Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1425 Seven Months...

Finger looked at his claws nervously, and on his claws, a not very complicated magic circle was slowly taking shape.

Under Finger's nervous gaze, the magic circle was completely connected and suddenly lit up, and then a fist-sized rock bullet shot out from the magic circle.


Looking at the rock bullet hitting the outer element shield, Finger's face was happy, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The middle-level magic of the thirteenth node of the element - rock bullet!

In addition, the point is not that this magic is middle-level magic, but his method of casting.

"Very good magic circle casting, it seems that I need to re-examine your talent, maybe you can develop in the direction of magic circle."

Speaking, Witt looked at Finger with great appreciation.

In seven months, not only did he master the basics of magic, but he could also use mid-level magic through magic arrays. Finger's talent...

At least, in terms of understanding magic, he can be called excellent.

The only pity is that his elemental storage increases very slowly.

But there is nothing that can be done about it.

The most fundamental reason that affects the amount of element absorption is elemental affinity.

And this is also the reason why elemental affinity is rare and can be shown before the legend.

Another place is magic power.

As for other aspects, below the legend, it has little to do with elemental affinity.

In addition, the special development characteristics of dragons in the second stage, this leads to the fact that before the legend, the strength of most dragons will not be greatly different because of different elemental affinity talents.

Of course, this is the case for most dragons, and Witt obviously does not belong to most dragons.

As for the affinity with elements, it is not until the legendary stage or above that it needs to be exposed to, comprehended, and understood the laws of elements before it can be truly reflected.

Therefore, the legendary stage is when the gap between different dragons is the largest.

There will be people like Antasa, who is lawless as soon as she becomes a legend, and there will also be people like Egbert, who is still bullied by Amethyst even after becoming a legend, uh...

Although it was Witt who bullied Amethyst, there is no doubt that Witt dared not bully Antasa.

The gap between the two is still obvious.

Witt's thoughts were a little biased, and he quickly pulled his thoughts back, and his eyes fell on Finger again.

In short, if Finger had an affinity with elements...

Without Witt's level, even if he was just able to reach the level of a normal dragon, he could call himself a magic genius, what a pity!

Thinking of this, Witt looked up at the sun in the eastern sky.

In seven months, it was not just Finger who had changed.

"Night" began a new round of alternation. The sun had risen from the east and illuminated the entire sky. At the same time, the ice and snow on the surface had melted on a large scale.

The cold night was completely driven away from this continent.

At this time when "day" just came, the surface water reserves of Olivia continent surged, and there were winding rivers everywhere.

White and light blue rivers, like meridians, spread across the entire continent.

However, the climate is still bad!

A large amount of surface water evaporated in large quantities under the constant sunlight. The entire continent was like a huge steamer. Even Witt would feel a little uncomfortable at this time.

Of course, it was just uncomfortable, and it would not cause any harm to him. In comparison...

Witt retracted his gaze and cast it to the west.

The originally fluctuating river gradually became calm, with trickling streams, running rivers, and so on. These streams gradually gathered together and merged into a roaring river on the plain.

And the final destination of this river is the ultimate goal of the water system in most of the continents of the Dragon Realm - the Endless Sea!

According to Witt's estimation, they should be not far from the Endless Sea.

Although he not only deviated from the original route during the journey, went to Shuanglong Gorge, and taught Finger magic, these did not affect Witt's speed.

By the way, Shuanglong Gorge is really nothing!

Except that the elements of water and fire are more concentrated, the shapes are more strange and complex, and the mountains are more majestic and spectacular, there is nothing else.

Witt did not regret provoking Abnut at all.


A trace of regret flashed in his eyes, and Witt quickly put it away.

In short, seven months, with Witt's flying speed, is enough for him to rush from the wild area in the center of the continent to the edge of the continent.

"Magic circle, can it increase my strength?"

While Witt continued to travel and calculated the distance between him and the Endless Sea, Finger couldn't help asking after hearing Witt's praise.

Witt, who was pulled back to his thoughts by Finger's voice, glanced at Finger.

"That depends on how you define real power. If it simply refers to killing power, the magic circle can also meet your expectations, but that is external. It not only takes time, but also resources.

The time here includes learning time, finding resources time, and carving magic circles time.

There are also many inconveniences when using it.

Not only do you need to consider the conditions of use, but you also need to neglect maintenance. If there is no battle, waste is inevitable.

Of course, the magic circle is powerful when combined, and it is worth the initial investment.

Although it is not used as a regular battle, it is still quite good to use it as a trump card, a trick, etc.

In addition, if you don’t just consider killing, the magic circle is another means of communicating the law besides dragon language magic.

Whether it is used as a major or to assist in magic training, it is quite good, I... "

When he heard that it could not be used as a regular combat, Finger lost most of his interest.

Seeing this, Witt's eyes flashed with helplessness, and the words on his lips stopped.

Obviously, Finger is not very interested in magic circles.

And this is the embarrassing part of the magic circle series. Learning magic circles requires talent, but talented dragons may not be willing to learn magic circles.

In most cases, magic circles are used as tools.

Whether it is in magic training, alchemical item manufacturing, or even potions, it is the same.

Thinking of this , Witt was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Well, he didn't seem to be qualified to say this.

As his strength increased, the magic circle that was originally a great battle for him, or even changed him, became a tool for him unconsciously.

A tool for practicing magic, improving shaping magic, alchemy, and even exploring ruins.

When he realized this, he didn't even think about whether to continue to study the magic circle in depth, because he didn't have time, and there were still a lot of rules waiting in line.

The fate of the magic circle was destined to be a tool for him...

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