Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1443 The title girl wants to cultivate to become an immortal!


Hearing this title, Werther looked at the "dragon egg" embedded in his claws, and he had some suspicions that this dragon was trying to live another life.


Is this really possible?

Werther knew it, but he subconsciously wrote down all the shapes and patterns of the "cocoon" so that he might pay attention to it in the future.

In most cases, the color of the dragon egg is the color of the dragon after hatching.

The other party is also a legend.

If he can find the other party in the future, even if he can hug him, with the current friendship, he will definitely be able to get the other party to help him a little.

While 뀞zhong was thinking this, Witte started to take action.

The first thing is... to look at your treasures!

Because of a misjudgment, he directly put such an old man into his reverse space. Of course, he had to check whether his treasure had been tampered with.

Moreover, there are many other types of items in his reverse scale space.

He needed to get it checked out.

It couldn't be easier to use the opponent's mental strength to block his perception and take away the items in the reverse space.

On the other side, Yu saw that Witte suddenly moved, and a lot of energy flowed into the reverse space, and he immediately understood what Witte was doing.

"Hey, is this the time to do this? Is your injury important?"

Cocoon's tone was very helpless, but in that helplessness, Werther could hear a hint of weakness.

After noticing this, Werther quickly regained his energy and looked at the cocoons on his claws with a kind expression.

"Tell me the truth, what have you done?"


Cocoon sneered.

"You mean that I, an old man who has seen and owned thousands of treasures, would touch something belonging to a generation like you without my consent?"

Witte narrowed his eyes and said: "Come on, I am a dragon myself. I know your character very well, but I don't know the virtues of the treasure?"

Not to mention having enough gold coins to bury myself, even if the gold coins pile up into a sea, I will still fight and kill for a gold coin!

You'd better tell the truth, otherwise..."

As he said this, Werther rolled his eyes and smiled kindly.

"What about drake poop?"


"No, you, you, me, me, mine, tell me, you moved something!"

Hearing Witte's words, Cocoon shivered for a long time, and then said in a loud voice: "The emerald... there is no breath of you left on it. This means that this thing is garbage to you. What's wrong with giving it to me?"


Werther rolled his eyes.

"Taking it yourself is a thief, that is giving it away, and that is stealing!"

놊However, Cocoon's reaction to the word "steal" is relatively large.

"How can you call it a steal? You are insulting me. You must change this word for me, otherwise...otherwise...I will tell you where to find the gold coins!"

Hearing this, Werther's head shook, and then a flattering smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Yes, yes, you are right, senior. Of course, this was stolen. You were helping me clean up the garbage in the reverse scale space, so... where is the gold coin?"

As he said that, Werther's eyes lit up.

놊You want face?

It depends on how many gold coins your face is worth.

Who is Cocoon?

A suspected legendary boss. Can the number of gold coins specifically mentioned by the boss be small?

That is obviously possible!

If the quantity is small, how can it catch the opponent's eyes?

Seeing Werther like this, Cocoon's tone softened again.

"It's easy to talk about. As long as you fulfill your agreement with me, I will tell you the places where the gold coins are stored. Anyway, to me, those things are just garbage."

Hearing this, Werther was overjoyed, and then continued to flatter me: "Senior, you will put a hundred dollars to cover the things we agreed on.

By the way, you are thirsty and hungry now. Do you need me to get you something to eat? "


Cocoon looked at Werther speechlessly. The effect seemed to be a bit too good. Seeing that Werther seemed to be ready to put all his energy into "pleasing him", Cocoon coughed dryly.


Hearing this, Witte's eyes cleared up, his tail flicked, and he slapped his forehead.

"Yeah, I almost forgot!"

With that said, Werther calmed down his emotions for a while, then stood up and flew around.

Since Cocoon has agreed to help him recover from his injuries, the most important thing he needs to do now is to make sure that the surrounding is safe. The more times like this come, the more he can run around.

Afterwards, after calming down, Werther became more curious about what happened to Cocoon when he checked for safety around him.

Of course, he was more curious about the state of the cocoon, but the other party obviously knew this.

Therefore, Werther can settle for the next best thing...

"Speaking of which, how did you end up being put into the laboratory by that golden dragon?

Since you are planning to let me take you to a place, it means that you should be in that place originally. Looking at your condition, that place should be heavily protected.

And the strength of that golden dragon is also very strong. How could a legendary subordinate dig you out of that place?

Your level..."

Although he didn't continue speaking, Cocoon also knew what Werther meant. He sighed helplessly, and a strong feeling of depression hit Werther's face.

"Uh...it seems you were tricked by someone."

"Who said 놊 is!"

The matter of living outside was not very important to Cocoon. Now it was easy to find a listener. After Werther asked this question, he couldn't help but pour out his bitterness.

"You said how much I paid in order to survive and become like this now. I thought it would go smoothly, but in the end I was deceived.

Of course, I was tricked by a dragon. With my strength, who could trick me!

Alas, I was fooled by this nature.

The shelter that was so easy to build collapsed due to geological movement, and I have become what I am now, unable to offer any resistance.

놙Neng watched the shelter fall into the ground.

This dragon was unlucky. His teeth were blocked even when drinking cold water. The location where the shelter fell was not the ordinary ground, but the underground sea.

Due to geological movement, the sea water rose in that underground sea, filling up the crack in the ground.

The shelter was damaged in the process, and the defensive magic array set up in advance took effect. Seawater poured into the shelter. I was washed out and floated on the newly formed inland sea.


Saying that, Cocoon paused slightly.

"Say it in advance. Every time you smile, I will remove a place to hide gold coins. Think about it before you laugh!"

"That's it..."

As he spoke, Werther took out a piece of alloy without hesitation and smelted it onto his mouth.

Cocoon looked at Werther in astonishment.

"As for it?"

Werther gave Cocoon a look.

All for gold coins!

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