Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1426 Mysterious Ritual?

If magic circles are tools, then potions are not even as good as tools.

Witt is cautious. If he doesn't do anything, he will do something. Usually, time magic is involved.

A time reversal is much better than slow recovery with potions.

Moreover, Witt cherishes his life. He has mastered not only water elemental healing magic, but also elemental healing magic.

He rarely uses potions.

Of course, this does not mean that Witt is not good at magic circles and potions.

On the contrary, magic circles have been systematically studied, which does not need to be said much. Potions are also learned from Boredia's notes. Witt is still very strong in these two aspects.

However, Witt may not be ready to continue on these two paths, especially potions.

Witt is going to try to reverse the time magic and comprehend the rules.

At that time, with the healing magic, he basically won't need potions.

As for the magic circle...

Witt is going to study it together with alchemy.

After all, the magic circle was originally for spiritual magic. When it reaches the legendary level, spiritual magic will be transformed into elemental dispersal rules, and the magic circle can no longer provide more help.

The only thing that may require knowledge of magic circles is shaping magic.

At the legendary level, although shaping magic will also be transformed into quantity and speed rules, some knowledge related to magic circles is still needed in shaping magic circles.

These knowledge related to magic circles do not require in-depth research on magic circles, and can be obtained only through alchemy.

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but sigh.

He needs to study too many things. Maybe he should confess to his teacher.

In the end, he failed to follow his teacher's expectations and walk firmly on the path of magic circle.

If it were a peaceful era, Witt would certainly not mind slowing down his pace of becoming stronger, but the time he was in was a precursor to a cruel war.

Without strength, he would become a withered bone at the foot of the abyss.

Just when Finger was not interested in the magic circle and aroused Witt's self-examination, Witt's nose twitched unconsciously a few times.

A faint salty smell rushed into Witt's nasal cavity.

Coming back to his senses, Witt hurriedly looked forward. Sure enough, on the originally gray horizon, there was now a faint blue.

Endless Sea, here we are!

Realizing this, Witt turned his head and glanced at Finger.

"Although you don't like magic circles, this talent can still play a role. From today on, my requirement for you is to master spell casting and magic circle casting.

I will teach you some knowledge about magic circles, but this is for the future. Now...

We are here!"

While speaking, Witt, who was very dissatisfied with the hot and humid surroundings, suddenly opened a space crack in front of him under the drive of the cold sea water.

Before Finger could respond, the hot and humid plains around them turned into cool water in the blink of an eye, and the water surface could not be seen at the edge.

Is this the sea?

Just when Finger was staring at the boundless deep blue sea, a feeling of weightlessness suddenly came.

The next second, the cold and soft touch enveloped his whole body.

Being friendly to the water element, he didn't need to get used to the sudden change, and his body naturally blended into the coolness.


A cry of surprise reached Finger's ears.

Finger stuck his head out of the water, and then he saw that Witt was constantly diving, jumping, and shouting on the wide sea...

The huge body of more than 700 meters raised waves that were enough to smash the reefs.

However, when Finger looked at the waves coming towards him in panic, a water-blue element shield had already wrapped him up.

He was like a buoy, floating up and down with the amplitude of the waves, and his internal organs were rolling with the waves, constantly struggling between jumping into the throat and sinking into the abyss.

Even though Finger was a natural swimmer, he still felt dizzy when facing such a situation.

However, at this time, he couldn't care about these.

Finger stared at the silver figure making waves in the sea, his eyes full of confusion.

In fact, many times, he didn't understand Witt's behavior, but he could read Witt's freedom and openness from Witt's various abnormal behaviors.

But that freedom and openness were what he yearned for most in his heart.

However, he was obsessed with strength.

But the fundamental reason for his obsession with strength is that he wants to be in control of the dragon.

"Have you seen the sea?"

The sudden voice pulled Finger back to his senses.

Turning his head, he saw Witt, who was just playing in the sea, lying quietly beside him, with half of his huge body immersed in the sea water.

The belly covered with silver-white plate-like dragon scales, facing the sky, the thick dragon tail in the sea water, like a water grass, swaying slightly with the waves.

It looks quite comfortable, but...

Finger looked at Witt speechlessly.

What kind of question is this?

For the first fifty years, he had been living in his mother's swamp territory, and for the next ten years, he had been enslaved by Abnut. Not to mention the sea, he had never seen even the river, and he admired it with a relaxed attitude.

But Witt didn't care what Finger was thinking, and just continued to whisper: "Now that you have seen it, how does it make you feel?"

This time, Finger didn't ignore Witt's question.

He hesitated for a moment, and then he was quite clumsy, imitating Witt and lying on his back on the sea.

"Very cool!"

Finger paused for a moment, then added: "Very comfortable!"


Witt grinned, then his face suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "The Endless Sea is free, but before enjoying this freedom, we have to hold a ceremony first.

This is the first time to come to the sea dragon. Only after the ceremony can you really swim in the sea, otherwise, something bad will happen."

Finger was stunned for a moment, then looked at Witt suspiciously.

"Why haven't I heard of it?"

"You haven't seen the sea, and besides, I'm more than two thousand years old, how old are you!"

Hearing this, although Finger still felt something was wrong, he nodded.

"Then... come on, tell me, what kind of ceremony is it?"

Witt laughed, and his underwater wings shook violently, allowing him to easily jump into the sky, and even brought Finger into the air.

"Come on, shout with me, the sea, he is all water!"


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