Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1498 A dragon egg!

After searching hard, Witt returned to the laboratory and looked at the row of dragon eggs in front of him, with a trace of sadness on his face.

Of course, most of the dragon eggs are not a big deal, they are basically flying dragons and earth dragons, which can be completely handed over to Gabriel to deal with.


Witt's eyes moved slightly downward, and a silver egg with purple thunder patterns on the surface appeared in Witt's field of vision. After seeing this egg, Witt's face became even more sad.

This is a giant dragon egg!

As a dragon born in a dragon nest and a giant dragon raised in a city-state, it is difficult for Witt to let a giant dragon egg drift.

Many times, Witt still thinks of the friendship of the same race, especially when there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

But if you bring this dragon egg with you, many things will be difficult to do.

For example, hunting the Abyss Legend.

If you give this dragon egg to Gabriel as well, Witt is a little worried.

Dragons have always been the highest-level "material" in dragon body alchemy. If Gabriel accidentally leaks the news, not only will the dragon egg be in danger, but even Gabriel will be cleaned up by the way.


Muttering, Witt shook his head helplessly, and then lay down on the spot.

It will take some time before Gabriel comes back. For such troublesome things, we should wait for him to come back and find a solution together.


Although Witt retracted his gaze, some features on the surface of the dragon egg appeared in his mind.

"Silver and purple... There are quite a few dragons with these two colors. Which one will it be?"

Witt shook his head and didn't think much about it. Instead, he began to organize his own inverse scale space.

Speaking of which, Witt was really helpless.

Under normal circumstances, the inverse scale space would expand every time the dragon broke through, but when he broke through the legendary level, I don't know what happened, the inverse scale space still maintained its original area.

This made the inverse scale space always full with a lot of inheritance from the "cocoon" and his own collection.

Originally, Witt was thinking that when time came, he would leave the cocoon and clear out a batch of green gems.

But now it seems that if he doesn't wait for time, he will find it difficult to recover all the spoils he got from this laboratory if he doesn't organize it.

Fortunately, there is a solution.

Although they are all collectibles, their importance to Witt is different.

The first one is definitely gold coins.

The second one is crystals, which Celine wants, and Witt dare not throw them away.

The third one is that Witt makes various magic circles for himself, which are used to save his life.

The fourth one is various precious materials, and then he uses those precious materials to make objects, such as air-breaking thorns, only a few "Nervous" mechanical puppets left, and a huge number of Eggbert alloys.

The fifth one is that Witt collects various materials and books from everywhere. Of course, these books and materials are second only to gold coins in Witt's mind.

The sixth one is that other dragons may like the treasure, including the emerald, and these things are used as bargaining chips in the future.

The first is other materials that are not so precious, such as various common materials obtained from various laboratories in huge quantities, such as Halder alloy.

They are useful, but not very useful, just like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, but a pity to throw away.

But the greedy character drove Witt to collect these things together and was unwilling to throw them away casually.

Even the laboratory under his feet, Witt was ready to dismantle it all.

And the material used in this laboratory is also Halder alloy.

After thinking for a while, Witt took out all the storage spaces that he accidentally collected.

These storage spaces are made based on space, and the shapes are also the two most popular types on the market, dragon scales and rings.

However, these storage spaces have different sizes of internal spaces due to the different levels of the makers.

Witt checked these storage spaces, and after noticing that there was still a lot of room for development in these storage spaces, he further expanded these storage spaces with the help of the space rules he mastered.

As for directly using space to make...

Sorry, just thinking about it makes Witt feel painful.

After expanding all the storage spaces, Witt stuffed all the items in the first tier into these storage spaces.

The Nilin space is very stable and has high security, but it is difficult to guarantee the security of the storage space when the space is made.

Not to mention, if Witt wants, he can get a lot of items by just going to the dragon's place.

Moreover, as long as the strength is not two realms stronger than Witt, the dragons will not find that they have lost things until they check their storage spaces.

This is why Witt didn't use this method in the past.

Even if he encountered a dragon that knew space, the probability was about the same as picking up gold coins on the street.

But now there was no other way. If he didn't do this, his Ni Lin space would really be full.

After sorting these out, Witt looked at the Ni Lin space that had many more spaces, and his face showed a few satisfied smiles.

If the harvest is still rich, at most, all the things in the sixth gear will be stuffed into the storage space. In fact, the sixth gear occupies the most space in Witt's reverse scale.

Especially the green treasure left by "Cocoon"!


"Linsda, that stinky boy, why is he running away instead of staying in the Evernight Forest, tsk!"

While saying this, Witt took out a dragon scale storage space.

After taking this storage space, Witt's attention was quickly pulled back by him, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes.

This is the storage space left by Taber. Witt had checked it before. It contains the dragon body alchemy information that Taber and Egbert traded.

Of course, Witt also knows that these information are problematic.

Dark alchemists have always been a group of people who harm dragons but do not benefit themselves. Even if Witt is very important to Egbert, he will not trade with Taber with the unadded experimental data.

Taber is also very clear about this point, so Egbert has already succeeded, while Taber is still in the initial stage of using other dragons for experiments.

He even forcibly invited Gabriel to join his experimental plan.

This is a manifestation of distrust of the data given by Egbert.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Witt. What Witt wants is not the complete experimental data, but only the part related to the dragon crystal structure.

It is not even the specific production process of blank dragon crystal.

This is why Witt was immediately happy when he did not see the complete experimental data, but only noticed the part related to dragon soul alchemy in the storage space.

Dragon soul alchemy, especially the dragon body alchemy experiment of changing the body, will inevitably involve dragon crystals, and as long as it involves dragon crystals, it is necessary to pay attention to the structure of dragon crystals.

And what Witt wants is the structure of dragon crystals!

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