Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1419 Since it is what you wish, then it will be as you wish!

The misunderstanding was resolved. Even though it had happened twice, Finger, who was just a young dragon, couldn't help but show a hint of expectation when he saw Witt who was thinking.

People always have a little expectation for anything, no matter how unreliable it is, and dragons are the same.

He said that he would never believe it again, but there was still a hint of hope in his heart.

On the other side, Witt noticed the expectation in Finger's eyes, rolled his eyes, smiled evilly, and put his huge head in front of Finger.

"If I tell you now that I won't teach you magic at all, will you hate me to death?"


Finger was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Witt speechlessly.

He suddenly felt that this world was so unfair. Why can such an unreliable dragon have such powerful power, but for a dragon like him who longs for power, power is out of reach?

As for hatred...

Finger's eyes flashed with confusion. If it was true, would he hate it?

Probably not, after all...

For him, the feeling of shattered hope has already been experienced twice. Even if he experiences it again, he will only feel... Ah, it should be such an emotion.

This... should not be considered hatred.

Just when Finger was lost in thought, Witt's big face, which was close to Finger, showed a hint of seriousness.

"I can't read too much hatred from your eyes.

Hate represents the destruction of great hope.

Not hating has two meanings, one is that there will be no hope at all, and the other is... you have become accustomed to this feeling.

But no matter which one it is, it has no meaning for you.

Since it has no meaning, why don't you hold on to...

Anyway, my dragon life is already like this, no matter what degree of danger is hidden behind the bait you throw, I will swallow this sweetness first...

This idea, try to believe me again?"

Witt's words pulled Finger's thoughts back, and he looked at Witt in a daze.


He is already so miserable, and he has nothing except this life. Now he is not even afraid of death, so why is he afraid that the dragon in front of him will miss him?

However, just as Finger was thinking about this, he suddenly noticed that after Witt finished speaking, he pondered for a while and suddenly spoke again.


I suddenly realized that what I just said had a big loophole.

Look, I said you have nothing, but this is relative to normal dragons, but this world is not full of normal dragons.

There are also lunatics who do dragon body alchemy.

A living young dragon, for these dark alchemists, your body, your dragon soul, and even your emotions and your consciousness are all precious experimental materials.

If you are caught by them, it will be difficult for you to die, uh...

Why are you looking at me like that? I am not a dark alchemist and I will not do those things to you."

As he said, Witt saw that Finger was still looking at him vigilantly, and a hint of depression flashed across his eyes.

Why can't you control this mouth!

It was something that could be done immediately, but he had to act mean and scare the other party. Now it would be difficult to gain Finger's trust again.

Hey, that's not right!

Witt was suddenly stunned.

He only taught Finger magic and fulfilled his idea of ​​helping the dragon to the end. There was no need to care whether the other party trusted him or not.

Anyway, Finger's eyes revealed that he had a desire for power. As long as he taught, the other party would definitely learn.

Thinking of this, Witt suddenly understood.


Witt, who thought of another way to have fun, suddenly grinned.

"Believe me, I'm really not a dark alchemist.

I just want to do a small experiment. Of course, this experiment has nothing to do with you.

You don't need to know the content of the experiment, nor do you need to know the purpose of the experiment. You just need to know that if you follow my instructions, you can get the power you want.

Think about your past experiences, and think about it again. As long as you cooperate with me to do something, you will have sufficient food, powerful magic, and so on. Everything you have ever desired...

I have everything!"

Witt's words made Finger look enlightened.

Sure enough, this dragon approached him with a purpose, but the other party's purpose was completely different from that of the red dragon.

Thinking about it this way, Finger became calm.

However, he still had something to worry about.

"Will you restrict my freedom?"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes flashed with a hint of "Sure enough".

Of course, he was not messing around. Although he did have the idea of ​​playing tricks on Finger, playing was playing, and Witt would not delay the business because of playing.

After trusting and betraying again and again, Finger had lost the courage to trust.

Although teaching magic did not require Finger to trust him completely, at least he had to make the other party willing to cooperate with him. Instead of making a fuss about trust, it would be better to turn trust into a thorough transaction.

As long as Finger believed that Witt had got what he wanted in the process of teaching him magic, he would accept Witt's arrangement without any logical obstacles.

Although doing so, even if Finger grew up in the future, he would not have any gratitude for what he did, but...

Witt never intended to accept Finger's gratitude.

In the final analysis, he helped Finger not because of pity or anything else.

Yes, Finger's experience was pitiful.

However, Witt was a dragon, and dragons rarely had emotions like pity, and even if they did, it would only last for a moment.

In other words, under normal circumstances, when encountering a dragon like Finger, Witt would at most rescue him from the control of the red dragon, and then take him to another place, and then... nothing!

Finger's life and death had nothing to do with him.

땤 Witt has now done this, and even spent his own time to teach Finger magic, just because of the words that Meyer left him.

To be honest, as a teacher, Witt felt guilty about Meyer.

At first, he didn't really accept Meyer as his student, but after more than eight decades, when they met again, Meyer still treated him as his teacher...

Witt was not a stone-hearted person, how could he not feel it?

It was because he felt guilty.

He obviously didn't leave anything for Meyer, and he was not the image that Meyer said. Didn't he know this?

Of course, Meyer knew it, but he still regarded Witt as the most respected teacher.


Witt looked at Finger in front of him.

If you want it, then so be it...

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