Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1508 Warming up!

Of course, the authority of the gods is said by Abyss 놅. In fact, it is the same as the time rune projection left to 놛놅 by Witte's father.

Therefore, the power of fanatics is borrowed.

Does it sound weak?


Completely opposite!

The power of fanatic believers is very strong, because the source of this power is at least a legendary high-level strong person.

Even if it is only a very small one, it is enough for the fanatic believers to suppress their opponents in the state of the world and facilitate the spread of the so-called belief in gods.

Not to mention, when he realized that the other party was a fanatical believer, Werther knew who the god the other party was talking about was.

The other party is not a legendary high-ranking person, but a myth!

Werther thought that he would be stared at by that guy, but he didn't expect that the other guy would come so quickly.

As for what the other party said, actually the translation is...

Just surrender!


"Despicable creatures...hehe!"

Werther sneered, and among the "X"-shaped stigmata on his chest, the light blue one gradually lit up, and a bone-chilling chill emerged from Werther's body.

But those shining golden eyes stared at each other with disdain, the golden light in their eyes was full of endless wisdom.

"The giant dragon clan is a creature born to stand at the top of the life hierarchy. In comparison, the so-called god in your mouth was nothing more than an ugly abyss worm when he was born!"


After the words fell, there was a brief silence, and the opponent's defense was broken!

The originally delicate-looking face suddenly looked as ferocious as a demon, with scarlet eyes staring at Werther, with killing intent pouring out of his eyes like a tide.

"Those who blaspheme God should die!"

After she finished speaking, the scepter in the succubus suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light. The rich light poured out from her body and turned into a giant sword, hanging in the air where Werther was.

It looks very much like the Sword of Judgment (69) in Dragon Language Magic, but it is far more powerful than the Sword of Judgment.

In front of the other party, directly describing the other party's crazy belief in the god as an abyss worm would be more uncomfortable than killing her, and it would be a killing move.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Werther was right.

Witte had long recognized the abyss myth that he almost took away. He was a lord of the abyss demon clan. His life level was the same as that of the dragon and the fallen angel.

However, don't forget the development route of the abyss demon clan.

Demon eggs, abyss worms, abyss imps, slave demons, familiars, and 꽮lords.

Although it is said that the descendants of familiars are familiars when they are born, so the lord Su may not have started from a demon egg, but this does not prevent Witte from talking trash!

When the two sides are enemies of life and death, it is much easier to deal with a crazy enemy than a calm enemy.

Therefore, Witte 놚놅 is the opponent's defense.

Seeing the square sword on his head taking shape rapidly, Witte grinned, and a spatial rift opened behind him.

However, just when Witte was about to retreat, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and strange fluctuations began to appear in the space crack behind him.

"Humph, God knows everything!"

After hearing this, Witte immediately understood that his spatial ability had been regarded as an oracle and reached the fanatical believer in front of him.

The other party was already prepared for this.

"Then do you know when I will die?"

He secretly thought trouble, but in front of him, Werther continued to talk trash.

At this time, Witte was slightly delayed, and before he had time to stabilize the spatial rift, the lightsaber in front of him fell down.

However, when the lightsaber fell, there was no fear on Witte's face, and even a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

Then, the smile broke, or, to be more precise, the area where Werther was, like a mirror, quickly shattered when the lightsaber fell.

Then, the lightsaber exploded, and the intense light turned the space into a vast expanse of white.

Under the strong white light, the ground was melting like the first snow meeting the warm sun at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the fanatical believer did not watch this scene. Instead, Hua suddenly turned around, raised his scepter, pointed his finger in one direction behind him, and a white light shot out.

When the white light shot out, a silver figure suddenly appeared in the place where there was nothing. It was using the mirror flower water moon (93) to avoid the attack just now.

The moment 놛 appeared, he opened his mouth and let out an ice roar (75).

A sudden burst of cold current hit white light. After a brief stalemate, the two sides exploded.

The strong collision between the two 꽮elements set off waves of 꽮elements, directly covering the figures of both sides.

Seeing that before the wave of 꽮prime appeared, the opponent's 꿛中놅scepter lit up again, and a spatial rift opened behind Witte, and then he escaped directly.

The opponent does not have much effect against the power of space. The most it can do is use its own power to disturb the balance of the surrounding space, making it more difficult for Witte to use space jumps.

But as long as the timing is right, there is still no problem with space jump.

"You are a worm!"

Vette suddenly rushed out of the space in front of the fanatic. Before the other party launched an attack, Vitte opened his mouth and said trash.

The other party paused for a moment, and looked at Vitte with murderous intent.

Then, a stronger force surged from the scepter.

But Vitte took this opportunity to avoid the other party's attack and came to the other party.

On one side is a huge body, a ferocious appearance, a cold look, flashing with cold light, and has raised the dragon claws high. On the other side is a petite figure wearing an exquisite black robe, flashing with dazzling light. The scepter...

If you ignore the ferocious face of the succubus and change the scene, it must be a scene of the Dragon Quest.

But unfortunately, this is the Dragon Realm!


With a loud bang, the succubus protected by the white shield flew backwards, but looking at the mocking expression on the other party's face, it was obvious that this was exactly what the other party wanted.

And seeing that he finally seized the opportunity and disappeared under the other party's defense, Witt's eyes flashed with helplessness.

If the other party was just an ordinary legendary mid-level, this would definitely not let the other party resolve it so easily, but...

Who let the other party's power be borrowed!

The other party does not need to be finely controlled at all, just roughly mobilize the power.

With a sigh in his heart, a gray-white, extremely complicated magic circle emerged under Witt.

When he reached the legendary level, without lacking the power of rules, the battle dragon form naturally became a regular combat force.

The body began to expand rapidly, and soon, Witt showed his original body shape. His strong body also expanded again towards the war machine under the use of the shaping magic circle.

In less than a breath, Witt appeared on the battlefield, as if he had changed into a dragon.

After completing this, Witt's eyes fell on the opponent's body again.

The warm-up is over, and the real battle should begin!

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