Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1440 There is not enough time!


There is no doubt about this. The only difference between random jumps and fixed-point jumps is whether Witte needs to use mental power to accurately position.

Therefore, the defects of fixed-point jumps are naturally inherited perfectly by random jumps.

껩That is to say, the other party can completely track Witte through the spatial traces left behind by Witte when he leaves.

The legendary level dragon is still quite fast.

Thinking of this, Werther ignored the mess in the wind and quickly chose a direction.

Considering that he needed to save his mental energy and could only fly with his flesh wings, Witte did not dare to delay and flew directly towards the location far away from the center of the Sea of ​​Light.

Moreover, not only did that damn bad luck not cause trouble this time, but it also helped him.

Judging from the concentration of the surrounding light elements, it can be seen that the previous teleportation has been far away from the central area of ​​the Guangming Sea. Moreover, it can be seen from the flow direction of the light elements that he is currently located on the west side of the central area of ​​the Guangming Sea.

In other words, Werther's current direction of travel is not to return to the continent of Olivia, but rather to stay away from that continent.

Of course, this is exactly what Werther wanted.

Returning to the Olivia continent in his current state would be a complete courtship of death.

The environment there is not suitable for him to recuperate at all.

On the contrary, although the Endless Sea is a little more dangerous, more of it is foreseeable and comes from the natural environment. Compared with the dangers brought by evil dragons, there are far more environmental dangers.

After starting on his way, Werther felt more at ease.

Since he uses flesh wings to fly, the opponent will most likely not be able to track him.

Of course, just in case, Witte also carved 놅 on his body and opened the breath tracking magic circle.

After that, Werther had time to think about his current situation.

The first thing to consider is the injury.

His injury was too serious. Because he chose to save his memory, the condition of his dragon crystal worsened a little, and the cracks expanded a little.

Of course, this situation is actually pretty good.

At this time, Werther had to thank these "unruly sons" in his body.

Although he was clamoring for a split and forcefully gave him several more dragon crystals, the successful separation not only increased his elemental reserves, but also allowed him to unintentionally avoid a fatal crisis.

Elements, water elements, spiritual power, and space power were all squeezed into a dragon crystal. When the dragon crystal cracked, Witte did not dare to imagine what would happen.

But he is definitely dead!

The existence of dragon crystal is to bind these powers except mental power. Once it cracks, will these powers stay inside the dragon crystal?

Definitely not!

When these powers come out through the cracks in the dragon crystal, will they be polite and line up obediently?

껩No way!

Therefore, once the dragon crystal cracks, the injury will be serious. If it is just a small crack, it is still possible to save yourself. If the crack is large, then you can only wait for death.

But Werther is different. The dragon crystal in which he resides the Dragon Soul has only mental power left.

Mental power is different from other powers. It is completely born from the dragon soul, and its properties are relatively stable. When the dragon crystal cracks, mental power will only be repaired immediately instead of exploding.

To be honest, Werther was terrified when he thought of this.

Let’s not talk about the two elements of water and 뀙. Fortunately, when the mental power broke through 놅 before, the power of space 껩 caused a separation.

Of course, after rejoicing, Werther still has to face reality.

After the deterioration, although the situation has not reached the worst stage, it is still a big trouble.

Saying this may not make much sense.

To put it more specifically, if Witte relies on himself to repair the dragon crystal, he will remain in his current state for up to two thousand years.

Magic (including shaping magic) cannot be used, extreme power cannot be used, big night lights cannot be used, and even space jumps, only life and death, wealth and heaven, life and death all depend on luck!

Werther didn't want that.

Not only because he has to participate in the Bandung Feast, or because this state is too dangerous, but also because Witte means that in this state, his strength will stagnate.

After being the "boss" for so many years, he cannot accept that his brothers have made rapid progress in cultivation, but he can only maintain the status quo.

This is the dignity that belongs to the dragon!

Of course, this is the problem that Werther wants to solve now.

How to recover quickly!

The best way is definitely to find the materials for refining and repairing dragon crystal potions yourself, so that other dragons will not be targeted.

But in his current state...

Werther could only settle for the next best thing, looking for a large city-state with developed commerce and trade.

The ingredients for the potion are definitely not the best, but they are sure to win.

After making up his mind, an idea automatically appeared in Witte's mind. He was familiar with all the city-states, and quickly determined the target - the scorching city!

As the only port connecting Sekent Continent and Fast Continent, both Sekent Continent and Fast Continent materials will flow through that city-state.

Moreover, as a city-state with developed commerce and trade, the Blazing City's management of foreign dragons is far more lax than other city-states.

And Witt has to think about that.

Regardless of strength, the bigger the giant dragon is, the more destructive it is. For example, 꿷꺘Thousand-year-old 놅Witt has reached a height of 1,067 meters.

The dragon's true size cannot be hidden. It can hide the surface data, but it cannot hide the life breath contained in the body.

So, after a little comparison, the Scorching City is the best choice.

Then, the next question arises again, how to quickly reach the Scorching City.

He doesn't have much time.

Witt just recalled the specific shape of the island.

Although there was no sign of any laboratory left on the island at the time when he met Finger, judging from the regularity of the shape, there was indeed a regular building there.

So, he did not return to his original time point, but returned to the future again.

However, judging from the scale of time fluctuations, the time should not be very far, at most two thousand years.

However, the time symbol is different from the previous two revivals. This time, the time symbol has completely revived, which may be related to the complete revived time symbol before.

Of course, it may be that the tolerance of Witt and Witt in the young dragon period is different. For example, he can withstand the consequences of the one-time revived time symbol.

But this also means that as long as the time fluctuations caused by the awakening of the time symbol are completely calmed down, the time rules of the dragon world will exert their strength and throw him, the stowaway, back to the original time point.

And this time will not be too long. The last time the time fluctuations calmed down, it took more than 180 years, less than two years.

Thinking of this, Witt frowned.

This time is too short!

Shortening the healing time from thousands of years to less than two years, even the Poredia medicine technology can't do it!

"Are you worried about your injury?"


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