Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 153 Settle down!

Bring Elkindramon's body back to your residence.

Werther dealt with it in front of Antavanna.

After a while, looking at the four large jars of blood in front of him, plus a cyan dragon beast crystal core, Werther felt a little comfort.

The blood can be used to prepare the fourth-level wind attribute magic solution, and the crystal core can serve as the fourth-level wind attribute magic core.

Of course, one is basically useless unless he refines it into a liquid magic core.

However, it can be regarded as a return of blood.

In addition, feathers, scales, bones, etc. can be used as alchemy materials. Although they are not used now, they can be collected. Anyway, these things will not go bad, just in case they are useful in the future!

Then...of course it was a big meal!

Witte didn't care, he always had food stored in his dragon scale space.

Antavanna녦 has no dragon scale space.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have been dragging two dragon scales with her energy in the battle just now.

Therefore, in the past three days, she was either hungry or went out to hunt on her own. However, there were not many prey in this valley, and they were not big in size. With the Elkindramon guarding her, she did not go out. .

Now that there is food, Antavanna naturally eats it to her heart's content.

"By the way, since we plan to live here for a long time, shouldn't we give this valley a name?"

Hearing this, Antavana glanced at Werther.


Werther's tail swung randomly.

"Okay, then I'll just think about it, uh... let's call it the Fallen Dragon Valley, which means the place where the bone dragon fell, not bad!"

Hearing this, Antavana gave Werther a strange look.

"Just open it!"

Seeing that Antavana was not interested, Werther's originally wagging tail gradually disappeared.

If Celine and the others were here, they would be excitedly discussing the name of this valley with him!

Just when Werther was thinking this, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

After being stunned for a moment, Witte looked in the direction of the sound, only to see several Morsdramons flying around Antavana.

Antavana, on the other hand, sprayed out several wind blades very skillfully, killing the Morsdramons, and then continued to eat.

At this time, several ball dragons flew in and left with the body of Morsdramon.

Antavana ignored it.

Obviously, this was not the first time she had experienced such a scene.

Werther's brows furrowed.

After thinking about it, he said: "Antawana, I remember that you often go out and wander around. If you see these kinds of grass, you can bring them back!"

As he spoke, Werther used his energy to pick up the soil on the ground and shape it into the shape of grass.

After taking a closer look at the appearance of the grass, Antavana nodded.

"I've already noted it down, but what do you want these things for?"

"Make a potion to cure dragon plague!"

Hearing this, Antavana paused in her chewing action, and then looked at Werther with a wary expression.

"Have you been tricked?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"How 녦땣!

I'm just taking precautions. The smell of flesh and blood can easily attract Morsdramons. This has nothing to do with the flood or anything.

Although you look like you have long been accustomed to their harassment, logically speaking, the probability of you getting Dragon Plague is not very high, but what if!

It is still necessary to prepare some medicine in advance. "

Antavana nodded and recalled the appearance of the several types of grass that Werther had shown before.

According to Witte, dragon plague is quite dangerous to young dragons, so she'd better try her best to search for it.

"By the way, speaking of which, when I see you fighting, there are always three magic circles floating around you. Your body will always change every time you use them.

What kind of magic is that? "

Hearing this, Werther smiled.

“You’ve wanted to ask this question for a long time, right?

In fact, it’s nothing. Those three magics also belong to dragon language magic. They are another branch of dragon language magic in addition to elemental magic. They are called shaping magic. There are only three in total!

As for the magic circle floating beside me, it is the magic circle corresponding to the three shaping magics that I researched myself.

Of course, I didn’t invent that method of casting spells, but it was already a spell-free casting method.

Want to learn?

If you want to learn, I can teach you! "

Hearing this, Antavana's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you serious?"

But soon, she reacted again.

"What you are going to teach me should be that kind of spell-casting method!"

Werther shook his head.

"Not just that kind of spell-casting method, but also shaping magic. Even if you want to learn the corresponding magic circle, I can also teach you!"

Hearing this, Antavana looked at Werther suspiciously.


Witte nodded and said with a smile: "However, although I am willing to teach, you may not be willing to learn, especially the knowledge about magic circles. Even the three shaping magics, you may not be willing to learn."

Seeing Antavana's expression of disbelief, Witte explained some of the advantages and disadvantages of shaping magic, the difficulty of learning it, and the advantages and disadvantages of the magic circle.

When Werther stopped, Antavanna had already begun to doubt Long Sheng.

After a long time, she came back to her senses. After thinking for a moment, she said faintly: "You just need to teach me how to use the magic circle to cast magic without spells."

Hearing this, Witt smiled. He knew that Antawana would definitely make such a choice.

There is no doubt that Antawana is very rational.

Sky dragons, like silver dragons, are the kind of extremely obvious magic dragons. Spending a lot of time to learn shaping magic that does not help her combat is a complete waste of time.

Moreover, it will also take up her time to learn elemental magic.

Only magic circle, let alone, her endurance is very good, but this refers to hunting. She has a good grasp of the timing, but this is used in battle.

In other aspects, just listening to Witt talking about the configuration process of magic solution, Antawana's eyes have already shown impatience. Such a personality is obviously not suitable for learning magic circle.

Fortunately, using magic circles to cast spells without spells is not real knowledge related to magic circles, otherwise, she would not even want to learn this.



Witt squatted on one of the horns of the bone dragon and looked up at the night sky above.

This was the first time he saw the night sky since he came here.

Before, due to the existence of the Elkin dragon beast, he had been busy carving magic circles to hunt the other party.

Looking at the shining stars in the night sky, Witt couldn't help but think about what Celine and the others were doing now.

Practicing magic, or sleeping, or... like him, looking at the starry sky.

Coming back to his senses, Witt smiled and shook his head.

"They must be sleeping!"

"Them? Your companions in the dragon's nest?"

Witt turned his head and saw Antawana behind him.

Witt nodded.

"Yes, my companions in the dragon's nest!"

Antawana glanced at Witt and then lay down.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me about it?"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course, who should I start with? Uh... Billy, he is..."

In the night wind, Witt's voice drifted away with the wind...

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