Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1538 A small test!

"Tsk, the power of rules..."

Hades smacked his lips, and then said casually.

His tone was like this, but the vigilance in his eyes showed that at this moment, his heart was not as relaxed as it seemed.

Kino's performance was more straightforward.

His scarlet eye kept scanning the surroundings, trying to find some clues.

But all he saw was the ground full of minced meat.

"The method is the same, it's the guy we've been tracking. You'd better be careful, maybe he hasn't left yet."

After the voice fell, the expressions on the faces of the two people became serious.

Judging from the degree of elemental dispersion, when this massacre occurred, it was only about ten minutes since they came here, but they couldn't even detect the slightest trace.

"I'm a little uneasy!"

After a slight pause, Kino couldn't help but add a sentence.

Hades flapped his wings behind him and slowly patrolled the "slaughterhouse", but couldn't help asking: "Do you think this is a bait, or just passing by?"

Kino stood at the edge of the "slaughterhouse", thought for a while, and shook his head.

"It's hard to say. We have been tracking all the way here. All the abyss beasts on this route have been cleared like this. It looks like passing by, but...

This route has a starting point!"

Hearing this, Hades chuckled.

"You are still so stupid. This is already obvious. When you start to suspect that the other party is passing by or setting up bait, the answer is actually out.

I thought you could see it. This is the first place, and you are still doubting it."


Kino snorted coldly and didn't reply. Although they have indeed embarked on the road of cooperation, no one will let go of the opportunity to embarrass the other party.


"What is he going to do? It's not going to be eating!"

As he said that, Jinuo's big mouth couldn't help but open, and he subconsciously stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips.

Hades glanced at Jinuo, and a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

"Since we came here, have you encountered such a thing?"

"Hehe, we have always acted together, and you actually asked me this... Wait, what do you mean..."

Jinuo's pupils shrank.

"There are many dragons interested in the abyss, but at most they dare only to calculate those idiots below the legend, but this dragon is obviously targeting the legend..."

Hades said, and the figure of a dragon emerged in his mind involuntarily.

"There are not many dragons with such courage and strength who are still interested in the abyss. Nearly eight hundred years have passed. Do you think he has broken through?"

Hearing this, Jinuo was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "Do you want to report it?"

Hades sneered.


Report what? Based on what we have seen along the way, our unilateral guess?

Let's not talk about what will happen if we guess wrong. If we guess right...

Are you willing to deal with that dragon?"

Kino thought for a moment, then turned and left.

"After returning, find an unlucky guy from you to send over. I don't have any abyss demons here. If you like, I can send a fallen angel."

Looking at Kino's back, Hades' eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"Cowardly, but smart. I value this quality of yours and have always cooperated with you."

Listening to the sarcastic voice coming from behind, Kino sneered.

"Me too!"

As he spoke, Kino's steps suddenly paused, then he suddenly raised his head and looked up. His body suddenly swelled up, and in an instant he reached more than 800 meters.

Then he punched the sky.

In the air, a metal cube of only about half a meter fell in a free fall.

Judging from the speed at which the metal cube fell, Kino's punch was just enough to hit it.

However, at this moment, the metal cube suddenly expanded, and regular blades flew out like a chain, turning into a pair of metal blade wings.

The remaining part of the metal cube expanded rapidly, and countless metal particles smaller than dust expanded into a black cloud in the blink of an eye.

Then, these metal particles suddenly shrank, and a strong metal dragon with a body length of about 800 meters and an overall upright shape appeared instantly.

The blade wings behind him opened, and countless sharp blades shone brightly under the sunlight.

Then, a thin layer of ice quickly spread from the chest of the metal dragon to the whole body.

A more powerful aura than that of Kino enveloped the surrounding area of ​​nearly one million meters. Even under the scorching sun, Kino and Hades could not feel the slightest warmth.

Looking at this alchemical puppet, Kino's eyes condensed. This was completely different from what they had just guessed.

Thinking so in his heart, the power of his fist increased instead of decreasing.


With a loud bang, the mechanical dragon flew back hundreds of meters, but Kino himself retreated a thousand meters away.

Kino couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What a strong power!"

On the other side, Hades heard this and his face changed.

Like most Cyclops, Kino mainly practiced the power rule and supplemented the destruction rule.

In this situation, Jinuo's power was not as good as the other party.

"Don't fight!"

Before the voice fell, a bone scepter appeared in Hades' hand, and the scepter smashed into the void under his feet, and a huge pale magic circle suddenly unfolded.

Then, a huge skeleton appeared from the magic circle, and the soul fire in the shape of a blood-red flame suddenly jumped up from the one-eyed body.

Then, the bone giant waved a huge drumstick and ran towards the alchemical puppet.

At this time, Hades and Jinuo joined together and flew away.

Seeing this, the alchemical puppet was about to chase, but the bone giant had already come close, and the white bone stick was wrapped in a fierce momentum and greeted the alchemical puppet.

Helplessly, the alchemical puppet could only stop, and the blade wings behind it quickly combined to form a metal blade that was much larger than the metal dragon body.

The combined metal blade, at an ultra-fast speed that broke through the visual level, cut through the body of the bone giant, leaving a trail of afterimages.

The attacking bone giant froze, and the next second, the huge bone body, very regularly, slowly split into two halves from top to bottom.

However, in just such a short time, Jinuo and Hades disappeared.

After a slight pause, the alchemical puppet re-condensed into a metal cube of only about half a meter.

No one would have thought that such a small metal cube was enough to make the two abyss legends dare not fight at all...

After taking back the alchemical puppet, Witt sighed.

Well, if he leaves so decisively, even if he also goes on the field, at most he can only leave one person behind.

Thinking of this, Witt flew in another direction.

He was going to look for the next prey.

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