Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1418 He is really not your father!

"...Just like that, I left that place and went to asylum at the same time."

At this point, Finger paused briefly, then laughed to himself.

"So, do you still want to teach me magic?"

"why not?"

Witte shook his tail indifferently, and then continued: "Didn't I check your blood before? Although the affinity is indeed lower than that of most dragons, it is not much lower.

If you work hard, you can still become a strong person. "

Finger was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther in disbelief.

"How is it possible that she gave me a chance, but I didn't seize it myself? I have always believed this, and now you actually tell me that my affinity is just lower than that of most dragons?"

Werther nodded, a flash of emotion flashing in his eyes.

"Trust me, I'm a professional in magic, but... you're right.

She did give you a chance, and you did not seize it.

But this is not your fault. Strictly speaking, it is not her fault either.

How to say...

You can regard what you just said as your destiny.

Twins were born from one egg, and the twin dragons were stunted. The future of the dragon was already doomed when he successfully survived the dragon egg. "

Finger looked at Werther blankly.


"It's a simple truth. Tell me, why did your mother raise you all?"

Without waiting for Finger to answer, Werther said calmly: "Because you can bring benefits to her, when you grow up, you will become her companions."

This is a giant dragon that lives in the wild all year round. After laying eggs, it is the most common choice for her to hatch them.

Of course, it’s not that I chose to hatch because of family ties.

But dragons like this are those giant dragons that are rare and kind-hearted.


With these thoughts in mind, Witte continued: "For a good companion, strength is very important, so I said that the moment you and your brother were born, your future was already decided.

If he has good talent, he will get more care, and you will be the one who is ignored.

If you are underdeveloped and cannot be cared for by her, this will not only slow down your physical development, but also cause your own talents to decline to a certain extent or delay development because they are not developed in time.

Well, how should I put it...

That’s right!

It can be described like this: You who are underdeveloped are like a baby dragon that has not yet fully conceived, but its eggshell was forcibly broken open, and you arrived at this time in advance.

녤The talent is in the stimulation stage, but it has stagnated because it was born too early.

If it gets some good care and stagnant talents are stimulated, it can still grow again. Although it is still not as good as a normal dragon, it will not be able to use a water ball.

It's a pity that this 'if' didn't happen to you.

What you are experiencing is normal. Among the twin dragons, the underdeveloped dragon has a normal experience.

The difference is that you did not experience expulsion after leaving the young dragon stage, but took the initiative to leave them, but..."

Having said this, Werther paused briefly and looked at Finger with pity.

"Leaving voluntarily will not bring you any benefits. I believe that without the adult dragon to protect the young dragon, it is destined to become the prey of other dragons or dragon beasts."

Finger lowered his head. He was still immersed in the truth in Werther's mouth. After hearing this, he came back to his senses and then gave a wry smile.

"Yes, that's it!

On the fifth day after leaving them, my luck ran out. I met a powerful Kasdramon, which could only breathe. After a fierce battle, I was seriously injured and waiting to die. The red dragon Now.

He said he liked my expression when I was fighting to the death..."

Having said this, Finger smiled bitterly.

"I originally thought that my performance won the appreciation of a strange giant dragon. Well... it was indeed appreciated.

He took me back, gave me food, and treated my injuries. When I naively thought that he would teach me and make me stronger...

He threw me in a circular arena.

And what I need to face is a hungry dragon beast.

When I saw him lying on the edge of the arena, laughing when I was injured, I finally understood that I was just a plaything!

Whether I win or lose, it doesn't matter anymore. I have only one goal, and that is to survive.

The first time I survived, he stood in front of me and wanted to make a bet with me. The bet would be my life.

Every time I survived in this arena, I was able to get food, treatment, and three months. During these three months, as long as I escaped his pursuit, he would let me go.


Finger did not continue speaking, because his expression said everything.

That bet has no meaning at all.

The red dragon was just enjoying it, giving Finger hope, and then crushed the pleasure himself.

Hearing this, Werther was silent for a moment, and then...

"It turns out...he is really not your father!"


Yuan 녤 was still in a state of confusion because he mentioned the past events again. After hearing Witte's words, he almost lost his breath again.

He talked so much, but in the end, Werther was most concerned about such unimportant things.


"I am a black dragon. Why do you always think that a red dragon will be my father?"

Finger felt a little broken inside.

I don’t know what this dragon thinks of him, but this dragon is really poisonous, the kind that makes the dragon want to beat him up... a cheap dragon!

Werther noticed the expression on Finger's face, but gave him a confused look.

"She didn't tell you about your father?

꿯When I checked your blood before, I found that although you are a black dragon, you are half of the red dragon blood, but you just didn't show it! "

Finger was shocked.

"I'm actually half red dragon blood?"

Werther rolled his eyes.

"It's necessary for me to lie to you. Besides, I'm a professional!"

It took Finger a long time to respond, and then he smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, half red dragon blood is half red dragon blood. It doesn't mean much to me. Besides, that dragon is really not my father."

Werther nodded.

"Yeah, I know!"

Witte did know, but he did think that the red dragon was Finger's father at first. Finger denied it just because of the way the other party treated him.

However, when Finger said that he had lived with his mother for a period of time, he could be sure that the red dragon was not Finger's father.

Because, if two dragons raise the dragon eggs together, even if they are dragons living in the wild, even if they are twin dragons, Finger will not be so miserable.

Finger's encounter with the red dragon later only proved that he had nothing to do with the red dragon...

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