Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1485 Misunderstandings of the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons!

Witt gave Lis a reassurance pill, and after saying goodbye to those familiar dragons one by one, he left the Sky City again.

This time the target is still the Olivia Continent.

For the purple crystal-level Witt, the Olivia Continent is already very far away, and now that space jump can be used at will, it is even more needless to say.

As for Billy...

Witt thought about it, and finally decided to see him at the Wanlong Feast!

He really wanted to see Billy's proud face.

Moreover, it was mentioned before that alchemy, potions, and magic circles are all different. After becoming a legendary alchemist, it is only the status that is equal to the legendary strongman, and even the strength is the same.

In a sense, the legendary alchemist is the real step into the alchemy world.

Witt is still a little short.

There are still six years before the Banquet of Bandung. In these six years, in addition to the things mentioned above, Witt also has plans for his own strength.

First of all, the most important question is whether the perception of non-kin elements can be improved through the rule fragments of the Abyss Legend.

This is a question that Witt must verify as soon as possible.

Secondly, the production method of blank dragon crystal.

Six years, how much time did the high temperature rule of fire element take for him.

Therefore, Witt must comprehend the dispersal rules of other elements, and the production method of blank dragon crystal must be obtained before this.

As for how to obtain it...

Originally, Witt was going to ask Poredia or Antasa, but their breakthroughs were not as good as each other, so Witt's next stop may be the Ice and Snow City.

He had to go find Leiger, hoping that he was not asleep.

Although Poredia had mentioned Leiger's sleeping and waking patterns before, he was not a puppet after all, but a living dragon, and his habits would change occasionally.

Before meeting him, it was actually difficult to determine what state he was in, and how Witt could survive this.

If Leiger was asleep, he could set his sights on the dark alchemist organization called "Destiny" in the Dark City.

Of course, he didn't want to join or cooperate.

Witt planned to hunt down members of this organization, obtain research data on dragon crystals from them, and then conduct research on his own. If he could directly obtain the structure of dragon crystals, it would be even better.

Of course, Witt also knew that the structure of dragon crystals must be ordinary information, so he could rely on luck.

After learning the production method of blank dragon crystal, Witt's next goal is Shuanglong Gorge!

This time, Witt must go there.

Whether it is the high temperature rule of fire element, the dispersal rule, or the dispersal rule of water element, Shuanglong Gorge is a wrong choice.

As for the Frozen Abyss...

After understanding the freezing rule of water element, the Frozen Abyss is basically used.

Even the secret realm of water in Shuanglong Gorge is also used.

With his high affinity for water element, plus the "Water Element Perception" given to him by Kronos, Witt can do it completely, without the place where the water element law is revealed, and complete the understanding of the water element dispersal rule.

This is Witt's confidence in his own talent.

After completing the above, Witt will look for a place to concentrate on studying alchemy, and try to become a legendary alchemist before the Wanlong Feast.

So what if Billy's talent in alchemy is better than his? Witt has never been weaker than Long in his life. Even if it is Billy, even in the field of alchemy that Billy is best at, he will still easily admit defeat.

What's more, the combat ability of legendary alchemists is also quite strong.

As for raising his own realm to the high legendary level before the Wanlong Feast...

Don't dream, it's hard to reach the middle legendary level!

It's not that easy to improve to the legendary level. There is only the perception of the elements and the accumulation of the power of rules. It's fast to improve a small realm in one or two thousand years.

This is true for both giant dragons and earth dragons. Flying dragons may be faster, but that is because the dragon crystal reserves of flying dragons are far lower than those of giant dragons and earth dragons, which saves some time for accumulation.

As for whether he, who is at the lower level of legend, can win the title of Dragon King at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast...

In fact, there has always been a misunderstanding here.

The participants in the Dragon King battle are all giant dragons in their prime, and the gap between giant dragons in their prime is quite large.

A giant dragon enters its prime at the age of eight, and enters its old age after the age of eight thousand and eight, with an interval of eight thousand years in between!

This is the gap in age.

There is also a gap in strength. A giant dragon that has just entered its prime is at the lower level of platinum in strength, and it takes three to four thousand years for a giant dragon to go from the lower level of platinum to the upper level of purple crystal through hard work and study.

A small number of people, like Witt and his friends, will reach the high level of purple crystals between 2,000 and 3,000 years and begin to impact the lower level of legend.

In addition, breaking through legend is a process of factor accumulation, so it is normal to stay at the high level of purple crystals for several thousand years.

Speaking with general data, most dragons will be at the high level of purple crystals between 3,800 and 4,800 years old, and most dragons need to accumulate for thousands of years to break through legend.

That is, between 4,800 and 5,800 years old, most dragons are at the lower legendary level, and most of them have just broken through.

Between 5,800 and 8,800 years old, there are only 3,000 years.

For most dragons, 3,000 years is enough to break through the high legendary level, and they are basically in the middle legendary level.

And the misunderstanding of the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast just mentioned is Boredia!

When Boredia participated in the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast for the second time, he was not even 8,000 years old, but he was actually a high legendary level, but this is obviously not something a normal dragon can achieve.

So, it is not the high legendary level that can obtain the position of Dragon King, but the existence of Boredia has raised the strength of the Dragon King to a higher level.

And how many dragons like Boredia can there be?

So, don't think that Witt might win the first place just because he is a lower-level legend and participates in the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

In fact, Witt's opponents are most likely some lower-level legends or middle-level legends.

As for the middle-level legends, with the help of time reversal and space jump, Witt may still be able to compete.

Moreover, after he broke through the legend, whether it was the Blazing White Divine Flame or the Everfreezing Ice, they devoured higher-quality rule power. Not to mention six years, at most one year, these two powers will automatically enter the rule level.

If Witt increases control, or even actively feeds the two powers, the time may be shorter.

Therefore, the middle-level legend, Witt is not afraid.

But if he appears in the high-level legend, there is really nothing he can do. Witt can only sigh that he is lucky!


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