure.

Otherwise it would be difficult to seduce a strong man of this level, and he would need to use this sword demon to hone his fighting ability without being disturbed. He wouldn't have to go to such trouble.

03 In a three-dimensional form, wearing the coat of Jing Hua Shui Yue (93), he quickly flew towards the exploration puppet army.

Soon, the puppet army appeared under 03's "watch".

Werther was also able to see this exploratory puppet army through sensory sharing.

However, after seeing this puppet army, a strange emotion flashed across Werther's eyes.

The sub-puppet does not have the form of a flying dragon or a giant dragon. However, after these individuals are shrunk, the size of a single sub-puppet is about the same as Witte's current size.

The key point is not the form, but the metal used by these puppets - Egbert alloy!

There are only two types of alchemy puppets made of Egbert alloy, apart from his "beat-resistant" model, namely the dark puppet and the killer.

땤Both of these two alchemical puppets come from Egbert.

Even the two puppets used by other dark alchemists were purchased from Egbert.

The Destiny Organization is connected to the Abyss, so the alchemy puppets that use the power of the Abyss as energy are all from the Destiny Organization. Of course, it is not ruled out that other dark alchemists cooperate with the Abyss.

But the probability that this probing puppet army comes from the Destiny Organization is still quite high.

땤Egbert’s status in the organization of destiny is not low.

Even if that organization has the ability to reproduce Egbert alloy like Werther, they probably won't use it openly.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there is someone else like Egbert.


Compared with those 께probabilities, Witte is more willing to believe in high probability situations.

In other words, the dragon that released this exploratory puppet army was none other than Egbert.

"This guy is back!"

Werther was a little surprised.

Under normal circumstances, this guy Egbert should be chasing Skechers.

As for Skechers chasing Egbert...

It's not impossible, but the possibility is relatively high. After all, Egbert has been successfully transformed, and Skechers has just made a breakthrough.

Skechers is relatively important to Egbert.

Egbert will replace the energy of the puppet core with abyss power because, without considering the various shortcomings of abyss power, the infectiousness of abyss power makes its endurance far stronger than normal elemental power.

Before, Witt had analyzed that the reason why Egbert targeted him was because of his powerful element absorption ability.

Then, if Witt could not be caught, abyss power would be a lower-level substitute for Egbert. The biggest problem of this lower-level substitute is the madness and chaos that comes with abyss power.

Skechers, who carries abyss power but is in a sober state, is an important experimental material for Egbert to solve the defects of abyss power as a lower-level substitute.

He should not let Skechers go.


He has captured Skechers, or...

Thinking of this, Witt quickly gathered his energy and tried to find his gold coin.

After a moment, Witt breathed a sigh of relief.

The gold coin was very far away from him, and it was still moving, so Skechers was not captured.


A light flashed in Witt's eyes.

Not only did he fail to capture Skechers, but Egbert also gave up tracking Skechers, which meant that Skechers could threaten his life.

The only special power on Skechers was the Abyss Force.

This meant that Egbert had not solved the problem of the Abyss Force's restraint on the Alchemy Puppet, and had not yet completely solved it.

Of course, whether this is the case or not, there is only a probability event in front of us, which requires Witt to verify it himself.

Calculating the time, the sword demon should have gone far away.

Witt thought so, and the metal surface of the three-dimensional 03 began to fluctuate.

"Egbert, we meet again, I wonder if you still recognize me, hehe!"


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