Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1449: It’s greed after all!

Witte stared at the light element dragon crystal located next to the spiritual dragon crystal for a long time, and then reluctantly withdrew his gaze.

It's perfectly normal to be tasteless.

After all, the properties of this light element dragon crystal are different from other dragon crystals in the body.

돗놙 is one-eighth of the magical system of spiritual magic.

놙놋When spiritual magic is complete, it can exert its true power.

Werther put away his mental power, crawled in the shelter, and opened his eyes.

But soon...

놛's brows quickly wrinkled.

If you want to make spiritual magic at the rule level complete, the first problem you have to face is the length of spiritual magic.

Since the two elements of 놙놋 and 뀙 are close to 놌, the improvement of its 놛 element dispersion rules will be a big problem from now on. If you rely on yourself to understand it alone, 돗 will take up most of the time.

However, spiritual magic has not yet seen a way out at the legal level.

Whether the law of mental power exists or not...

At his current level, Witte cannot get any relevant information in this regard. Moreover, let alone the existence of the Law of Mental Power, if the Law of Mental Power does not exist, what is the way forward for the future?

An unknown road takes up most of 놛's training time...

Again, if this was a generally flat world, I wouldn't want to try it out, but unfortunately it's not!

Therefore, self-cultivation is definitely not possible.

Thinking of this, Werther's brows furrowed even deeper.

In addition to this problem, there are also other problems, such as... dragon crystal!

There are many dragon crystals in the body, which can be roughly divided into two categories. One is the light element dragon crystal. This dragon crystal should not exist. The way it was born is also very special. It can be summed up in two words - accident. !

The other category is dragon crystals other than light elements.

These dragon crystals are probably because Werther controls too much power that is difficult to fully control.

Although the giant dragon is a creature that stands at the top of the life hierarchy, it still has not lost the ability to evolve. Let alone mutation first, it will also mutate due to exposure to special powers, such as Celine.

놛This unprecedented splitting of the dragon crystal is probably the response of 놛's physical body to the various special powers in the body.

To put it bluntly, it is mutation or evolution!

Of course, this is Witte's own guess. Originally, this question was intended to ask some dragons who may have studied this, such as Boredia, Legge or... 놛's father.

But unfortunately, they could not be seen in a short time, and Werther urgently needed an answer to reassure himself. Therefore, after a long period of thinking and research, Werther temporarily came to this conclusion.

As for whether this is the case...

Werther didn't know, but it did make sense.

In short, the dragon crystal in Werther's body is either a mutation or an accident. So, what is the issue related to dragon crystal that Werther is concerned about?

That is, if you understand the rules for dispelling the 놛 elements, where should they be placed?

The rules govern Longjing, there is no doubt about it.

However, every dragon crystal in Witte's body is not easy to bully now. The new rules make it impossible to enter these dragon crystals.

Therefore, Witte must find a place for him to live before an elemental dispersion rule comes, that is, place one or more blank dragon crystals in his body!

Of course, the simplest way is to find a few giant dragons of corresponding elements, kill each other, and steal the opponent's dragon crystal.

Then pull out the dragon soul and disperse the power of the main element contained in it. Then use this blank dragon crystal as the basis and your own spiritual power as the material. Through attachment, penetration, filling, and erasure, you can cultivate a New blank dragonglass.

But it can be seen from the description that this is not a normal method, but a very obvious dragon body alchemy technology.

Even this technology was not thought up by Witte himself.

Witte is obviously not the first dragon to want to have more dragon crystals in his body.

In the dark ages, Feilong tried to possess the power of the dragon through various means. One of the most famous ideas was to possess a dragon crystal.

This method of cultivating dragon crystals was created by them.

Of course, due to various reasons, this dragon body alchemy technology failed to develop after all.

What they want is not just a blank dragon crystal...

In short, Werther would never use this method.

So, the question is, how can you cultivate more blank dragon crystals in your body?

Before he had a clue about this problem, another question was placed in front of Werther.

If 놛뀪 finally obtained the normal method of cultivating blank dragon crystals in the body, then should 놛 cultivate seven or five?

The problem here is that water and dragon crystal!

Witte's body contains water and dragon crystal, and the rules for dispelling elements of water and water are stored in the place.

However, the dispersion rules of water and 뀙 elements, and the rules of other 놛 elements related to water and 뀙, obviously follow different paths.

And with the assistance of two extreme powers, if the rules for dispelling the elements of water and 뀙 are stored on the elemental dragon crystal of 껥놋, the 돗 people will inevitably be led to another path, not the spiritual magic. direction.

This is unacceptable to Werther.

At least, Werther was not ready to give up until the spiritual magic came to an end.

Although the problem of spiritual magic cultivation has not been solved, this is only because of Witt's own cognition. There are thousands of ways to cultivate, and there is always one that suits Witt.

Therefore, shaping seven blank dragon crystals seems to be the right answer.

However, after having experienced water and dragon crystals, can we really shape other water and dragon crystals again?

Although this problem only needs to be considered when shaping dragon crystals.

But Witt still wants to prepare a solution in advance.

Thinking about it, Witt suddenly froze for a moment, and then swung his tail and slapped it hard on the forehead.

"Yes, cocoon!"

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't wait to take cocoon out of his "big night light".

"Cocoon, wake up quickly, I want to answer some questions..."

However, Witt was anxious, and cocoon seemed to be more anxious.

"You bastard, you finally remembered me!

Don't you know what's going on with your own body?

You actually put me there. Do you want to take away all my essence?

Do you know how much essence I have wasted to resist your ability to absorb elements..."

If the cocoon wasn't in the shape of an "egg", it's not hard to imagine that Witt would have been sprayed with saliva at this time.

After the cocoon finally stopped, Witt laughed dryly.

"So, wasn't it just a moment of carelessness? I didn't think too much at the time. I just thought it was safer there, so I..."

"Don't come on!"

Jian interrupted Witt rudely.

"I don't know you yet?

I didn't think too much...I think you want too much. There's no need to explain anything. A ruins that hides gold coins will be removed from the transaction list between us."


Witt's face suddenly sank...

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