Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1510: Repel the enemy!

Ice Burial!

This lost magic of zero element nodes finally showed its true power at this moment.

It was not to create an unreachable iceberg, but to freeze everything.

The terrifying cold air swept through the sky, and all the moisture in the air turned into ice and snow.

When the snowflakes fell and fell on the ravaged and devastated land below, the seemingly unchanged boulders and trees all shattered into slag.

Wherever the ice burial was covered, all living things died, only the endless low temperature. At that moment, there was no sound in the world.

Witt did not leave.

The legendary man could completely control the range and power of this magic when his own injuries and consumption were not serious.


He let out a long breath, and after the breath was sprayed out, the flying ice particles melted under the low temperature.

Witt didn't care about these, his sight kept moving, looking for something on the battlefield.

A moment later, Witt frowned slightly.


That's right, he disappeared, not dead.

Witt knew very well that the current Ice Burial might hurt the opponent and make him consume a lot of mental power, but it would never kill him instantly.

If it were a legendary dragon, without any defense, the Ice Burial used with all his strength might seriously injure the opponent, but it would definitely not kill him.

The gap between the lower legendary and the upper legendary is very large, even larger than the gap between Amethyst and the lower legendary.

This is an indisputable fact.

Such a gap cannot be made up by a lost magic.

What's more, the power used by the opponent is stronger than that of an ordinary legendary dragon, after all, it is borrowed from a mythical strongman.

"Tsk, he actually ran away!"

Witt smacked his lips in dissatisfaction. This was something that 놛 had not expected.

After all, according to 놛's analysis of the behavior logic of the fanatic, after 놛 had insulted the god that 뀘 believed in many times, 뀘 should have fought to the death.

This was also the reason why 놛 had been constantly foul-mouthed before.

Under normal circumstances, 놛 would not have so many words when fighting.

Although 뀘 was a legendary, after 뀘 realized that 뀘 was a fanatic, 뀘's first thought was not to escape, but to capture this rare individual.

What a pity...

Witt looked around a little unwillingly, but in the absence of any clues, he could only give up.

After checking the battlefield, a burst of ice burial was sent down, and the combat environment created by the fanatic before was completely destroyed, and there was no trace of abyss power left around.

Seeing this, 놛 continued to fly towards Shuanglong Gorge, but this time, 뀘's speed increased a lot.

Not using space jump means that Witt is ready to continue studying the ancient dragon text of "time". Flying fast is because Witt's vigilance has been raised after this battle.

This is the first fanatic he has encountered, but it will not be the last one.

The area where Shuanglong Gorge is located is a rare area on the Olivia continent where dragons often appear, and the claws of the abyss cannot reach that area.

Flying faster, the closer to Shuanglong Gorge, the less likely Witt will be attacked by fanatics, and the less likely he will be disturbed when studying the ancient dragon text of "time".

Of course, this battle still has some gains.

In this battle, the reason why Witt was able to suppress the opponent in the opposite direction when his strength was not as good as his opponent was that the light element dispersal rule played an indispensable role.

This means that the spiritual magic practiced by Witt still has a strong dominance above the legendary realm.

So, after the Dragon Feast, after treasure and dragon hunting, the most important thing is to collect the eight element dispelling rules as soon as possible.

In addition, there is one more thing.

In this battle, Ice Burial once again showed the super power of lost magic.

Witt also has a legendary dragon crystal that records a lost magic of the fire element. He must find a time to learn this lost magic as soon as possible.

Without the time rune, Witt will only feel safe when he has this level of power.

In addition...

When Witt was about to continue studying the ancient dragon text of "time", he suddenly thought of something and subconsciously looked down at the holy mark on his chest.

"Maybe, we can make them reach the rule level as soon as possible..."


Double Dragon Gorge!

On the continent of Olivia, except for the Sea of ​​Light, the most popular cultivation treasure for lone dragons.

The two secret realms of water and fire, with abundant water and fire elements, attracted a large number of dragons and dragon beasts who practiced the power of these two elements.

Fire dragons and fire dragon beasts are both irritable. Fire dragons are okay. Unless they invade the territory, they are still relatively restrained in most cases.

However, fire dragon beasts are different. Hunting, killing, and fighting are their daily routine.

Because of this, the area around Shuanglong Gorge is quite lively.

When there was still a long way to Shuanglong Gorge, the malicious eyes from below made Witt withdraw his attention in advance and guard against the sneak attack that might come at any time.

Although there are no legendary dragon beasts below, who knows if those brainless guys will suddenly attack you.

There may be no damage, but the insult is quite large.

Of course, this is also because Witt did not release his own breath. Otherwise, except for those more brainless super small dragon beasts, no dragon beast dared to stay for too long wherever he passed.

However, Witt was studying the ancient dragon text of "time" all the way. If he released his own breath, it would easily attract some blind guys to harass him, so he did not release his own breath.

But now...

A strong breath emanated from Witt's body, and the forest area below, which was originally noisy, became quiet in an instant.


Witt laughed lowly, his eyes full of evil taste, but he did not stay for too long, but continued to fly forward.

But this already shows Witt's good mood at this time.

As for the source of this good mood...

After traveling for several months, Witt finally sorted out the relevant knowledge about the ancient dragon text of "time". After that, he only needed to find a time to study it in depth with all his heart and soul, and he could come up with the ancient dragon text of "time".

It sounds like Witt's research is quite easy, but in fact, if it were another dragon that had no concept of the law of time, it would take thousands of years, let alone a few months, to complete the step that Witt had completed.

Finding an ancient dragon is a process of deeply studying a thing or concept to its essence, which is far from as simple as imagined.

Keeping a good mood, Witt continued to move towards Shuanglong Gorge.

As Shuanglong Gorge approached, the air was filled with a faint smell of blood, which made this area more wild and dangerous.

The forest area before would instantly fall into silence when facing Witt's breath, but the closer to Shuanglong Gorge, the worse this effect was, and the occasional roar of beasts was already a warning.

Witt still ignored it, because within his sight, a canyon that stretched to the end on both sides gradually appeared...

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