Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1480 All gone!

In the shop, Witt crouched behind the counter, his eyes dull, with a pile of materials for engraving magic circles in front of him.

Next to him, the bastard dragon Gedela would glance at Witt from time to time.

There was a bit of anxiety in his eyes.

No one knows why this guy ran away for hundreds of years and became a legend when he came back.

Although Witt had controlled his breath, but because the distance was too close, Gedela could still feel the strong pressure from the breath that occasionally leaked from Witt.

As if he noticed Gedela's uneasiness, Witt glanced at Gedela.

"Don't be nervous, I won't attack you. You are really a show-off. After so many years, how come you haven't even reached the high position of purple crystal!"

There was a hint of regret in Witt's tone.

Although Gedela had already said that he had no ambitions, but Vitt could not help but look forward to it, but the result was...


Vitt sighed, looked away from Gedela, and looked even more depressed.

How could he not be depressed!

In such a big sky city, only a handful of dragons that Vitt knew were still here.

Celine and Violet had left long ago and never came back.

Ao and Isa also left and never came back.

Ollidolf worked very hard. Not long ago, he finally broke through the legend, and then he ran out impatiently.

He left with Claude and Mandy.

Nuo, who was originally planning to go out with Claude and Mandy...

Hundreds of years ago, the blood dragons came back once, and then Nuo left with them. They probably ran around the Fast Continent and tried to break through the legend.

Linsda and Antawana also went out, but they did not break through the legend for the time being. They went out to find an opportunity to break through.

Before looking for Linsda, Isa and Oti, the three dragons, Witt had already been to the Windy Hills.

None of them were there!

After returning to the Sky City and asking Gedra, Witt learned that they had also left. Bingbing returned to the Great Ice Field, and Isa and Oti went to other continents.

So, Witt made such a special trip, but only saw a few familiar dragons.

Most of them are still friends with flying dragons such as Lisven, Avery, Jones, etc.

The only giant dragons left are Gedra and Closhil next door.

Even Xingchen left the Sky City with Agnar not long ago, saying that he wanted to go out for a walk.

Antasa on the opposite side ran out to find Morris again, and took Ilaiya away by the way.

And if Ilaiya went out, how could Xavier, who had been following her, stay in the Sky City.

Antasa was naturally worried about Donitasa staying alone in the Sky City, so she took her away.

Of course, when dragons leave, there will be dragons coming.

There are also many strange figures in the Sky City.

Of course, Witt is not interested in these.

Now I want to finish the work in front of me quickly and leave this "boring" city-state.

How can it not be boring!

Gedra is not strong enough to fight, and Closhil's words... Witt feels that it is better to hide from him. He always feels that he has guessed something. This time when he came back to meet him, he still looked at him with a hint of suspicion.

Even the current Witt has changed a lot compared to the past.

As for work...

There is no doubt that it is the consequence of meeting Lisven.

Ten gold coins, one hundred forbidden magic circles...

Well, Witt accepted it very unpromisingly, who made him unable to resist the temptation of gold coins!


Sighing again, Witt stopped entangled with those "escaped" guys, and focused his eyes on the pile of materials on the counter.

Then he reluctantly picked up the enchantment pen.

There was no enthusiasm when he engraved the magic circle for himself.

But it's okay, after all, his mood is not good.

When you carve a magic circle for yourself, you can enhance your own foundation, and when you carve a magic circle for gold coins, you can just work.

No one should love work!

On the contrary, Witt doesn't like work.

Witt drew stroke by stroke, but the enchantment pen seemed to have eyes, and it walked its own route accurately on the carrier.

As for Witt, his thoughts had already flown away.

He was considering whether to go to the City of Eternal Night.

His friends were not in the Sky City, and he had been to Black Stone City. Alva and Colen were still alive and well.

They were hundreds of years older than Witt. Although their strength was rubbish and they were at the silver level, they were still thousands of years away from their lifespan limit.


Seeing that the two guys were in good condition, Witt didn't stay any longer.

As for the City of Eternal Night...

Thinking of the news he got from Gedra, Witt frowned, his face turned slightly darker, and the movements of his claws could not help but speed up a little.


As for what news...

Billy has become a legendary alchemist!

This news was a bolt from the blue for Witt. He was originally planning to show off to Billy with the remaining "Tough Guys".

But now...

Show off, when he goes there, he will definitely see Billy's smug face.

Thinking of this, Witt's claws moved faster.


Witt frowned, pulled his thoughts back, and lowered his head slightly, and a big head appeared in his eyes.

Dui's head was almost in front of his claws, and a pair of golden eyes stared at the magic circle that he was carving.

From time to time, he would make meaningless exclamations because of the changes in the carving speed.

Witt paused on his claws, and the magic circle left on the dragon scales suddenly lit up a faint light, which showed that the magic circle was carving well.

After completing this magic circle, Witt did not continue, and he stared at the dragon that was still staring at his claws.

Dui seemed to realize something and slowly raised his head.

When 놛's eyes met with Witte's, Witte clearly saw a hint of panic in 뀘's eyes.

Then 놛 raised his head suddenly.

"Sorry, 놖 didn't mean to disturb you, 놖 놙 놆..."

After a slight pause, Lailong continued with some embarrassment: "놙 놆 saw you engraving the magic circle, it was so smooth, I couldn't help but come over.

놖 really didn't mean to disturb you."

Lailong's tone was a little flustered when he spoke, but his voice was crisp, 놆 her, not 놆 놛!

Witte listened to 뀘's explanation, looked at the full of apology in 뀘's eyes, and casually waved his paw.

"No need to apologize, 놖 I don't feel that I was disturbed by you."

As he spoke, Witte looked at the dragon in front of him, um... completely unfamiliar!


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