Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1487 Get lost!


Witt was speechless.

This fate, it can’t be stopped!

Now in front of Morris, will he treat you as the best alchemical material?

Don’t joke, if you were in front of Morris now, he would probably eat you alive.

Don’t disbelieve it!

More than 10,000 years ago, you took the cocoon away forcefully and cut off one of his claws. In Morris’s view, this behavior might just be a humiliation to you at the time.

But now it’s different. Morris was only a lower legend at that time, but now he is a high legend.

The meaning of cocoon to lower legends and high legends is completely different.

Therefore, Morris now hates you to the bone. In the eyes of the other party now, what Witt robbed back then was the key to the legend.

Just tell me if this hatred is big!

Looking for Morris?

Morris is probably still looking for him all over the world!

Moreover, as long as Morris meets him, he will definitely understand his specialness.

Then he would be better off dead.

Well, I have to deal with the sealed dragon claw as soon as possible, and then throw Morris's breath to Antasa.

Antasa is a lower legendary, but she is accompanied by Ilaiya and Xavier.

The former is a higher legendary, and the latter is a higher legendary.

If the two dragons work together, Morris should not be able to jump in front of them.

When Antasa and the others deal with Morris, there will be one less high legendary who is eyeing him.

However, the premise is that he must be dealt with cleanly.

Whether it is Antasa, Ilaiya, or even Xavier, they are not dragons that can be fooled casually.

Morris's dragon claw comes from the lower legendary.

If it is not handled properly, it will be difficult for me to explain to Antashya and the others.

Of course, the fact that I can travel through time is no longer something that I need to hide desperately.

On the one hand, I have grown up.

On the other hand, time travel is indeed beyond my control.

So, it is okay to tell Antashya and the others about this news.

Of course, it would be best if it is not exposed.

Thinking of this, Witt's thoughts converged again, and his eyes fell on Legge opposite him, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This trip was in vain.

Because the "Destiny" organization itself is another way I thought of.

From Legge, the most I got was that Morris had some relationship with "Destiny", which was not very important news.

After all, if I want to take action against the "Destiny" organization, I will find out about Morris sooner or later.

Of course, as a dragon with high IQ and EQ, Witt nodded to Leger with gratitude, and took out a dozen pearls.

"Thank you for your news. As a thank you, these pearls are for you."

Seeing the pearls rolling on Witt's claws, Leger's eyes suddenly lit up, and his mental power surged quickly, rolling those pearls in front of him, and his face was also a little more smiling.

"Since you are so sensible, I will give you another piece of news.

Let me make it clear first, I don't know whether it is true or not. I heard that the "Destiny" organization has a water element dragon named Egbert, and its dragon body alchemy knowledge seems to come from the relics left by Morris."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

This is unfortunate!

It just so happens that one of the important goals of going to Olivia this time is to deal with Egbert.

The time travel lasted for hundreds of years.

Although it is unknown whether the other party can complete the dragon body alchemy experiment in this period of time, whether it succeeds or not, Witt will take revenge for the conspiracy against him.

It just so happens that these two things can be completed at the same time.


Witt glanced at Leige speechlessly.

This guy, if he hadn't taken some pearls, such an important news would have been missed!

Witt smiled as his eyes turned.

"By the way, Leige, I haven't seen you for many years. I have accumulated a lot of problems related to alchemy. I don't know..."

Leige's face froze, then he put away the pearls and yawned loudly.

"I suddenly remembered that it's time to go to bed. Your problem can't be solved in a short time. Next time, next time!"

As he said that, Leige got up and walked towards the stone door behind him.


"I'm going to sleep."

"...I don't think it's necessary..."

Leger's face darkened, and he paused, then turned to look at Witt.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out!"


Witt looked at the stone door that slammed shut, smacked his lips, and then turned to walk outside.

"This old thing is so ruthless, sooner or later..."

"Are you scolding me just now?"

Witt's body froze, and he turned his head to look, only to see that the stone door that had just closed opened again, and the dark passage was exposed, and a pair of golden eyes were staring at him with burning eyes.

This old thing wouldn't be waiting for this moment specifically to find an opportunity to beat him up!

Witt thought so in his heart, but he laughed dryly on his face.

"How is it possible, you heard it wrong!"

Leger looked at Witt, speechless, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "You'd better be careful. Although the ultimate power is not a good thing, many dragons will still be thinking about it.

Especially your next destination is Olivia, the most chaotic continent!"


After that, the stone door closed again.

Witt was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Don't worry!"

After that, Witt walked out. Witt turned around and flashed a sneer in his eyes.

Because the ultimate power is targeting you...

I can't help it!

How could Zachli, who had been targeted by the ultimate power for a long time, not know what the result would be if the ultimate power was fully revealed.

Witt knew very well that there were no dragons in the dragon world who would do anything for power.

If it was the dragon before, with the stigma on his chest instead of the "big night light", he would never set foot in the Sky City.

But it's different now. He is a legend. If he wants to leave, even a high-ranking legend can't stop him.

What kind of dragon would be eyeing the ultimate power?

First rule out legends!

Legendary dragons can already borrow the power of the law, which is the same level of power as the ultimate power. Even if they don't make any progress in the law, there is no need to waste their limited time to cultivate the ultimate power.

Just for this reason, Witt has no reason to hide his ultimate power.

If the legend is not there, few dragons can capture him.

As for the dragons at the top of the legend, when the opponent is targeting Witte, Witte can reasonably target the opponent's reverse scale space...

Witt is very thin-skinned and embarrassed to directly attack.

So, when other dragons rush to give Witte a chance, do you think Witte should look forward to it?


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