Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1424 Heading towards the Sea of ​​Light!

"What's the matter?"

Hearing Witt's voice, Finger suppressed his impatience and asked subconsciously.

"Speaking of which, I have always forgotten to ask you, how strong is your mother, um... If you don't know how to describe it, use Abnut as a comparison."

Hearing this, Finger was silent for a while, and then said: "The breath is slightly weaker than Abnut."

"Is that so!"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes flashed with pity.

The breath is slightly weaker than Abnut, which means that the other party is a legendary lower-level dragon, and it may have just broken through, so the breath is slightly weak.

In this way, many things become obvious.

The territory of the legendary dragon is very large.

Finger said that on the day after he chose to leave, he encountered a life-and-death crisis, and met Abnut who saved him.

Even if he had left the dragon's nest before this, and barely left his mother's territory, he would not have gone far.

Abnut is only slightly stronger than her mother. Under normal circumstances, he would not approach her territory.

Unless she has tacitly agreed.

In other words, his mother not only watched him being taken away, but she had even hinted to Abnut through some means that Finger could not detect.

In fact, it was very simple.

Just need to slightly restrain his own breath, and Abnut will understand what this means.

This is already a disguised way of giving him to Abnut.

"Tsk tsk!"

Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but smack his lips.

It should be said that as a giant dragon living in the wild, his heart is really hard.

Of course, in essence, Finger's mother's behavior is actually similar to abandoning dragon eggs.

After all, what the dragon egg will experience after being abandoned is completely unknown, and Finger was given to Abnut, which was also unknown.

Abnut can choose to raise Finger, or choose to use him to provide himself with entertainment, or choose to sell him to the dark alchemist...

It can only be said that Finger's luck is not very good.

"Why are you asking these questions?"

Finger's words pulled Witt's thoughts back. Witt thought about it for a while and said, "You should know what this means!"

When Witt finished speaking, there was no sound from Finger's side.

He is not stupid, of course he knows what this means, but he still has a little expectation in his heart.

Don't forget what kind of situation he met Abnut.

He was rescued by Abnut when he was seriously injured by the dragon beast and was about to become the other party's food.

So, when his mother gave him to Abnut, she also saved his life.

For so many years, he has been avoiding this question.

And today, it was brought up by Witt again.

Finger's eyes were full of complexity.


It would be a lie to say that he didn't hate.

But if you think about it carefully, in the cruel wilderness where weakness is the original sin, it is normal for him to be abandoned as a weak person.

But... but...


Finger suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was something missing in his eyes, but it seemed that there was something more.

"Does it make sense to say this now?"

Witt chuckled.

"It really doesn't make sense, so you need to abandon the past and focus on the present and the future."

As he spoke, Finger's eyes blurred, and when he appeared again, he turned his head and saw Witt's huge head, and his body was wrapped in a layer of elemental shield, and under him was a familiar metal book.

"Well, the dragon life philosophy class has been completed. The next step is the formal magic teaching. Open the book under you. You need to write down everything inside.

These are magic theories. You are not required to understand them all. Just write them down.

Specifically, I will explain them to you in detail during the journey. Of course, if you encounter any problems and you can't wait to know them, you can also ask me."

Finger stared at the big metal book under him in a daze.

"Isn't this..."

"That's right, I lied to you before."

Finger looked at Witt speechlessly.

"Is there no truth in your mouth that you can believe unconditionally?"

Witt smiled.

"Of course there are, for example... You are really good at running away!"


Finger was completely speechless, and then he retracted his gaze and looked at the big metal book under him with a burning look.

In any case, he finally embarked on the road to becoming stronger.

On the other side, Witt watched Finger eagerly open the book under him, and a glimmer of pride flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, no matter whether he was autistic or aloof, under his mouth, they all had to walk out of their own world and become "cheerful" and "lively".

"You are worthy of it!"

Witt praised himself softly, and then hurried on his way seriously.

Of course, Witt was not completely rushing towards the Sea of ​​Light. It was not easy to come here, even if it was just to look, he had to take a look at Shuanglong Gorge.

Otherwise, wouldn't it make his previous decision look stupid?


The sun in the sky felt that this time, he had walked very long. When it was finally time for his turn, he walked happily, without any dragging, and even with a bit of impatience!

Without the support of the sun, the arrogant water elements could no longer be arrogant. In the battle with the water elements, they were defeated step by step!

Soon, the water elements became the dominant force in this world, and they began to release their resentment wantonly.

The wind rose, the clouds surged...

Then a heavy rain poured a chill on the earth.

After several heavy rains, the water elements were completely silent, the temperature dropped sharply, and the arrival of the first ice rain officially opened the curtain of "night".

Of course, these climate changes did not make much difference to Witt.

It was just to adjust the light of the "big night light" from white to light blue.

From the warmth of the sun to the coolness brought by the cold wind, the comfort level was the same.

As for Finger...

That doesn't matter. He is in the elemental shield of Witt, immune to cold and heat, wind and rain.

Finger, who is concentrating on the vast amount of magic knowledge contained in the metal book, didn't even notice the change of the surrounding climate.

Of course, he is not a genius, and he can't understand everything he sees, but he didn't ask, but forced himself to remember the parts he didn't understand.

For Finger, Witt's initiative to explain and his asking have different meanings.

The former is the content of the other party's experiment, and the latter is the friendship he owes.

Before figuring out Witt's real purpose, Finger doesn't want to owe Witt too much. After all, what you owe must be repaid!

Witt didn't pay attention to these.

If Finger doesn't ask, he can be more quiet and pay more attention to this journey...

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