Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1421 Going to cause trouble!

After a checkup, Witt basically determined the direction of Finger's training, which was mainly water element magic, supplemented by earth element magic, and long-range control.

For the time being, those melee-type combat methods, that is, defensive counterattack, frontal attack, and super-speed attack, are not suitable for Finger.

Of course, if he develops well in the future and has the opportunity to develop in the direction of melee, it will be too late to change at that time.

After all, Finger is still a young dragon now.

And his physical condition only needs to be recuperated for five years, and he will be able to see.

As for why Finger didn't try magic later...

This is actually related to his identity as a twin dragon.

In a dragon egg, only one bloodline inheritance will be injected, and one bloodline inheritance will be shared by two dragons. The result is obvious. Finger and his brother's bloodline inheritance are complete.

And the part of the bloodline inheritance that Finger got does not contain knowledge related to low-level magic.

This means that after leaving the dragon's nest, Finger completely lost the opportunity to contact magic. The red dragon would be kind enough to teach him magic.

Therefore, Finger, who is already over 70 years old, knows no other magic except the breath of a black dragon.

Finger is very worried about this.

He is worried that Witt will dislike him because of this and choose to terminate the transaction.

But this is the best situation for Witt.

When Witt himself was alive, he was like this, a complete magic novice, but a magic novice also means that he is a blank sheet of paper, and what is written on it is what it is.

Instead, there are many restrictions.

And now, Finger is that blank sheet of paper, and Witt can write whatever he wants, all up to his own will.

This is very comfortable.

Because in this way, some cognitive biases caused by inheritance need to be corrected.

Putting these aside for now, Witt completed Finger's training manual. Seeing that Finger always pretended to care but actually looked at him quite obviously, he smiled.

"This is the experimental record, maybe I can show it to you."

Witt paused slightly, then stood up.

"You wait here, don't run around!"

Finger was stunned for a moment, then looked at Witt in confusion. He understood why Witt emphasized it specifically.

Witt smiled.

"I plan to find trouble with the red dragon before I leave. Otherwise, if I take you away, he will definitely come to block us. At that time, with you present, I can only flee in panic."

After saying that, Witt spread his wings and flew in the direction of the red dragon.

That's right, the red dragon has never left Witt's "sight".

That is a legend that is stronger than Egbert, and it is also a big evil dragon. Witt dares to let the other party leave his sight.

As for how a purple crystal could spy on a legend and not be discovered by the other party...

I can only say that the other party is too ignorant.

Although he could fool the other party with some magic circle-related things, it was still easy for Witt's magic circle technology to be discovered by the other party.

On the other side, Finger took a long time to react and thought about what Witt had just said.

He stared at Witt's back blankly, full of doubts.

When a purple crystal faced a legend, could it only flee in panic?


In a valley covered by dense forests, a red dragon quietly crouched in a place where it could withstand the blessing of the sun. He squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Under the coverage of his mental power, all the wind and grass in the territory were under his control, including the two dragons that he regarded as toys.

"Well... I'm really looking forward to your choice!"

When he thought of the drama that might happen next, the excitement in his eyes became even stronger.

Suddenly, the red dragon raised his eyebrows, and then looked in the direction of the two dragons.

"Separated... It feels so right, why are they coming in this direction, and found me... Maybe, he is still just amethyst..."

Just as the red dragon muttered to himself, he noticed that the direction of the dragon was not straight towards this side.

"Just leaving..."

As he said, the red dragon's mouth grinned, and a touch of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know what expression you will have when you see me?"

That's what he said, but he still crouched there calmly. On the contrary, it would take some time for the dragon to pass by here, and he was anxious.

In contrast...

The red dragon's attention was on the young dragon again.

This young dragon, which he picked up when passing by a black dragon territory 20 years ago, brought him a great surprise.

He just knew what kind of performance he would have in the arena after this experience.

"I'm really looking forward to it... eh?"

Suddenly, the red dragon was stunned for a moment, then stood up, frowning, and constantly scanning the surroundings with his mental power.

But he didn't pay attention to the mutant silver dragon?

"Are you looking for me?"

The strange voice suddenly came from behind, causing the red dragon's pupils to shrink sharply. When he turned his head, a completely different and extremely strong silver dragon was already standing in the distance.

The space around him was still fluctuating, causing the red dragon's pupils to shrink again when he noticed this.

Space jump!

When the name of this rule appeared in his mind, the red dragon subconsciously opened his mouth towards the dragon, and a very hot breath suddenly blew out.

As the red light flashed, the originally lush forest turned into a scorched earth in an instant.

Wherever the breath passed, the ground instantly melted into boiling lava.

In terms of temperature alone, it has exceeded the Blazing White Divine Flame that Witt has mastered.

However, this is also unavoidable. Although the Blazing White Divine Flame represents the extreme high temperature, it has obviously not grown up here in Witt, and now it has not even touched the level of rules.

And the breath of the red dragon in front of him, in fear, obviously directly used the power of the rule level.

It is very powerful than the Blazing White Divine Flame.

On the other side, at the moment of exhaling, Witt felt that his whole body suddenly solidified. Of course, this was not the solidification of space or elements, but the pressure of mental power.

Witt's eyes flashed with excitement.

This was the second time in his history that he faced a complete, legendary power.

The first time was the legendary dragon guard guarding the dragon mother of the Abey Dragon Beast.

As for the others, such as Zakli, Sabina, and Egbert, they were limited in strength and did not have time to attack him.

Speaking of which, facing the legend...

It's really exciting!

Witt thought so in his heart, his eyes were full of excitement and fighting spirit, and he had already transformed into a fighting dragon, and a space crack suddenly opened behind him...

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