Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1491 Finally found it!

Seeing the joy in Witt's eyes, the frost pterosaur felt even more lucky. After a slight hesitation, he lowered his altitude and flew cautiously into the distance.

After flying a short distance, he saw that Witt did not stop him. When his eyes lit up, he immediately increased his flying speed.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in this day and age, there are still dragons that expose their true colors when they come to the Dark City for the first time.

Maybe they will be interested in this dragon...

Just as the frost pterosaur was thinking this, his body suddenly stiffened, and a familiar pressure enveloped him again.

Unlike before, this time, he even blinked his eyes.

He was not scared, but controlled.


Accompanied by a subtle flapping sound, the purple light cast by the "black sun" in the sky was replaced by a huge shadow.

Before the Frost Pterosaur could figure out what was going on, the scene in front of him blurred.

The next second, he met a pair of big eyes.

"You only took your things, and you know, when you left just now, your malice towards you was clearly revealed!"

Hearing this, the Frost Pterosaur's pupils shrank suddenly, and then the fluke in his eyes was instantly replaced by fear and prayer.

However, the next second, fear and prayer were fixed in his pupils.

A layer of light blue thin ice wrapped him up, and all the water in his body, including his body, was frozen, and the breath of life, like a candle facing the wind, was extinguished in an instant.


Witt sneered and took off all the space items on the other party, including the scale-like space items hidden in the many dragon scales on his body.

Witte, who has the power of space, has no place to hide any space objects in front of him.

Withdrawing his mental power, he let the frozen dragon corpse fall freely, and then it was smashed like a fragile crystal. Witte turned his head to look at the other dragon corpses in the distance and blew a breath at random.

It's not that he saw the death and rescued, but when he came, there was only the frost pterosaur alive here. Five platinums faced a purple crystal high position and had no power to resist.

Of course, even if these dragons were not dead after Witte came, he would simply stop them, ask for directions, rob them, and at most save their lives.

Of course, it was not out of greed, but out of kindness.

After all, the innocent are guilty of holding the treasure. Their strength is not worthy of their gains, and it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong.

As for the simple rescue...

Don't joke, there is no innocent dragon living in the Dark City.

These five dead dragons were just unlucky that day and encountered a stronger existence than them.

If it was a weaker dragon, then these five victimized dragons would most likely turn into perpetrators. This is the Olivia continent, this is the Dark City!

As for the frost pterosaur, one word can summarize it - greed!

His greed is not only manifested in his possessiveness of the wealth he has obtained, but also in the fact that when he faces a strong man, he actually wants to exchange for benefits when he has the opportunity to escape.

Witt was indeed prepared to deal with him at the beginning. It's like walking in the wilderness and seeing a snake swallowing another snake. I think few people will kill the winner after the victory or defeat!

If there is really any, then he is too boring.

Moreover, these dragons are also fighting for gold coins.

Witt has already confirmed this point. With his strength, he can check the space storage items of other dragons quietly.

After all, the production methods of these space storage items are too simple, and their strength is not strong. For Witt, they are completely undefended.

In the absence of gold coins, some items that are good things for platinum and amethyst are useless for Witt.

Therefore, Witt is not ready to kill dragons and take treasures for these things.


When the winner has malice towards him, the onlooker, that is another situation.

However, killing is killing, and there should be respect.

Witt gave them the last dignity without leaving any body tissue.

After doing this, Witt didn't even look at the space rings floating in front of him, and casually stuffed them into his reverse scale space.

Low-level space items can be collected into high-level space items. After all, the world itself is a large space.

The reverse scale space of the dragon can store living things, which is the top storage space.

These space rings are not much different from stones for the Ni Lin space.


Vette's mental power swept through his Ni Lin space, and his brows wrinkled.

He returned to the Sky City to find Linsda before, on the one hand, he wanted to take revenge... ugh, he wanted to test him, and on the other hand, he was ready to throw all the emeralds to him.

On the one hand, it was considered returning the property to its original owner, and on the other hand, Vitte had a guess that he wanted to verify.

That is, whether Jian and Linsda belong to one life form or two life forms, and the way to verify this is the Dragon Blessing.

꾫Dragon Blessing is an ordinary magic, which involves a lot of knowledge that Werther temporarily knows.

But there is no doubt that it can arouse the most original aura of the dragon.

The closer the auras are, the closer the relationship between Linstar and Cocoon is.


Thinking of this, Witte let out a long sigh.

It's a pity that that guy is still here, and he has to continue to help him save it.

However, if you encounter a large number of gold coins in the future, Linstar will blame him and clear out some of the emeralds.

After all, gold coins were the most important thing to Werther.

As for the cleared emeralds, if they are too big, find a place to bury them, and let Linsida dig them out later. If they are lost, it will be his own fault.

With this thought in mind, Witte flew in the direction pointed by the previous Frost Winged Dragon.

Speaking of which, Werther knew how to enter the Dark City. Hundreds of years ago, before meeting Skechers, Gabriel had already told Werther the method and general direction of entering the Dark City.

However, after visiting this place recently, Witte found out helplessly that there were many canyons in this place, criss-crossing them, and their shapes were extremely complex. He could not even find the entrance to the Dark City.

This is the same as asking for directions before.

"Cross Canyon...Cross Canyon...we have it!"

While muttering, Witte glanced around. Finally, he found a place that matched the description of the frost pterosaur, and then he dived in.

When Witt came to the rock wall on the south side of the canyon, he tentatively stretched out his claws.

It wasn't until he saw his paws exploring the inside of the rock wall unimpeded that Witte heaved a sigh of relief.

"Finally found it!"

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