Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1445 The suffocating feeling of being bound...


There was still silence in response to Werther.

But Witte is not ready to give up. What he has experienced has always been the past. The only time he received news from the future was when the time rune woke up for the first time, in the form of a nightmare.

But it seems to have been interfered with, the information is incomplete, and it is seriously misleading.

At the beginning, he didn't even realize that it was the future.

땤This time, he seemed to have the opportunity to hear things related to himself in the future from the mouth of another dragon.

How could he not seize such an opportunity!

With a thought, Witte said in a deep voice: "What has happened must happen, and it will not change because of anything. If you in the past really meet me in the future...

To you, this is something that has already happened, and it will not change because of what you say to me now. "


Cocoon sighed, then opened helplessly.

"You really want to know?"

Witte's face was happy, and then he nodded quickly.


"That's good..."

However, just when Yu Yu was about to say something, he suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Werther looked anxious.

"That's what you said!"

"I...I can't tell."

There was a hint of surprise in Cocoon's voice. After hearing what Werther said, he felt that it made sense. Therefore, he did intend to tell Werter about what happened between them, but...

Can't tell!

Whenever he opened the door, an invisible force acted on him, making him unable to say at all, this was...

"The power of law!"

Hearing this, Werther's face darkened.

History cannot be changed, this is what his father has clearly said, and there is absolutely no problem with this sentence.

Cocoon had seen him, there was no doubt about it.

He must have never seen Yu Yu in the past, so what Yu Yu saw must be him in the future. For Yu Yu, seeing him in the future has already happened.

Under normal circumstances, there should be no problem if Yu Yu told him this matter.

However, the power of the law prevented 꿀Cocoon from telling him this matter...

Does that mean that once he knows about this matter, the future will change?

In this way, his father's meaning may not be that what has happened cannot be changed, but that there is no ability to change what has happened.

Because... the rules don't allow it!

Thinking of this, Werther's face turned extremely ugly.

It's not because he has no way of knowing the news about himself in the future, it's because of the deepest meaning behind this matter - destiny!

In the future, he is destined to meet the cocoon of the past. This is fate. Now that he knows the news about the future, he will change this fate. Destiny cannot be changed, so the power of the law blocks the cocoon.

Seven supreme laws...

Creation and destruction are visible and tangible; life and death are visible and intangible; time and space are invisible and intangible, but they can be felt.

Only fate...

You can't see it, you can't touch it, you can't feel it, but it's everywhere!

So, is the law that blocks cocoons the law of time, or the law called fate?

Werther didn't know, he just felt suffocated...a kind of boundless suffocation caused by being imprisoned in an invisible, huge prison called fate!

After suffocation comes the powerlessness against fate.

If it is fate, then do his thoughts, his persistence, and what he does still matter?

A sense of decadence emanated from Werther's body.

Cocoon naturally noticed that something was wrong with Werther's situation, and hurriedly said: "Werther, are you ready to give up?

But whether it was just now or in the past, the impression you gave me was that you were constantly chasing the freedom you wanted.

You didn’t give up in the future, so what are you giving up now? "

"Freedom...I will not give up in the future..."

Werther murmured, and his eyes that had dimmed gradually brightened.


He didn't give up in the future, so why did he give up now? Moreover, why should he in the future be better than him now?

The desire for freedom reawakened Werther's competitiveness.

But then, he looked at 깊Cocoon in astonishment.

"Is this what you can say?"

Cocoon was stunned for a moment.

"Uh... I've already said it."

Werther thought for a moment.

"I remember I haven't said your name yet, yes, name, your name?"


"Can't say 꼊..."

Witte looked at Cocoon who was silent again, his eyes even more thoughtful.

The name cannot be said, which means that not only he in the future knows Cocoon, but also he in the present knows, or at least has heard of Cocoon's name.

"What about race?"


Still silent.

Witte's eyes flashed, and he couldn't even tell his race, which meant that Cocoon's race was very special. As long as he mentioned race, he would definitely be able to know Cocoon's identity.

In other words, the future cocoon will not only survive, but will also be by his side.

However, it is not clear whether there was an accident or there was something wrong with Cocoon's method. The dragon next to him has no memory of the current Cocoon.


Witt's brows furrowed quickly.

There were too many dragons around him whose origins were unknown, and there were more than one who were related to natural elements. Linsda said that although Dinnett seemed to have a clean origin, in fact, her dragon eggs also came from outside the dragon's nest.

What's more, although Jian was currently showing a natural elemental affinity.

The shelter suffered a natural disaster, and the method he used to live again might not work. He had just mentioned this.

In other words, his future elemental affinity might not be a natural element.

After thinking about it, Witt had no choice but to give up.

After giving up, Witt, who reacted, laughed at himself.

The power of rules prevented Jian from revealing some information to him, which meant that now was not the time to know Jian's true identity. His behavior just now was an attempt to defy fate.

A tiny purple crystal tried to defy fate... It's ridiculous to think about it!

While it was ridiculous, a strange persistence flashed in Witt's eyes.

The fact that he could not defy fate now did not mean that he would still not defy fate in the future...

Thinking of this, Witt could not help but look down at his chest.

His unreliable father, no matter how unreliable he looked, was also known as the ruler of time and space.

Even he could feel how aggrieved he was under the shackles of fate.

Would a strong man of his father's level not feel it?

So, from this perspective, whether it is the ultimate power or the time rune, it seems that they give the answer that becoming stronger is the only way to transcend fate?

Witt doesn't know, but he wants to try!


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