Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1462 This is the script I wrote...

The other party called for help!

Of course, this was what Witt had expected.

"The Tough Guy" was a bait in Witt's eyes, but it was a real thing in the eyes of the other party.

These mechanical puppets were used to prevent sneak attacks...

This was the image of the "Tough Guy" that Witt had deliberately shaped step by step in the eyes of the other party.

Then, when Witt still had a certain amount of elemental power, the "Tough Guy" chose to retreat after two of them were destroyed.

The meaning of this behavior, in addition to showing that there were many "Tough Guys", also strengthened the role of "Tough Guys" in the eyes of the other party.

In this case, the other party would definitely choose to destroy the "Tough Guy" in Witt's eyes first.

However, when the sneak attack was ineffective, the other party had very few options.

And when Witt had a certain amount of elemental power left, the other party had only one choice, to find external help!

So, in such a chaotic environment, it was reasonable for the "Tough Guy" to be destroyed by sneak attacks!

Therefore, with the addition of dozens of Leatherdramon, "Nerf" fought with the invading Leatherdramon. In such a chaotic battlefield, even if Witt "desperately" protected it, the legendary Leatherdramon hiding in the dark still succeeded one after another.

First 10, then 06, then 05, until the last 09 turned into wreckage, and after being carried away by the strong water flow, Witt "lost" his "eyes".

Witt, with a livid face, had no choice but to activate the war dragon form again and swim out of the deep sea at the fastest speed.

Seeing that the elemental breath on Witt's body was getting weaker and weaker, and the swimming speed was getting slower and slower, the legendary Leatherdramon that had been hiding in the dark finally showed its fangs.

A water dragon arrow came and hit Witt's back accurately. In just a moment, a bloody flower bloomed on Witt's back.

The legendary physical strength of Witt comes from the blessing of shaping magic. Every time he is attacked, a lot of elemental power will be consumed.

Witt, who originally had a lot of elemental power, could no longer maintain the form of a war dragon after being attacked this time, and turned back to his original appearance.

A flash of horror flashed in Witt's eyes.

But he did not give up escaping from here. A space crack pushed away the surrounding sea water and appeared in front of Witt.

However, before he could get in, a strong current of water hit him.

Witt, who judged that he could not enter the space crack before the water dragon arrow arrived, could only dodge in embarrassment.

When the water dragon arrow bombarded the space crack, the moment the two forces came into contact, they exploded, and the strong current of water hit Witt's body, causing his body to lose balance.

At this moment, a sharp pain came over him. Witt looked down and saw that a claw had pierced his body and penetrated into his body.

At the same time, a pair of golden vertical pupils with unique patterns met his.

The other party's eyes contained pleasure and cruelty, so...

Was there joy and fear in Witt's eyes?

The other party was very curious, but when he saw Witt's eyes, his heart jumped.

Then, before he had time to think more, two dragon claws had already clasped his shoulders, and a terrifying suction force came from the front, and the free water elements around him instantly surged into the energy ball emitting light blue light.

Witt's body changed again in the astonished eyes of the other party.

The stronger and sharper dragon claws, with the blessing of the new power, pierced the scales, deeply embedded in the other party's flesh and blood, and even clasped the bones inside.

By the time the Leatherdramon realized that he was wrong, Witt had already caught him firmly.


It was obviously meaningless to realize this now. When he was bound, Leatherdramon would obviously not surrender.

The dangerous situation aroused his ferocity. He opened his mouth and faced Witt, preparing to use the water dragon arrow. At the same time, the right claw that was probing Witt's belly began to stir frantically.

And Witt obviously would not wait for the other party to attack, so while holding the other party's shoulders, his eyes were full of silence.

Even though the severe pain in his abdomen was like a tide, coming in waves, Witt still firmly carried out his plan.

The muscles on his body bulged high, gathering the strength of his whole body, Witt pulled his claws to both sides, whether it was the right claw probing Witt's belly or the claws that maintained balance, all were forcibly torn off by Witt.

Under the attack of severe pain, the Lasert Dragon Beast had no time to prepare, and a terrifying stream of water gushed out from his open mouth, but because of Witt's action, it lost its balance and only hit Witt's right shoulder.

But Witt, in the form of a war dragon, had no problem with taking a water dragon arrow with sufficient elemental power.

The attacked right arm stopped the attack, but the left claw still grabbed the opponent's open mouth, and the right claw that recovered the action quickly followed.

Seeing that the opponent condensed the water dragon arrow again, Witt tore it with both claws, and the opponent's lower jaw and trachea were directly torn off. The blood filled the air, quickly covering up this cruel scene.

And Witt, with his vision blocked, accurately pierced the opponent's head and took out the dragon beast crystal core inside.

The left claw grabbed the remains, and the right claw grabbed the dragon beast crystal core...

Vette stared at the dragon beast crystal core in the dragon claw, his eyes flashing brightly.

It was not until this moment that Vitte truly felt his own growth.

This is a legendary dragon beast, a legendary dragon beast that he would turn around and run away even on land, and now...

The other party died under his claws!

The dragon crystal, as dazzling as crystal, lay quietly on his claws as a trophy, allowing him to admire it.

A sharp pain came, interrupting Vitte's thoughts.

Vitte, who responded, hurriedly used his mental power to seal the hole in his abdomen, and sorted out his internal organs that were messed up.

The night light continuously absorbed the free water elements around it. After a simple purification, the absorbed water elements were thrown into various parts of the body to maintain the battle dragon form.

Without the strong body blessed by the shaping magic, he would not be able to withstand his current injuries.

Although he died suddenly in a short time, he was still seriously injured.

Therefore, Witt had to treat his body while maintaining the form of a war dragon.

After a lot of operations, Witt finally stabilized his injuries.

The elemental power that was forcibly plundered was his own power after all. After Witt stabilized his injuries, he could no longer maintain the form of a war dragon.

Witt, who had returned to his original appearance, had a sudden drop in his breath.

But fortunately, he was not seriously injured.

After confirming that there was no problem with his body, Witt raised his claws and looked at the half-Raiser Dragon Beast, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.


This is the script I wrote. Your future has been determined. Don't worry, you are the first, but you will definitely be the last...

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