Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1414 He doesn't look very smart!

A strange dragon!

After Finger realized this, instead of showing surprise, 꿯땤 was full of vigilance.

In 놛's memory, there is no dragon that can give 놛 a positive impression.

However, Finger, who was only in the form of a young dragon, faced an adult dragon. All he could do was grin his mouth, bar his teeth, and stare at the opponent fiercely.


"Well, that's a very wrong expression!"

Hearing this, Finger's heart suddenly sank.

Memories from long ago came to mind.

It’s the same encounter with a powerful dragon beast, the same state of preparation for a fight to the death, the same scene of an adult dragon appearing, the same sentence.

The only difference is the way the two dragons appear.

At that moment, a full-grown red dragon landed in front of 놛, trampling on the body of the dragon beast casually, and brought its huge head close to 놛's body.

"What a wrong expression!"

A simple sentence laid the foundation for the cruel life of 놛굛뎃 in the future.

땤Now, these words are once again spat out from the mouth of a strange adult dragon. What will be waiting for 놛? A more cruel life, or...

Finger looked at the giant dragon in front of him with a ferocious expression. Since he has decided to fight to the death, what does it matter whether the enemy is a dragon beast or a dragon?

Thinking like this, Finger opened his mouth and sprayed a thick black liquid towards Lailong's face...

Witte was stunned for a moment, looking at the black dragon cub in front of him, a strange look flashed across his face.

"Yeah, I'm trying to scare you. Do you want me to fight to the death?"

Witte could clearly feel that there was a sense of determination in the eyes of this black dragon cub. 놊 meant life, 늀 meant death, but he was facing 놛, so he was more determined to die.

More important than this, the important thing is that Werther is mysophobic. The breath of the black dragon corrodes the mud. This is the breath that Werther hates the most among all the breaths of the dragon.

Werther will definitely let this kind of breath fall on himself.

Therefore, a white flame appeared without any warning on the path that corroded the mud, easily annihilating it into ashes.

"Boy, do you want to duel with me?

There is a price to pay for a duel with me, well, let me think about it... I have it! "

As he spoke, Werther grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Young dragon!

It is the time when the meat of a giant dragon is the most tender.


If you lose, you will be my next meal.

how? "

Hearing this, Finger sneered.


Do you still need a reason to eat 놛?

Sure enough, all the giant dragons in this world are cruel, evil, and bloodthirsty existences, without exception!

With this thought in his mind, Finger kept breathing towards the giant dragon in front of him. It was because he wanted to fight in his own way, but...

놛 can only breathe!

But without any intention, the opponent lay there motionless, allowing him to attack at will, with only the white flames appearing and disappearing, but accurately blocking all Finger's breath.

Finger's movements became slower and slower, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, his eyes became more and more hollow, and his heart... was completely dead!

What makes 놛 feel the saddest is that 놛 escaped for so long, but in the end he became the food of a passing dragon.

See you again, this damn world...

Witte looked at the black dragon cub in front of him, who kept breathing until he fainted, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

Although he is a little thin, and although he has an inexplicable world-weariness, his tenacious character has already taken the form of a qualified dragon.


I also ask you to look at dragons like me sparingly in the future.


Looking at the black dragon cub in front of him, Maier's last words consciously appeared in Werther's mind, and the hesitation in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Now that we have met, it is fate. You are lucky!"

As he spoke, Witte used his mental energy to catch the black dragon cub, and then prepared to fly towards a river in the distance.

Afterwards, after taking off, Witte suddenly frowned and looked behind him.


늀Just now, 놛 seemed to feel a voyeuristic gaze.

After thinking for a moment, Werther's eyes flickered slightly, and then he continued to fly in the direction of the river.

땤After Witte left for a while, a red dragon came out of the forest.

Shining golden eyes stared at the direction in which Werther left.

The corners of 놛's mouth raised slightly.

"Things are getting interesting!"

"A red dragon..."

Witte thought about the situation he had just discovered, and looked down at the black dragon cub that was restrained in his claws by 놛's spiritual power, with a flash of thinking in his eyes.

Of course, that red dragon is quite powerful and is a legend.

If the other party deliberately avoids it and probes at will, the other party will definitely notice it.

In order to arouse the enemy, Witte did not use conventional detection methods. When he left, he placed a water dragon's eye in the clouds.


Without even the slightest awareness of guarding against detection, this dragon is also a wild man.

A legendary low-level dragon from the wild...

Werther grinned, with a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

Of course, it doesn't mean that wild dragons are weak. There is a certain pattern between the strength of dragons cultivated by the system and wild dragons.

In the young dragon stage, the former is strong and the latter is weaker, because of actual combat experience.

From the young dragon to the green dragon stage, the former is weaker and the latter is stronger. This is because the former begins to systematically improve combat experience, while the latter can only explore the application of magic on their own.

After the mature stage, there is basically no big difference between the two.

The former has rich combat experience, and the latter has explored the most suitable magic combat routine for itself. The specific victory or defeat depends on the performance of both sides.

But this is under normal circumstances.

Witt has always been in the normal ranks, so his target is also normal, that is, dragons of the same age or level.

There are a lot of enemies provoked, and Witt's imaginary enemy has always been a realm higher than him.

Previously, Egbert was used as a trial item by Witt. Unfortunately, this item was a bit too smart. Apart from the first quick meeting, there was no chance to use it again.

Now, the second item appeared, and it seemed too smart. Maybe, he could use it as a sharpening tool!

Thinking of this, Witt became more excited.


Looking down at the black dragon in its claws again, Witt suppressed the excitement in his eyes.

Now it was time to arrange the red dragon.

The one that needed to be arranged the most was this black dragon cub...

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