Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1416 I believe you will tell me!

"What did you say?"

After hearing Werther's words, Finger answered quickly this time.

"I said, you better get out of here!"

There was a touch of anxiety, a touch of worry, and... a touch of fear in Finger's tone!

Hearing this, Werther raised his brows, and the image of the red dragon appeared in his mind. He looked at Finger in front of him, and there was a hint of sympathy in his eyes.

Giant dragons in the wild, even if they are accompanied by their mother, their lives are not that good!

Noticing Werther's gaze, Finger suddenly felt a chill in his body. Although he knew what Werther was thinking, he definitely misunderstood something!

Sure enough, I heard Werther say: "Don't worry, I'm afraid you will kiss me."

As he spoke, Werther grinned and showed a bright smile.

Finger's face darkened and he almost couldn't breathe.

"He is my dear!"

The voice was very sharp, I didn't know whether it was because of anger or fear.

Hearing this, Werther smiled and comforted him: "Okay, okay, you said 놊 is 늀놊, why are you so anxious!"

For giant dragons in the wild, 꿵’s mother 놊 recognizes 떚, and 떚놊 recognizes 꿵’s mother. That 놊 is a normal thing꼊!

Since Finger is so repulsive, then let's just assume that the red dragon is his relative and it's not a big deal.

After hearing Witte's words, Finger subconsciously wanted to emphasize again that the red dragon was not his relative. However, he quickly realized that it was time to struggle with this.

"You have to get out of here...well..."

However, before he could finish his words, something was stuffed into his open mouth. It felt cold in his mouth and through his heart, followed by a smooth, tender and sweet taste.

Before he could taste anything more, his mouth was already empty.

Then, his eyes subconsciously looked at the iceberg in front of Werther.

"The taste of meat will be the same if it is frozen for the same time. However, if it is frozen for too long, the meat will be just a piece of frozen meat.

So 뀪, 놊놚 don’t waste time, hurry up and eat together.

I will wait for you specially. "

As he spoke, Werther swallowed all the meat slices on the ice pile like a storm, and then cut out some more meat slices and put them on top, counting them softly in his mouth.

It was obvious that Witte was enjoying the food seriously.

Finger was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then a flash of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Are you strong?"

Werther raised his eyebrows, and there was a lot of time difference. He grabbed a piece of meat and stuffed it into Finger's mouth. Then he also had a piece, chewing and talking.


After a slight pause, Witte continued: "It depends on how you define it. Below the legend, I am invincible, above the legend..."

Werther looked at Finger, who was looking at him expectantly, and Werther grinned.

"I ran away super fast!"


The expression on Finger's face froze, and then he asked tentatively: "Then the red dragon in your mouth..."

"There is no doubt that he is a legend!"

Finger was heartbroken, but he soon turned his understanding eyes to Werther.

On the other hand, Werther stuffed a piece of meat into Finger's mouth again, and then Werther said while eating: "I know what you are thinking, you want me to save you, right?"

After saying that, Werther paused again and denied himself: "놊Yes, 놊 should be said to be salvation. To be more precise, it should be, to die together!"

As he said that, Viterrao looked at Finger with interest.

"You didn't remind me at first that there was a powerful red dragon around here. Come to think of it, deep down in your heart, what you most want to see is that I die with him, and then you can be free.

Even if we die together, if I can catch his eyes firmly, you can also escape.

Until, I cured your injury and did not leave immediately. Instead, I continued to help you get food here. You made a decision.

Tell me the existence of that red dragon.

So, what is the purpose of this time?

Do you want me to fight him, or... do you simply want me to leave?

It should be both! "

Finger lowered his head and flew into the air, silently speaking.

Witte saw this and chuckled.

"You don't have to be nervous. Since I can say these words so quietly, it means that I don't care about the little calculations in your heart.

Since I discovered the red dragon and did not leave, it means that I have thoughts about the red dragon.

As for what the idea is...

This has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that I have no ill intentions towards you. "

"Who knows?"

As soon as Werther finished speaking, Finger's voice rang out, his tone low and full of confusion.

The last one he thought was a dragon that could save him from danger, but in the end he just used him as a plaything for his pleasure. Who can guarantee him what the giant dragon in front of him is?

Lies and traps can only be pure malice, or they can be wrapped with a layer of sweet honey, giving hope, and then shattered with his own hands. He has experienced this twice.

So, no one can guarantee it!

And he... didn't dare to believe it anymore.

Werther looked at Finger, who was wrapped in confusion, with a flash of curiosity in his eyes.

"It seems that you have a lot of stories on your body. Can you tell me? To be honest, I'm a little curious."

Finger remained silent.

Seeing this, Witt felt a little regretful, but soon he cheered up and said with a smile: "I believe you will tell me!"

As he said that, Witt turned his eyes to the ice pile and then exclaimed.

"Oh no, while you were busy talking, all the meat was frozen into ice. It can be wasted, it can be wasted..."

While muttering, Witt took the meat on it and then...stuffed it into Finger's mouth.

The cold feeling constantly stimulated Finger's mouth, which was slightly painful. The pieces of meat also lost their previous sweetness, and the remaining only had a hard touch.

He subconsciously wanted to spit out the meat, but his mouth seemed to be welded shut and could not be opened at all.

Finger's eyes were wide open.

While looking at Witt and listening to him muttering "It can't be wasted", his mind was naturally reminiscent of the previous experience.

When he was on the verge of life and death, it suddenly appeared and deliberately frightened him.

It was obviously to help him with treatment, but he never heard the word "treatment" from beginning to end, which made him think from the bottom of his heart that this dragon wanted to eat him.

While he was sleeping, it turned into a newly hatched dragon and went to the river to chase the Persian dragon beast (fish).

Thinking of this, Finger finally confirmed an idea that had appeared in his mind earlier...

This dragon must be poisonous!


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