Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1447 Organizing knowledge!

"Hey, did you swallow your saliva just now!"

Witt smiled awkwardly.

"How could it be possible? You must have heard it wrong. It was an auditory hallucination, an auditory hallucination!"

That being said, a strange light appeared in Witt's eyes when he looked at the cocoon.

If... no matter what he does now, he will meet the cocoon of the past in the future, which means that he will...

Of course, Witt wants the cocoon's life.

After all, according to his speculation, the cocoon of the future is still alive, living by his side.

So, two drops, two... two drops, he is also greedy, as long as he gets a few drops of natural essence, the cocoon should not turn against him.

"Only one drop, I will turn against you if you give me more than half a drop!"

After hearing this, Witt came back to his senses and frowned at first, then he paid attention and thought too much, and did not control his mental power well, causing some of his thoughts to leak out.

After realizing this, Witt's brows relaxed a little, and then he looked at Jian with an innocent face.

"What are you talking about? I'm just thinking about it. Do you really want to squeeze your natural essence? How can I even think about it?"


Jian sneered.

"If it was any other dragon, I would believe that he was just thinking about it, but you..."

Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was very clear.

He believed in Witt's dragon quality.

Witt's eyes widened, and he wanted to argue with the other party to prove that he was a trustworthy dragon. However, when he noticed the breath of life emanating from the crystal container, he smiled bitterly.

"I will not argue with you, justice comes from the heart of the dragon!"

After saying that, Witt paused for a moment, then looked at Jian hesitantly.

"I doubt whether this thing is useful, mainly because Dragon Crystal is a product of spiritual power, and it should be affected by the breath of life!"

As he said that, a hint of doubt flashed in Witt's eyes.

Hearing this, Jian sneered.

"This is my essence of origin, the power of the law level. Whether your body is damaged, the dragon crystal is damaged, your mental power is damaged, or even your dragon soul is damaged, it will be healed at the law level.

If the essence of origin is enough, I can even pinch an elemental creature out of thin air.

Don't use your ignorance to judge my professional field!"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes suddenly lit up, and his eyes looking at the cocoon were full of heat.

Such a treasure, even if he completely turned against the cocoon, he could not accept it...

"Give up, I still know how greedy you are. Unless you get my consent, otherwise, even if you break the cocoon, you won't get half a drop!"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes dimmed, and then he didn't hesitate anymore, and swallowed the essence of origin directly.

Just now, he had checked it with his mental power.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of causing Witt's suspicion. Although the natural essence came from the cocoon, there was no trace of the cocoon's breath on it.

This was just a pure force that was far more profound than the rule power.

After swallowing the natural essence, a strong natural life breath exploded in Witt's body like a bomb.

In just a moment, Witt felt comfortable all over.

He knew that this was the healing of the hidden injury.

Of course, Witt had hidden injuries on his body. Don't forget how his physical strength was improved.

Those were two extreme powers.

Under their tempering, although Witt's physical strength improved rapidly, it would also leave hidden injuries. Witt used his own elemental power to heal these hidden injuries before.

However, his condition has been relatively poor recently, and he has not had time to deal with them. The hidden injuries have accumulated, but he never thought that they would be swept away now.

After clearing the hidden injuries on Witt's body, these forces concentrated on the spiritual dragon crystal in Witt's head.

These forces gathered together, showing emerald green, and wrapped up the spiritual dragon crystal.

Witt's spirit was instantly refreshed.

These forces replaced Witt's spiritual power, not only plugging the cracks in the dragon crystal, but also repairing the dragon crystal at a speed much faster than Witt's spiritual power.

However, although the speed is fast, it is not that easy to repair the dragon crystal.

According to Witt's estimate, it will take at least fifty years to completely repair his dragon crystal.

Fortunately, Witt had expected this, and this shelter was built for this situation.

Opening his eyes, Witt looked at the cocoon.

"The dragon crystal has begun to repair. It is expected to take ten to fifty years. During this time, I will stay here. After the dragon crystal is completely repaired, I will take you to the place you want to go." After Jian completed his promise, Witt finally made his own promise as agreed. Jian was not surprised by this. He just felt a little emotional. There is really no big difference between the current Witt and the future Witt except for strength. And it is this point that makes Jian very envious. If he can stick to his original intention like Witt... Thinking of something, Jian sighed in his heart, and then said lightly: "I believe you, just like in the past!" Jian paused slightly. "I just took a drop of the essence of the origin. I need to rest for a while. If you are ready, you can call me directly and I will point out the direction."

As the words fell, the faint light emitting from the "eggshell" of the cocoon gradually extinguished, and finally, it turned into an ordinary, emerald green "dragon egg".

Seeing this, Witte paused for a moment, then used part of his mental power to put the cocoon and the hollow thorn back into the night lamp.

This is the safest place on his body, other than the reverse scale space, and it is also the place where he is most closely monitored.

As for making such a choice, it is a monitoring cocoon...

Then the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom!

After placing the cocoon, Witte thought for a moment and then lay down on the spot.

Too many things have happened recently, and he needs to sort them out.

Moreover, although he has clearly understood the elemental dispersion, Witte does not have the ability to sense the corresponding rules within his own body.

This 녦놊 is a good sign.

He has to find this power as soon as possible. If this power naturally dissipates due to too long time, even if it develops, the light element dispersion rules he has understood will also dissipate.

But he will need to spend more effort to regroup this power in the future.

눒In order to understand the rules, the seed power automatically generated in the body is quite important.

In addition to the issues related to the light element dispersion rules, he also needs to sort out the knowledge related to light elements that automatically poured into his mind after coming into contact with the light element rules.

This knowledge can be taught to him by books or other dragons, but he needs to understand the light element himself before he can understand it.

Similarly, this knowledge is also the food to strengthen his understanding of the rules of light element dispersion.

If he tidies it up properly, his previous efforts and the high price he paid for it will be in vain!

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